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Special Decisive Edition

“Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today, and for ever” (Heb. 13:8)


I am sending heartfelt greetings to all of you who have been reached by the proclamation of the everlasting Word of God and to those who are still being reached. The Apostle Peter, referring to Isa. 40:8, writes the following in verse 25 of his first letter:

“But the Word of the LORD endureth for ever. And this is the Word which by the gospel is preached unto you.”

That was the testimony of the Apostle and also the one of Brother Branham, and, by the grace of God, I am proclaiming the same everlasting Gospel — the pure Word of God — which remains for ever.

For my first Circular Letter in September 1966 I chose this title:

“The Word of God Remains For Ever”

Even back then I was very aware of the profound reality of Isa. 40, as well as 1. Pet. 1. At the end of that first Circular Letter is this statement: “By His Commission” — thus it shall remain right to the last Letter, that is my legitimation. It still is the same Spirit of God that leads into all the truth. Every divine calling and commission is connected to the same source of revelation. The same Word remains, the same message, the same doctrine — one LORD, one faith, one baptism, right to the end.

The Apostle Peter emphasised obedience in regards to the truth and also real brotherly love. He testified about the true children of God, who had the experience of the new birth:

Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the Word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever.” (verse 23)

When going through the many Circular Letters, brochures, and books written in the course of the past decades about the many important topics, writings which are being circulated around the world, I am grateful to the LORD, Who has led everything in a most wonderful way and has kept us in His Word. In the first ten years I had already visited the many countries on every continent. The East and the West were included in my missionary itinerary. The first brochures in the English language, starting with “Only believe the Thus saith the LORD”, reached a total of 80,000 copies within a short time. They were all printed here in Krefeld and sent out into all the world. Thereby the biblical foundation was laid for the ministry of the messenger, and the essence of the message was clearly conveyed to all of those who were ready to believe. By grace, the dear LORD has led us from each clarity to the next. The elect are always the ones who recognise the day and the message, they are the ones who hear what the Spirit says unto the churches.

The writings in this Circular are impacted by the impression left from the most blessed missionary trips I have taken throughout the past months. Six cities in India were included in the itinerary, then on to Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya, Botswana, South Africa, Gabon, Angola, Congo, as well as the Democratic Republic of Congo, Malawi, and Zambia. These meetings shall be for ever remembered. In the cities of Likasi, Kolwezi, Mbuji-Mayi, and in Lubumbashi the crowds came to fill the stadiums. In the Raphael Sports Stadium in Kinshasa 18 to 20 thousand people were present, in the Kenya Sports Stadium in Lubumbashi 16 to 18 thousand, in the stadiums in the other cities between 8 and 15 thousand. Even public halls and theatres were filled with thousands of people for each meeting.

While scanning the vast crowds, the following questions arose in my heart, questions I always posed to the multitudes towards the end of the sermon:

“Do you believe that the return of Jesus Christ is at hand?” The reply came in French, “Oui, Amen!” — “Yes, Amen!”

“Are you familiar with the End-time message and the ministry of William Branham?” “Oui, Amen! Hallelujah!” — “Yes, Amen! Hallelujah!”

“Have you all been baptised according to the Scripture in the Name of the LORD Jesus Christ?” And again the reply was, “Oui, Hallelujah!” and “Amen! Amen!” with such force that one could have the impression it must have been heard in Heaven. In all, throughout the months of May, June, July, and August between 70 and 80 thousand took part in the meetings on the African continent. It was a mighty victory for the Kingdom of God.

After the last meeting in Lubumbashi I was invited to give a TV interview, which lasted about an hour and was broadcast throughout the entire country. As they tuned in, millions heard of the things God is presently doing. The man leading the interview showed the audience the books I have written and introduced me with the following statement: “This is the preacher who had the courage to write the truth.”

During the interview, the subjects about Godhead and about baptism were given special emphasis. In the African countries the responsible pastors in the denominations also have their difficulties with those subjects, because of their traditional teachings. All who listened came to know that God is only One, Who manifested Himself in heaven as Father, on earth in His only begotten Son, and in the church by the Holy Spirit. They also learned that the great commission given in Mt. 28:19 was carried out correctly by Peter in Acts 2, by Philip in Acts 8, and by Paul in Acts 19. All got to hear that the LORD commanded that baptism should take place in the name — singular — and not in three titles or designations. The NAME in which God revealed Himself as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is LORD Jesus Christ. It certainly takes a revelation to recognise the New Testament covenant name in which is all salvation (Acts 4:12). The harmony was shown between the Great Commission the LORD gave and the way it was carried out by the apostles.

Then I could also convincingly state why we believe that William Branham was the promised prophet by referring to Mal. 4:5-6, Mt. 17:11, and Mk. 9:12, as the Scripture says. We rejoice in the fact that so many accepted the Word of the hour, the last message. They not only heard, but believed and obeyed.

The past year brought an exceptional harvest time of the Word-seed that was sown throughout the past decades in the countries of the world. A great portion of this burden is also shared by our beloved brother and faithful co-worker, Alexis Barilier, who has sacrificed his time making these troublesome trips, year after year. The literature in the French language, which our beloved brother is responsible for, has shown the way of the LORD to hundreds of thousands of believers. Brother Alexis Barilier has known Brother Branham’s ministry since 1955, when he personally experienced it. He belonged to the committee that arranged the campaign for Brother Branham in Renens, near Lausanne, Switzerland. Since 1966, right from the beginning, he has shared in the spreading of the End-time message.

During the ministers’ meetings the brothers continuously came up with questions. They wanted to know if now is the harvest time, as it was shown to me years ago in connection with the combine. Repeatedly mentioned was what Brother Branham saw in a vision in June 1955 in Zurich, Switzerland, when he was shown the German eagle flying through Africa. The brethren also wanted to find out if Mt. 24:45-47 is now being fulfilled, when the spiritual food is given out in due season as the LORD shares all His goods with us. Whatever God has prepared for His people through a ministry is connected to that particular calling and commission. As the servants of God before me, I simply must proceed according to the commission I received. The Apostle Paul is my example in my ministry, he said, “Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the commandment of God our Saviour …”

From this last revival the Bride Church shall come forth, which the LORD Jesus Christ will present to Himself without any spot or wrinkle, holy and without blame before the Throne of grace (Eph. 5:27). The Will of God is that, “your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our LORD Jesus Christ. Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it.” (1. Thess. 5:23-24).

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