Internet Video Summary January 2009
/ Ewald Frank
Language: english

Beloved brothers and sisters in Christ,
This is brother Frank speaking to you from the International Mission Centre in Krefeld, Germany. May God bless you throughout this year 2009. We had wonderful meetings even during winter time with snow everywhere, people were coming from all the neighbouring countries to be with us, to share God’s precious Word with us. And we are just so grateful to God Almighty for having been with us throughout these many years and especially for the message of the hour, which is God’s promised Word for this day.
We understand that God does all things according to His Word. First He makes promises and then He fulfils the promises He made. And then we understand why the apostle Paul referred to Abraham making the statement, “Abraham believed God” - Romans chapter 4. Beloved, anyone, anywhere, believes, but how and whom do they believe? Even in Christianity, every church, every denomination, every pastor, everybody says: I believe, we believe. But the question is what do they, or what do we actually believe. Do we believe our interpretations of God’s Word or do we believe the promises God made to us. This is the big difference and I hope you can see it.
The New Testament began with the fulfilment of promises from the Old Testament. And here we have the strongest point which needs to be emphasised – the teachers, honest, upright, without fail, the teachers of that day, 2000 years ago, missed the day of God’s visitation because of their own interpretations, of their own expectations of how the Messiah would come and what He would be doing. And they missed it all. And brothers and sisters, let’s be honest before God. Just to say “I believe”, and I repeat, I am an old-timer in the Kingdom of God, since 1949, I am acquainted with the last move of God, with the last revival God Himself started through the ministry of William Branham in 1946, and since 1949, when I first heard the name William Branham and came in contact with the revival - healing, salvation revival God used William Branham to spearhead that great revival.
And beloved, if we look into what happened since then, many, many great evangelists started their own ministries, remaining in their own traditional teachings, and, friends, this is what really hurts. If God speaks to His people, He wants us to pay attention to what He has to say. Therefore we read seven times in Revelation 2 and 3, “Whosoever has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says unto the churches” . And friends, as the prophet Isaiah foretold, “they have ears, but they do not hear, they have eyes and they do not see” . And friends, then our Lord said in Mathew 13, “Blessed are your eyes, for they see, blessed are your ears, for they hear” .
Now, in these last two meetings, I translated two of bro. Branham’s sermons. And friends, the one with the title “Perfection” , preached in 1957, just went all the way through into our hearts, piercing right through. When brother Branham made the statement that God is absolutely holy and no-one can ever dare to think to stand in the presence of the Holy God without being holy himself, sanctified in the Word of Truth. This Word went into our hearts. Let me read a few verses that were also read by bro. Branham, from Hebrews 10:12, 13 and 14: “But this man (referring to Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour), after he had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever, sat down on the right hand of God” . One sacrifice and thereafter forever sat down on the right hand of God. Verse 13: “From henceforth expecting till his enemies be made his footstool.” So He would place His feet right on top of all the enemies.
Brothers and sisters, this is a reality since Calvary when our Lord and Saviour died, when He gave Himself as a sacrifice and shed His blood and redeemed us, that was done once for all times, for all eternity. Verse 14: “For by one offering he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified.” What a glorious statement and the marvellous thing about it is that it is true. “For by one offering (by one sacrifice) he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified” . John 17:17: “Sanctify them in thy truth: thy word is the truth” .
Beloved brothers and sisters, it is not only the end-time message wherein certain points are being discussed, the time has come to return to Christ, to the Word, to Calvary, the time has come to have our own experiences with the Lord, to start in the right way, not with head knowledge, but with divine revelation in our hearts.
Beloved, there should be many things mentioned and said, and we are going to try to share with you the precious Word of God in circular letters and in brochures dealing with the most important themes and topics that are so needed around the earth. And especially to you, my beloved ministering brethren, let us be one in Christ, one in His Word, in His love, respecting one another’s ministries, and so come to the unity first as ministering brethren so the whole bride of Christ can come into the unity of the faith internationally.
May God bless you and be with you throughout this year 2009. The last year was blessed in a tremendous way, and even in the second part of December 2008 when we had the privilege to be in Brazil and see over 2000 people gathered, 320 ministers came together and God was with us and I could share His precious Word and answer many questions in reference to the message of the hour.
God bless you and be with you in Jesus’ holy name. Amen.