Internet summary video - august 2007
/ Ewald Frank
Language: english
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Beloved brothers in Christ,
I greet you from the International Mission Centre in Krefeld, Germany. We look back to a weekend of very, very special meetings. People came from all over Europe, from African countries, even from South American countries, we just praise God for what he does at our time.
The main subject was the responsibility that we do have before God. All brethren, in the Old Testament the prophets, in the New Testament the apostles, had a direct call to the ministry, a commission, and therefore they were in the direct will of God according to the plan of salvation. We emphasised that for instance Moses had a tremendous responsibility in his day, as no-one else living on earth at that time. We continues with Joshua who also had a divine responsibility as no-one else at his time. And friends, we made the step right to the beginning of the New Testament when John the Baptist had his ministry. He was a promised prophet, and therefore the only one with a divine responsibility in his day, at his time. There was no other person living on earth, having that divine commission in fulfilment of the prophetic scriptures, which referred to him – Isaiah 40:3 and Mal. 3:1.
Then we showed how the apostle Peter, as the man of God of the first hour, on the day of Pentecost, when the New Testament church came into existence, when the heaven opened and the Holy Spirit came down and the first sermon had to be preached. We emphasised that the last sermon, under the anointing of the same Holy Spirit, would have to be the same as the first one was. The last baptism will have to be the same as the first one was. Then we spoke about apostle Paul who received a direct commission, you can read it three times in the Book of Acts, especially in chapter 26, from verse 13, where this man of God gives his testimony about his experience, about the call and the commission he received. Beloved, we recognise what God has done in the past and we also acknowledge what God is presently doing.
Then we came as far as the Isle of Pathmos where John the beloved was taken there and was shown all things right to the New Heaven and the new Earth. Beloved brothers, preachers, servants of God, there was no other person living on earth at that time, having the same responsibility. God always chooses one man and this one man is a man sent from God, with the message of God, to the people of God.
And friends, if we should only know what God has done in the past, three thousand eight hundred years ago or two thousand years ago, we would be in a very sad situation. But beloved, we have to speak about it. God gave the promise of what should take place before the return of Christ, before the great and terrible day of the Lord would be. We all understand the promises given by God Almighty must be fulfilled. So in our time, William Branham, God’s servant and prophet was called as no-one else in our time. Let me emphasise and say that again: God’s callings must be respected by God’s people and they will be respected for our Lord said: “If you receive a prophet in the name of a prophet, then you shall receive the reward of a prophet”.
So we understand that we live in a very, very important time. In fact, it is the climax, the greatest time of all history and especially the greatest time in the plan of salvation when the Lord God Himself competes His work, His redemption work, as He completed His work of creation. In the redemption, as we already said, the beginning was with John the Baptist’s ministry, introducing Jesus Christ, as the Lamb of God that carries away the sins of the world.
Then we see apostle Peter on the first day, just preaching the true Word of God, the gospel of Jesus Christ. Then we see the apostle Paul putting all things into the divine order in the church of Jesus Christ, all the ministries, all the gifts, apostle Paul was used in a very special way. Then, as I mentioned, it was John, the beloved, who was taken to the Isle of Pathmos. I was on the Isle of Pathmos in 1982, reading the 22 chapters of Revelation, weeping and praying that God should reveal to me as He did to John and to brother Branham.
Now, dear friends, coming to the very important point for our day. God made a promise: I will send you Elijah the prophet before the great and dreadful day of the Lord comes. I know from the Scriptures and from the testimony of brother Branham, confirmed by the many, many supernatural things which happened in his life and ministry that he was the promised prophet, and the message given to him with all the promises of God’s Word should forerun the second coming of Christ. Now, we understand a responsibility brother Branham had in his day, in our time, as no-one else on the face of the Earth. Please don’t dispute this, just submit to the will of God and recognise the day and the message God finally gave to us to be called out, to be prepared, to be brought back again into full harmony with the Word of God which remains forever.
At the same time, we understand the responsibility that is now with us. And beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I am aware of this responsibility. I am aware of the fact that we have received the greatest revelation of all times. And God used brother Brahman to open the seven seals, to preach and to teach the Bible in its original form just as we have it here. He took the Bible up like this and said, “this is my absolute.” So all the things which were made known and revealed to brother Branham from the Holy Scriptures, they are found in the message of the hour. And we must not add anything to the Scripture or to the message, but make the Scripture the message and the message the Scripture and see that all is in perfect harmony. And beloved, I say this again, because of the direct divine call I received on April 2, 1962, I do have a direct responsibility before God to spread the message of the hour, crystal clear, all over the Earth to all nations. And I just wish for you to understand our responsibility and also your responsibility to stay within the Word of God, to be found in the will of God. May the Lord bless you and may He be with you.
I forgot to tell you about the meetings we had in July 2007 in nine special cities and 21 meetings, the total was between 75 and 80 thousand who heard the Word of God in five countries within July 2007.
May God bless you, the Word does not return void but accomplishes by God’s grace what it is sent for. The dear Lord be with you all over the Earth in Jesus’ holy name. Amen.