Free People's mission

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. Heb.13.8


Circular letter 12/2003 / Ewald Frank

13. Special anniversary meetings April 3rd and April 4th, 2004

Should the LORD tarry, we would like to have three special meetings on the first weekend in April 2004, Saturday evening, Sunday morning, and Sunday afternoon.

It was forty years ago in 1964, when I made my first trip to the Lebanon, Israel, and India, but with these planned meetings we would like to commemorate, with gratitude, the inauguration of the church building thirty years ago here at the Mission Center in Krefeld.

It was at the beginning of April 1974, when we were able to dedicate this place of worship to Almighty God for the blessing of His people. From over thirty countries visitors have been with us to hear the Word of God. Usually our meetings on the first weekend of every month are simultaneously translated into twelve different languages. The God of heaven has in His work abundantly exceeded anything that we could ever have asked or hoped for. His name is to be glorified and magnified for ever and ever.

For this great event we should like to extend the direct invitation to all brethren worldwide who share in the international ministries.

With this I would like to offer a special invitation to Rev. Pearry Green to be with us during that time, and also to all the brothers on the North American continent and, of course, from all over the world.

It would also be much appreciated if Billy Paul and Joseph Branham, and also Brother George Smith could be with us during that time.

Together we shall pray that the will of God be done on earth as it is in heaven. We want to make sure, above all, that our dear LORD Jesus Christ is invited to be with us.

All who can pay for their own trip are welcome. On account of past experiences and disappointments we have to clearly state that we simply cannot send tickets to hundreds of ministers in the various countries who might not be able to pay their fare. They will simply have to be content with the videos that will be sent to them. Thank you very much for your understanding.

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