Misiunea Liberă

Isus Hristos este acelaşi ieri, azi şi în veci. Evrei 13:8


Johannesburg » October 16, 2016 10:00

God willing all the meetings with Brother Frank in South Africa will be live on the internet on www.sentinelwaves.net . Below is the schedule of the meetings and the time is in UTC +2.
1. Saturday 8 October in Pretoria at 15h00.
2. Sunday 9 October in Cape Town at 15h00.
3. Monday 10 October in Port Elizabeth at 18h00.
4. Tuesday 11 October in East London at 18h00.
5. Wednesday 12 in Durban at 18h30.
6. Sunday 16 October in Johannesburg at 10h00.

Locul: Johannesburg - Parkhill Lodge, Parkhill Gardens, Germiston, South Africa

Contact: BRO. JOE MOTIKA, +27-84-540-9822

Predici de la această întâlnire

No recordings or transcriptions from this meeting yet, please come back later.