Free People's mission

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. Heb.13.8


Circular letter 12/2003 / Ewald Frank

11. Appendix

After reading the manuscript in its entirety, I decided to include the quotations of Brother Branham pertaining to the subject of the »food «, so that all might receive a better understanding of the calling and ministry.

It is very significant that the first time Brother Branham speaks about the storing in of the food is on April 1st, 1962. With God and His Kingdom there are no coincidences. Brother Branham saw in a vision that he was carrying big barrels of natural food items, which he listed individually, into the tabernacle. At just about the same time, before sunrise on April 2nd, 1962, the LORD spoke to me and named exactly the same groceries, which led us to put natural food in store.

Now a few quotes of Brother Branham, “HE said, ‘Store in plenty of it … Go back and store up food!’ … And here’s where the food being stored up … HE’ll direct everything just exactly to its course. That’s the reason He sent me back to do this. ‘Store up the food here!’ HE forbid me to go overseas … A voice said to me, ‘Bring in food. Store it in!’ … Do you remember now the vision?… I was supposed to go to Zurich, Switzerland, with Brother Arganbright … I told the brethren before it happened, ‘I will not go!’”

In prayer Brother Branham said, “Just awhile ago when you showed the vision of this little tabernacle here … but to store up food that there would come a time when this would all be needed … But You said, ‘Store up this food here for the time.’ LORD,reverently I have tried to do that.”

I replied,“LORD, they will not hear me, they do have all things in plenty, they live in abundance and are not ready to listen.”

Thereupon the LORD spoke again, “My servant, the time will come when they will hear you. Store in food and groceries, for a great famine is coming. Then thou shalt stand amidst the people to give out the food.”

But no famine came and therefore I fell into great despair. I had announced the famine in the church and was no longer willing to preach. I asked the LORD to give me an answer. With the last hope of receiving my answer I finally decided to fly to the USA and to speak with Brother Branham, because I knew that God was showing and revealing things to him.

At the end of November I made the trip. On December 3rd, 1962, I met with Brother Branham. Without being previously told, he actually repeated word for word what the LORD had spoken to me on April 2nd. He then said, “Brother Frank, you misunderstood what the LORD has spoken to you and you have put natural groceries in store. God will send a famine to hear His Word and the food that you are to put in store is the promised Word for this age which God has revealed and is kept in the messages which are on tapes.”

Only then,after pausing for just a moment, Brother Branham said, “Brother Frank, wait with the giving out of the food until you get the rest of it.”

This part I did not understand, but I obeyed and all the tapes were stored here in Krefeld as well. When the time was fulfilled, they were translated, duplicated, and printed. My father was fluent in four languages, so I grew up with multiple languages. Later in life I picked up others as well. In the Krefeld Mission Center we have all the languages needed for translations.

Beloved brothers and sisters, dear friends, think about it and reflect on the thought: Brother Branham saw himself in a vision, putting large barrels of different kinds of food in store. But with that being accomplished, the food was not yet served at the LORD’s table. It was only stored in until the time of the spiritual famine would come. Within the true Church of Jesus Christ the following is now being fulfilled: Man does not live by bread alone, but by every Word as it came forth from the Mouth of the Almighty. The full Word was preserved for the time of the famine. He that has an ear, let him hear.

When this ministry started, the food was not poured out by the basketful here and there, but rather was correctly proportioned according to the Word and was given out as a full-course meal in every sermon worldwide, to satisfy those who hunger and thirst for God.

There is no way anyone could bypass God. Also a calling and commission cannot be bypassed without suffering the consequences!

Whoever thinks to have the right to handle the Word – the message of the hour according to his own discretion — and all know what kind of confusion this has led to within the message — blasphemes God and despises His counsel. Remember what the prophet said, “Doing God a service without it being His will …”

All may judge for themselves if they can stand without condemnation in the presence of God. It weighed heavy upon me to say this for the sake of the elect. Maybe the time has come for some to make the right decision. It is not too late for correction as long as we are still in the time of grace. Now everyone knows that I do not have the need to invent something subsequently. The direct quotes from the lips of Brother Branham confirm that everything was foretold before it came to pass. Nevertheless, I am aware of the fact that all who have decided not to believe will not consider what is being said, be it by witnesses, or even if someone rose from the dead (Lk. 16:30-31). They cannot believe, their personal pride will not permit it. All I can do is to confirm once again in the name of the LORD Jesus Christ, that my testimony is just as true as the testimony of the Apostle Paul and the one of the Prophet William Branham. God Himself has confirmed it throughut all the past years and the whole earth is a witness thereof. Thank you for letting me be of service to you in the name of the LORD.

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