Internet Summary August 2006
/ Ewald Frank

Beloved friends, dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
I greet you in the precious name of our Lord.
We do look back to a very blessed weekend, we shared God’s Word with many people and a number joined in around the world by the Internet to hear and to participate in the teaching ministry that God, by His grace, has given to us.
If we look into the things which are now happening, especially Israel, Lebanon, Syria and Iran and the whole area, we come to know more and more, then the Bible prophecy that was predicted is now coming to fulfilment, we just have to say we are not only living in the end times, we are living right at the end of those things which have to happen before and around the return of Christ.
As far as the Church – the Bride is concerned, we have to come back to the Bible pattern in all things, there is just no way to reach perfection, no way to meet the Lord without spot and wrinkle unless we come back to the Word of God, to the true Bible pattern and to the experiences with God that our brothers and sisters had at the very beginning. A true conversion, a true renewing by the Holy Spirit, a new birth, the infilling of the Holy Spirit, the anointing, and then, of course, after we receive the Word of Truth, we should and must and will be sealed by the Holy Spirit unto the day of our redemption. Time is getting short, time is getting serious. We understand, by God’s Word, that there had to be a prophet before the day of salvation ends, and before the day of judgement, the day of the Lord will break forth. And we also understand that bro. William Branham was a man sent from God, a true prophet through whose ministry was accomplished what God promised in His Holy Word – I will send you Elijah to restore all things. Restoration means to bring back to the original position and I believe, after bro. Branham was taken to be with the Lord, at the end of December 1965, that God of Heaven had ordained for me to take the same message, in agreement with all of God’s Word, without a single interpretation to the ends of the world. We understand that every interpretation cuts us off from the Will and Word of God and makes us submitting to the will of the enemy as it was in the Garden of Eden with Eve. We cannot go into the things today, but what you should read, beloved brothers and sisters, is the text which I will have in my next brochure, from 2.Tim, chapter 4, maybe first, of course, chapter 4 – “Preach the word; be diligent in season and out of season”, but also especially 2.Tim, chapter 2, the last two verses - “In meekness instructing those that oppose him; if God perhaps will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth”. And now comes the most important statement, “And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will.” If you read what apostle Paul has written to Timothy about those brothers who present wrong teachings, some said the resurrection has already taken place, so they deviated from the truth, believing the error, being cut off from the life line with God, submitting to the will of the enemy, which is always found in the interpretation. And God said, “In the beginning was the Word” – and the life of God is in the Word, a germ of life is in the Word. And the Word must be sown into our hearts and the life that is in the Word must come up.
Now in reference to Israel, beloved, we just watch the things very closely, and I’d like to read from Amos, chapter 9, the last two verses, “And I will bring them again out of captivity, my people Israel, and they shall build the waste cities, and inhabit them; and they shall plant vineyards, and drink the wine; they shall also make gardens, and eat the fruit of them.“ Verse 15, “And I will plant them upon their land, and they shall no more be pulled up out of their land which I have given them, saith the LORD thy God.” Israel is in the promised land, Israel is being brought back to the promised land from 143 countries and they shall never be plucked out again. But something is going to happen with Israel which we do not like, but it has to be…there will be a contract between Rome and Israel and the Arab nations surrounding Jerusalem and Israel and the contract will be over Jerusalem. I’d like to read to you what happened in 1947 when the UN Resolution No. 181 was pronounced that the Vatican together with Ireland, Portugal, Spain, and Italy, the catholic countries of Europe, tried to put Jerusalem under Rome, under the Vatican. You can read it, it is an open letter, a document from the past. That which they tried in 1947 before Israel was declared a nation in May 1948, that is going to come to pass within the near future. We cannot go into detail, beloved, but something is moving, and we shall have to write about it to inform you that even when we see all these things take place, we should know, we should know that the return of our beloved Lord and Saviour is drawing very near.
May the blessings of Almighty God rest upon you, may you be part of the Bride Church at this time, may you hear what the Spirit says unto the churches.
We greet you from the Mission Centre in Krefeld, Germany. As I said, all of Europe was present, people from more than 15 countries joined us in the meetings on this last weekend and we trust that you also join us in the Word, in the Spirit and in the Will of God.
The Almighty bless you in Jesus’ holy name. Amen.