Presentation of the mission work Free people's mission Inc. Krefeld
/ Ewald Frank
Language: english
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5. The Return of Christ
We believe that the Return of Jesus Christ as overwhelmingly promised in the Holy Scriptures is very near. Our Lord told us to watch the signs of the time but never to set a date, because no one would know the day or the hour. We are further convinced that Bible prophecy as predicted by our Lord is now being fulfilled in this end-time on every level, especially with the people of Israel.
The Return of Jesus Christ is identical with the first Resurrection which will take place before the millennial reign commences. »Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection; on such the second death hat no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ and shall reign with him a thousand years.« The second resurrection takes place after the one thousand years reign. At that time all people who ever lived on earth will have to appear before the last judgement (Rev. 20).