Mission Populaire Libre

Jésus-Christ est le même hier, aujourd'hui et éternellement" (Hèbreux 13:8)


Circular letter 12/2003 / Ewald Frank

5. Facts are convincing

I succeeded in convincing Rev. Pearry Green, who was still shaken, that now another phase had begun. And because the brethren Woods and Sothmann confirmed what Brother Branham told me, he took courage and accepted my invitation to come to Europe and testify of what he had seen and experienced in Brother Branham’s ministry. Right afterward in 1966/1967 I arranged 35 meetings in six different European countries, where I preached and Brother Green gave his testimony. Since 1968 I also preached in all the Eastern European countries behind the iron curtain and then all around the world. According to God’s foreknowledge and plan, the successive ministry given to me by the LORD took its course. That is the way the new beginning was made after the presumed ending.

The prophetic ministry had to be followed by a teaching ministry. The question arises, whether the food was given out at the right time, as the LORD Himself said in His Word, “Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his Lord hath made ruler over his household, to give them meat in due season?… ” (Mt.24:45-47;Lk.12:42-44). The Bride Church is now living in this last part of the time of grace according to the divine order. We realise that God’s revealed Word is now given to all the brethren who also give out the spiritual food in due season. This commandment is fulfilled directly before Mt.25 takes place, so that the wise virgins are being prepared, they receive the Word of truth, are filled with the Holy Spirit and also sealed thereby. They are the ones who ultimately will make it to the marriage supper. Whosoever does not recognise this is still living in his own thoughts, outside of what God is presently doing. No one should think in his heart, “My Lord delayeth his coming … ” The LORD does not delay His promise, but first all Scripture must be fulfilled. There is always an exodus — a calling-out — and also a going-in to the promises of God.

The way of the New Testament Church is foreordained right to the end. Paul was not hesitant to speak about his calling and commission. For me it is not that easy. But if this decisive moment has come, let it be done to the Glory of the LORD. The concern is the responsibility towards God, which has been laid upon me. There is no other preacher or ministry on earth that could claim to be directly connected by God’s foreknowledge to the ministry of Brother Branham.

I have carried the true divine message throughout all these years into all the world. I have preached Jesus Christ and proclaimed the Word, not the interpretations. The prophet of this generation I mention as I do Moses and Elijah, Peter and Paul. In my life and ministry there were high mountains and dark valleys. How could it be otherwise? As it was with our LORD, so are also His servants set for some to rise, for others to fall (Lk.2:34-38); to some a sweet savour to life and to others a savour unto death (2.Cor. 2:14-17); for some I am called by the LORD to be a servant of Christ, to others a misleader of the Bride, a deceiver of men, even the antichrist in person, sitting on the combine.

What truly counts in the eyes of the elect is their own predestination and also that of a servant of God, which extends over his ministry and life (Rom.8:28-39). Should then be fulfilled what our LORD said, “Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword … ” (Mt.10:34-36), then it is part of the chapter where the LORD sent out the twelve apostles. Wherever the sword penetrates, the division can go right through the family and the ones of his own household can turn into his enemies. It can also happen as it did with Job, that only the ash heap remains. We have to consider the fact that all such attacks of the enemy are meant for destruction. Therefore, under the enemy’s influence, reconciliation and forgiveness are being set aside, and hatred and enmity are being established.

If a servant experiences what his Master did, of Whom it is said that he was despised and rejected by men (Isa.53), then one should be content. The scribes rejected our LORD, they used the most degrading titles; even after His resurrection they called Him a “deceiver ” (Mt.27:63). They said to Him, “We are not born in fornication.” They accused Him, saying “Thouart a Samaritan and hast a devil.” The LORD addressed them, saying, “Why do ye not understand my speech?” HE also gave the answer, “Even because ye cannot hear my word.” HE then told the religious Jews, “Ye are of your father the devil … he was a murderer from the beginning ” (Jn.8). The spiritual conflict always takes place whenever God does something on earth. That is how it was in the days of Moses, and it was inflicted by those who also played a part in the worship service, but had the desire to be something special. Thus it was in the time of our LORD, and so is it now.

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