Szabad Népmisszió

Jézus Krisztus tegnap és ma és mindörökké ugyanaz (Zsid.13:8)

nyelv :

Circular letter 12/2003 / Ewald Frank

3. Is it now the same?!

How is it now? The promise of Mal.4:5-6,which our LORD confirmed to still be in the future after the ministry of John the Baptist was completed, is fulfilled in our time.“And Jesus answered and said unto them, Elias truly shall first come,and restore all things.” (Mt.17:11;Mk.9:12). This is the most significant ministry promised to the Church now in the end-time, which had to happen before the Return of Christ.That is the truth — whether someone believes it or not,whether it is accepted or rejected.God is bound to His Word,He keeps what He promises. The answer of our LORD Jesus is valid and not the argumentation of the scholars. Only those who believe as the Scripture actually says will have part in what God is now doing.Whoever believes that both promises — the one of him who should prepare His way at His first coming (Mal.3:1)and the one about the prophet Elijah,who should come just before the great and dreadful “Day of the LORD ” — were already fulfilled back then is in direct opposition to what the LORD Jesus said and what the gospels confirm.The truth is that John min- istered in the power and spirit of Elijah (Lk.1:15-20)and therefore was also called Elijah.

John the Baptist stepped on the scene at the commencement of the “Day of salvation ” ((Isa.49:6-9;2.Cor.6:2;a.o.).Since then two thousand years have come and gone and the terrible “Day of the LORD ”,when the sun shall shine no more and the moon turn into blood and the stars will fall from heaven (Isa.13:4-10;Joel 2;Zeph.1:14-18;Mal.4:1-6;Mt.24:29;Acts 2:20; 1.Thess.5:1-3;Rev.6:12-17),when the world shall be in flames (2.Pet. 3:10;a.o.),has not yet been.The “Day of the LORD ” shall come as a thief in the night.It will commence at the moment the time of grace,the “Day of salvation ” ends. Only if we believe God and His Word we shall be granted to understand it the way it is truly meant. Whoever does not believe what the Scripture promises for this time cannot get the revelation thereof. God does not permit anyone to present their own interpretations of Bible proph- ecies (2.Pet.1:16-21).The most excellent interpretation is actually the blinding work of the enemy,who distracts from the fulfilment of what God has promised.God watches over His Word to fulfil it with those who be- lieve,as soon as the time has come.

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