Beloved brothers and sisters in Christ,
this is brother Frank speaking to you from the International Mission Centre in Krefeld, Germany. We are just so grateful to our Lord and Saviour for having been with us during the meetings on this last weekend, where people came from far and near, from all over Europe, driving even from Rumania, from Italy, from various countries, and some drove one thousand, four hundred and some kilometres to hear the Word of God.
You can imagine, beloved, the sincerity, the honesty one has to have from God to share the precious Word with those who hunger and thirst for the Word of God. Really, God has sent a famine to hear His Words, His original Words as they came forth from His lips.
Beloved, the time we are living in is certainly the most important in the history of the church and the return of our Lord is imminent and the message which was supposed to go forth as the last call before the Bridegroom comes is now reaching the ends of the Earth. We are just so grateful to have the possibility for people to join us all over the world, to be online with us in contact and hear the preachings, the teachings as we share the true Word of God, the true message of the hour.
Beloved, our main subject was Mathew 24 and 25, showing that all the things which our Lord predicted would come to pass just before the return of our Lord would take place. All the wars, all the earthquakes, all the things our Lord predicted would come to pass, then Mathew 25 would also be in force, but before Mathew 25 can take places, first all things which are written in Mathew 24 must come to pass, even to the statement our Lord made about the wise servant to give out the food – Mathew 24, 45-47. And beloved, whether you can accept it or not, it is Thus saith the Lord in His Word that just before Mathew 25 would be, “Behold, the bridegroom cometh, go ye out to meet him.” So Mathew 24 is in connection with Mathew 25 and the message of the hour is the promised Word for this day and God used brother Branham in such a tremendous way with that unique ministry that no one else ever had on Earth.
We are grateful, especially I am grateful to have been an eye-witness and ear-witness of that tremendous ministry as it happened in the days of the Son of man, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, repeating in our day, drawing our attention to what God is doing, what He is saying, and therefore we understand the message is the promised Word of God for this day. First of all, we understand that a promised prophet was to come to restore us back to the very beginning, to the very Acts of the Apostles, to the day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit was poured out and the first sermon was being preached. And as I usually say, the first and the last sermon must be the same, the first and the last baptism must be the same. All must be restored.
Now coming to the main point, we understand there are so many different interpretations about things brother Branham said. Why? Why is it like this? There are so many interpretations of what the Bible says, of what the Word of God says, and every church points to the Bible; at this moment we do have 347 different Protestant denominations joined in the World Council of Churches and all say we take the Bible, we believe the Bible, but they interpret the Bible in their own ways. Now looking into the ranks of the message of the hour, one brother has this revelation, the other has this revelation and all say “the prophet said, the prophet said…” and come to various and different conclusions, bringing divisions among those who were called out, one group follows this man, one group follows the other and so there are a number of direction within the message of the hour.
Beloved, first of all, you have the right to ask the brother whom you are following, please let us know: When did the Lord call you? What is the commission you received? Where did you start after the Lord called you? And then, of course, there would be statements which really do not count, every one has his own story. So in this case, beloved, because of the tremendous responsibility, I have to say this before God Almighty. I did not only know brother Branham for ten years, but I was a witness, but not only a witness in his meetings in Germany and in the USA, but when the Lord with a tremendous, audible voice called me on Monday morning, just before sunrise, April 2nd, 1962. And brother Branham confirmed it on December 3rd, 1962, just ending the tremendous and important conversation, “Brother Frank, wait with the giving-out of the food that you were to store in, until you get the rest of the food.” You all know the testimony.
And friends, since brother Branham was taken to be with the Lord, I have shared the message of the hour, personally visiting over one hundred and fifty countries, sharing the true Word of God. The message and the Word are the same. The Word is the message and the message is the Word. And therefore, beloved, just quickly coming back to Mathew 24, 45-47, which were addressed to me directly, with the audible voice of the Lord, and then to Mathew 25, when the time would be that the spiritual food, the precious Word of God that was revealed to brother Branham would be preached – that would be the last call, the last message, and that is the time when the Scripture says: Then, Mathew 25,1, then the Kingdom of God will be likened to ten virgins. Beloved, this is the time. And to finish our brief speed, beloved, our brother Branham was told: “As John the Baptist was sent to forerun the first coming of Christ, you are sent with the message that will forerun the second coming of Christ.” The Lord took His messenger, but the message remains with us.
May the God of Heaven bless you and perhaps you can join with us on the next first weekend, which will conclude this year 2011 and commence the next year. Saturday, December 31, and Sunday, January 1, by God’s grace we shall have our next international meetings. This time over eight hundred joined us and the Word of God was precious. I am not forcing myself upon anyone, but I believe that the time has come for us to check everything with and by the Word of God and return to God and His Word, love God, love the Word, love the messenger, love the message and be united and not to follow any man, but to follow Jesus Christ all the way until He returns and we shall be taken to glory. Only those who are part of the bride will listen to what the Bridegroom has to say. May the blessing of Almighty God be with you in Jesus’ holy name. Amen.