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The purpose of this brochure is to outline briefly the plan of God with humanity from the Old and the New Testament. Of course, we have to deal mainly, although in point-form, with the subject of the Godhead. Only a few Scripture references can be used for each of the specific topics. From there every reader has the possibility to search thoroughly for himself in the Holy Scriptures until the Truth and needed clarity is received.

The majority of Jews did not recognize God’s plan of salvation, set forth in the prophetic Word. Its knowledge was also lost in the establishment of Christianity. More and more Christianity became a recognized religion. Since the third century, it turned away from the foundation laid by the apostles who were Jews. In fact, the Christians then accused the Jews generally of killing the Messiah, their Redeemer, not realizing that this was part of God’s plan. The Jews also did not permit themselves to be Christianized by force. About the time Christianity drew itself away from Judaism, Christians also turned away from the Old Testament and thereby forsook the actual foundation of faith, laid by the prophets. The fact that the New Testament cannot be understood without the Old, neither can it be separated from it, was also lost. Consequently, Christianity merged into strange, conglomerated but unfounded theology. This state exists even today world-wide in the denominations found within the Christian religion.

After seeing that, it’s impossible to be silent any longer. Everyone, who sincerely searches for the Truth, has a right to know the same and convince himself of what God says in His Word. In everything, the Lord Jesus referred to the Old Testament Scripture, and He opened the understanding of His disciples to comprehend its fulfilment (Luke 24). The apostles also exclusively referred to the Old Testament. In fact, the New Testament was not written at the time of the apostles. To understand God and His plan, we must walk across the bridge set forth by prophecy from the Old to the New Testament.

Whoever writes about the Godhead is dealing with a very delicate matter. The variations are commonly known. Some believe that God is one person, others that He exists in two, and again some believe, that He exists as a three-person being. We shall not try to involve all the many other imaginations existing about the Godhead. A look at the pictures should make clear to us, how human the views about the Godhead are.

During the times of the prophets and later in the days of the apostles, there was not one speculation about God. There simply is a vast difference between revelation and speculation. Only after the biblical foundation was forsaken, human thoughts prevailed and the guidance of the Holy Spirit was lost. The “stone of offence” was CHRIST and is still today. The Unitarians believe in one God, but deny the deity of Jesus Christ. The opposite to that is the doctrine of the trinity which teaches God in three persons. Regrettably, those who were involved in the developments of God’s kingdom since the reformation became renowned with other doctrines, but did not tackle this most important theme. Right up to our time, the traditional but unscriptural views were handed down and accepted by every denomination. How important their knowledge about God became to some, is seen in the way they defend it.

For better understanding of the original significance, the Hebrew words ELOHIM, YAHWEH and YAHSHUA are used a few times. Names have always expressed the meaning. Of course, true clarity will not come by knowing Hebrew or Greek but only through the same Spirit, which rested upon the prophets and apostles and inspired them. That is the only way for us to see what they saw, and hear what they heard, and understand how they understood.

Some give the warning, “Prove the spirits!” and only think about others. Everyone must apply it personally. In this case, all should avail himself of the opportunity to compare the inherited traditional teachings with the Word of God. Those who minister and the ones who are listening are not aware of the fact that interpretations of the Word are being preached and not the original Word itself. Men sent and commissioned by God brought us the Word; theologians are responsible for all the different interpretations. Nobody should feel hurt by this exposition. The only aim is to serve and to help the church of the living God.

May all readers be richly blessed.

Krefeld, April 1986

The Editor


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