Szabad Népmisszió

Jézus Krisztus tegnap és ma és mindörökké ugyanaz (Zsid.13:8)

nyelv :

Presentation of the mission work Free people's mission Inc. Krefeld / Ewald Frank

1. Presentation of the mission work

This interdenominational mission work has the objective to fully return to the doctrine and practice of the original Church in the days of the apostles. The base of this work which stretches into all the world is the Mission center at Krefeld. Here a local church exists where Pastor E. Frank since many years mainly ministers at each first weekend per month. He shares responsible leadership with the co-pastor, Bro. Leonhard Russ, together with the co-pastor, Bro. Paul Schmidt. Already in 1953, Bro. E. Frank and Bro. L. Russ came to know each other. In 1955 Ewald Frank participated for one week of meetings held by Rev. William M. Branham in Karlsruhe, Germany. What took place in those services — the divine confirmation and unique gift left a lasting impression with him. In 1958 Rev. E. Frank participated in the »Voice of Healing« convention arranged by Rev. Gordon Lindsay in Dallas, Texas, USA. Here he met a great number of US evangelists who became slowly renowned world wide. The special ministry of William M. Branham was obvious in comparison with all the others. It was the special gift of discernment, this humble man of God was used in, which did not only impress but reminded one on the days of Christ and His ministry. Toward the end of 1959, Bro. Frank started to translate the sermons of William Branham preached in the USA. He was convinced that especially the independent churches who believed the full Gospel would receive the spiritual enrichment with gladness. Shortly after it became obvious that a independent mission work had to be brought into existence to make certain that the free proclamation of Bible truths would be possible. Many of the leaders of the full Gospel Churches did not accept the ministry of the man sent from God. In the contrary, without consulting and proving things by the Scripture they misunderstood especially the prophetic part of his ministry.

In the year 1960, the »Free people’s mission« as a non profit fellowship was established under the leadership of Bro. E. Frank, Bro. L. Russ and Bro. P. Schmidt. The two brethren are still ministering together with Bro. Frank. The fellowship which started at first as a house meeting grew constantly through the years. In April 1964, the »Free people’s mission Krefeld« was recognised as a religious fellowship by the German government. In the following years this work extended beyond the boundaries of Europe. Also in 1964, Bro. Frank made his first missionary trip to Asian countries. In India great multitudes came to hear God’s Word — the meetings were crowned with special blessings. Since 1968 Bro. Frank frequently visited the »iron curtain« countries, including the Soviet Union. From 1968 till 1978, he had twenty minute speeches each Sunday through the well known »Radio Luxembourg«. From all over Europe and world wide the invitations were coming in. In April 1974, the local church which seats 550 people was inaugurated. The mission work expanded continuously and was obviously blessed by the Almighty.

In the year 1976, it was necessary to enlarge the mission center. The neighbouring land to the Church plot was bought and two missionary buildings were erected. The total ground of the mission center is 10,000 square meters. Thereupon stands the church, the bungalow for the janitor, the two mission buildings and since the beginning of the nineties we do have our own publishing house. The publications and books about Bible topics and the sermons of Bro. Branham are being translated and printed here in 8 different languages, serving over 130 countries. That is about the number of countries, Bro. Frank has personally visited and ministered in. This international and independent mission work is being financed only on the basis of free will offerings. In the true sense of the word, it is a »faith work« which exists and is being done in trusting God for all things. All literature, books, cassettes are sent out free of charge without any hint to participate even in the postage expenses. We do not have registered members. Those who are blessed share in the work with their tithes and offerings. Everyone decides for himself how to have part in the mission outreach.

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