Free People's mission

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. Heb.13.8


Many things considered self-evident have been found to be just the opposite. In reality, nothing is self-evident.

For the overwhelming majority within Christendom the traditional teaching about the Trinity is »self-evident«, moreover, if someone does not believe this doctrine, that person will certainly not be recognised. For the Jews it is absolutely unacceptable. They can only belief what God said and what the prophets taught. For them strict monotheism — the belief in only one unique God, besides Whom there is no other — is the highest and first commandment which must never be broken. The teaching about different persons is seriously in opposition to the first commandment, which came forth from the lips of God Himself. For Muslims to believe that God, whom they call Allah, has a son in heaven is the most terrible blasphemy on earth. The main utterance of faith in Islam is, »There is no God except Allah!«

What is self-evident for some, is not for others. Conformity is found in the respective religions and denominations of which there are many, proclaiming they are right.

If the unscriptural terminology »Trinity« was in the New Testament and signified that God manifested Himself for our salvation as our Father in heaven, as our Redeemer in Christ the Son on earth, and through the Holy Spirit, then one could tolerate the same. But when it means that the eternal God brought into existence a second and a third person of God, and these three are one in everything, then we have to research such a teaching and ask, »Where is it found in the Bible?« The answer to this question is, »Nowhere!« Secondly we must know when and how such teachings and ideas began. In literature concerning this theme many things, which never occurred, can be read. We cannot go into detail about them, but it should be understood by all that »unscriptural terminology« cannot contain »scriptural truth«. Many have had the courage to deal with this subject critically and are asking, if those who represent the Trinity, even know what they believe and how they can comprehend one God in three persons?

In the »Catechism of the Catholic Church« concerning the subject of the Trinity, on pg. 66, § 251 we read the following, »In order to articulate the dogma of the Trinity, the Church had to develop its own terminology with the help of certain notions of philosophical origin: ”substance,” ”person” or ”hypostasis,” ”relation,” and so on. …« Admittedly hypothetical, philosophical terms were used to formulate the Trinity dogma. Paul warned us against philosophy (Col. 2: 8). Philosophers can use their philosophy as they like, but please, not about God. What has philosophy to do with the Almighty? »origin without origin«; and the other two have their origin in Him etc. It must be seriously asked: Does God, how ever understood, exist from eternity in heaven as three individual divine persons of the same substance? Is that even possible? »The affirmation of the filioque* does not appear in the Creed confessed in 381 at Constantinople. (This is very interesting in regards to time). But Pope St. Leo I, following an ancient Latin and Alexandrian tradition, had already confessed it dogmatically in 447 (so late?), even before Rome, in 451 at the Council of Chalcedon, came to recognise and receive the Symbol of 381. The use of this formula in the Creed was gradually admitted into the Latin liturgy (between the eighth and eleventh centuries) (that means about a thousand years after the apostles). The introduction of the filioque* into the Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed by the Latin liturgy constitutes moreover, even today, a point of disagreement with the Orthodox Churches.«

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There are different teachings among the Orthodox Church and the Church of Rome: For instance, how the Holy Ghost as a person came into being, namely whether from the Father alone or proceeding from the Father and the Son. On page 65, § 247, in the same catechism we find the following statement,

All versions of how the Holy Spirit came into existence and about the Godhead in general are concepts of the mind. What has a Latin liturgy, a creed that was made into a dogma so late in history, to do with Christ and the apostles? Nothing. Every revelation of God is a reality and is found and witnessed in His Word. God did not explain Himself, He is too glorious for our knowledge (Job 36: 26). He revealed Himself, but still remains hidden to many. called »the mystery of God’s life within the Blessed Trinity«, a »theologia« which is revealed unto us by the »oikonomia« (Catechism of the Catholic Church, pg. 62, § 236). This is in itself contradictory, because if the Almighty is divided into three, we no longer have one Almighty. We also would love to think that one Almighty, Eternal, Omniscient God who is omnipresent would be sufficient by Himself. This one Eternal God has, as Scripture overwhelmingly reports, only spoken by Himself, never to another person. Even when He swore, He only did it by Himself. The following serve as examples: Thus saith the Lord, »By myself have I sworn …« (Gen. 22: 16). »I have sworn by myself …« (Isa. 45: 23). »The Lord God hath sworn by himself …« (Am. 6: 8). Heb. 6: 13 confirms that whenever God wants to emphasise something with an oath, He always does it by Himself. God’s concern is that we hear the penetrating words of His mouth, »Unto thee it was shown, that thou mightest know that the Lord, he is God; there is none else beside him. Know therefore this day, and consider it in thine heart, that the Lord, he is God in heaven above, and upon the earth beneath; there is none else.« (Dt. 4: 35 + 39).

Men have fought even unto death over this theme. What does God Himself have to say? That is our question. Men say many confusing things about God; what He says about Himself is clear , and that is what we wish to look at. Is He one God only who manifests Himself in the New Testament as Father above us, in the Son with us, in the Holy Spirit in us, or are there three different persons who agree as one? What does the Scripture have to say? There is no other authority for anyone who truly believes God.

The classic teaching of the Trinity has been believed and adopted by all churches including those held by the state, that all three persons are equally great, equally almighty, equally omniscient and also equally eternal. Where do we find this taught in the Bible? Nowhere! It is

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