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Jésus-Christ est le même hier, aujourd'hui et éternellement" (Hèbreux 13:8)


Internet Summary Video – August 2017 / Ewald Frank

Langue: anglais

Internet Summary August 2017

Beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, this is brother Frank speaking to you from the International Mission Centre in Krefeld, Germany. We had tremendous meetings, over 1000 people were gathered from over 20 nations to hear the Word of God. We just appreciate what our Lord is doing at this time. 

In July we had tremendous meetings in a number of countries, especially in Mauritius and also in Réunion in the Indian Ocean. By God's grace we can testify that the Lord is calling His people from all nations, from all tribes and we understand: this is the last call, the last message before our Lord and Saviour returns to take us home to glory.

So by the grace of God we just share the Word of God, the promises of God and we believe – the Lord Himself will complete His work with the New Testament Church, with the Bride and then, according to Romans 11, He will complete His work with Israel. 

We believe in the true Word, in the true promises and we stay with the Word of God forever, because heaven and earth shall pass away, every interpretation shall pass away and those who believe interpretations are foolish! They who are wise believe the Word of God. Never will the wise virgins believe any explanation or interpretation! The true born-again, those who believe every Word, will never and never expect anyone to come and give them any private interpretation. Why? In 2nd Peter chapter 1 very clearly under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit the man of God says in verse 20: 

“Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the Scripture is of any private interpretation.“ 

And let me tell you this in love: If you don't respect such divine statements in the Word of God, forget it! Just have your own way, just continue in your own ways! If you don't respect every Word of God, you're not even born-again, you are just playing Christianity, you are just claiming to be in the Bride. If you're in the Bride, you are the part of the Bridegroom, as Eve was taken out of Adam, so the Bride was taken out of the Bridegroom on the cross of Calvary – flesh of His flesh and bone of His bone and spirit of His Spirit. 

So no true child of God will receive any private interpretation. 

And then we understand also the commission the apostle Paul  received in his day and also those who were cooperating with him like Timothy. And in 1st Timothy chapter 6 we read very clearly what this man of God had to say about the ministry. And here we read such words as: 

“That thou keep this commandment without spot, unrebukeable, until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ” 

First the emphasis: “…without spot, unrebukeable…” The last ministry must not have a spot! Must be unrebukeable! For this is the last message and as we are washed by the blood of the Lamb from all sins, we are delivered from all unbelief, because by the grace of God we respect and believe every Word of God. 

And so that the Bride – the true Bride-church – will be presented to our Lord and Savior, we have to read Ephesians chapter 5. Ephesians 5 – we read the precious words addressed to us at this time. Ephesians 5, it says here in verse 26 and 27:

“…that he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of the Word, that He might present it to Himself as a glorious Church not having the spot or wrinkle or any such thing but that it should be holy and without blemish.”

First the ministry must be without a spot! First the ministry must be unrebukeable! It must be the pure holy Word of God from the beginning to the end. And then, only all who are in the true Church and come into the Bride will be washed by the waters of the Word of God from all interpretations, from all wrong teachings, from all errors, will be washed first in the blood of the Lamb, cleansed from all sin, and then washed in the waters of the Word of God to be unrebukeable, without spot at the day of the return of Christ. 

I say this in love and I say it to the glory of God: By the grace of God as you all know I had the great privilege to know my Lord since 1948-49. I had the privilege to be together with brother Branham, knowing him for 10 years, driving with him in the same car, eating with him at the same table and after his departure to glory I even slept in his bed. But brothers and sisters, that would not be enough to say I'm a servant of Christ. But by the grace of God the Lord called me to the ministry and brother Branham confirmed it in the presence of two witnesses. You all know my testimony. 

So I do have a responsibility at this time as no one else on earth to share the true message which according to what the Lord said on June 11th, 1933 that the message given to His prophet William Branham would forerun the second coming of Christ. The Lord took the messenger, but the message remains with us. And I'm always glad to hear and to read when brother Branham emphasised the Word of God. You know, our Lord just put all the weight on the Word of God: “If you remain in my words and my words remain in you then you are my true disciples.” [John 8:31] “Sanctify them in the truth. Thy Word is the truth.” [John 17:17] There's no sanctification outside the Word of God! And here brother Branham said in a meeting in Freeport:

“You must never leave that word! You must stay exactly with the Word the way it is written! Don't put no private interpretation to it! Just say just the way it is written! That is God's Word and that is God and God and His Word is the same! Just the same!”

My beloved brothers and sisters, brother Branham emphasised: “Don't receive anything except it is written in the Word of God!” So beloved, I can say this by the grace of God: Never in the 12,000 sermons I preached in the past 60 years did I give any private interpretation. Not one time! Not one time! Just what the Word says from Genesis to Revelation. This is the Word of God forever and ever! 

And if you wish to discuss you must go to someone else, not to brother Frank. Beloved, yesterday I heard from one brother in Romania that there are 8 message churches in one city. Can you imagine? A very small city, not the main city and then in a small city eight different churches claiming to believe the prophet, claiming to believe the message. Brother, they should shut their mouth forever and ever! They are deceived and they are deceiving others! First of all, if you are a true man of God, you will respect the divine call and the ministry God has placed for our day and time, who has taken the message of the hour to almost 170 countries, sharing the last message, the true Word of God to bring us back to apostolic days, apostolic doctrines. And that was the ministry of brother Branham: Back to the Word of God, back to the same foundation, back to the teachings of the apostles, because the end must be as the beginning was. 

So beloved, remember these three Scriptures: In Ephesians 5 – the Lord will have a church without spot or wrinkle and the last ministry as Paul was addressing Timothy having no spot, unrebukeable because we are washed in the Word, in the waters of the Word of God and no blemish is left, no spot is left. Like no spot is left after we are cleansed by the blood of the Lamb, no spot is left, no teachings of denominations, no opinions, no interpretations, nothing is left, just the holy and true Word of God.

Beloved, I have to close and I'm grateful to Almighty God, that this is the time in which all things come to maturity and all who are of God hear the Word of God, they are sanctified in the Word, they are washed in the waters of the Word and together we are being prepared for the soon coming of Christ.

And let me say this also: The return of Christ will be a reality and it's going to happen precisely the way it is stated 17 times in the letters of the apostles. We have the precise description of what will take place when the Lord returns to take us home. Even a fool cannot err if you respect the holy Word of God. The Lord Himself – not a teaching, not a revelation – the Lord himself, who went up to heaven in His glorified body, will come in the same way as He went up and the resurrection of those in Christ will take place and we who are alive and remain shall be changed and together we shall be taken up to meet the Lord in the air and go with Him to the marriage supper of the Lamb. No interpretation needed. Just kiss the holy Word of God and believe it and be part of what God is doing right now. 

Be blessed in Jesus’ holy name. Amen.