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With this publication, I would simply like to address all people of good will. The use of impressive words has been avoided as much as possible. True convincing power does not lie in human expressions but in the power of God’s creative Word. At the beginning of creation God spoke, and His Word had creative power. Humanity needs that word now, creating something in us and separating the light from the darkness. Although things seem to be running smoothly in the religious realm, if one takes a good look, it becomes obvious that spiritual darkness is covering the nations. When God, by His all powerful Word can speak into our lives, »Let there be light!« there will be light. He always does things in the same way. Only after the light had come into existence, was it separated from darkness. Then He continued with His work of creation. It is the same with the spiritual creation. The Lord Himself speaks, and His light shines in the darkness to illuminate each one of us (John 1). The time has come for God’s mighty Word to be heard, and the truth to be separated from deception, for the Lord is now bringing His plan of salvation to completion.

This brochure is especially addressed to all theological faculties; it is there where the great responsibility lies for those who are trained to be the spiritual leaders of humanity. Initially all people trust scholars. In no uncertain terms do I wish to bring forth Bible teachings, not to discredit the teachings or traditions of religions which others hold dear. But if there is discrepancy between those teachings and the Word of God, one must conclude, God is right and not a religious institution. I write with respect, considering the dignity of man, which cannot be touched. I also respect what others believe. Of course, God’s majesty is far above human dignity and His Word must have pre-eminence over men’s words.

Born in 1933, I have a treasure of experiences from which I can draw. Since my calling to the ministry on April 2nd, 1962, I have taught Bible seminars, preached in over 130 countries, and led evangelistic crusades. In some countries I had the opportunity to speak to entire nations via TV, holding large meetings attended by thousands. For ten years, each Sunday morning, I have broadcast 20-minute radio speeches via the famous Radio Luxembourg here in Europe. In all my travels into other nations I’ve had the opportunity to meet renowned personalities of religious, political, and economic position. Through my extensive travelling, I have also become knowledgeable about world religions.

I have availed myself to study church history, learning the views of various religions and denominations. I am convinced, people have the right to believe as they desire. Faith is a personal matter, and no one should force his or her faith on someone else.

My task is to show the right way as made known to us in the book of books. To find this way and to walk in it is a personal decision. I do not belong to a particular denomination, I am not obligated to please others and can boldly proclaim the teachings of the Bible. Each one has a duty to compare this exposition with the original Word of God and prove whether it is right and if so, be persuaded. No force is executed in the Kingdom of God, especially in teaching. Divine enlightenment will be with those who open themselves before God.

The following account will be accepted by some, rejected by others. Those who step into public view must live with this. I only desire to be true and accomplish my commission with sincerity. The rest I leave to God, Who can work and perform all things in each person.

It is noteworthy that with God there is only one right answer, and one possibility. Man’s answers hold many possibilities, but which of them would be right? I have decided to let God answer, and I beg you, don’t hold this against me.

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