
Beloved Friends, Brothers and Sisters in Christ, 

This is Brother Frank speaking to you from the European International Mission Center in Krefeld, Germany. We are addressing people on every continent and I trust that you can follow as we share God’s Word with you in your own country. 

Beloved, as we usually say: this is the apostolic, prophetic, Bible ministry, only teaching the things which the apostles and prophets taught, only going back to the Words of our Lord, only believing 100 % as the Holy Scripture says. This, of course, is not liked by everybody. To be honest, we all love to be right, and if you go to different churches, to denominations, even to religions: everyone is convinced to be right. If you go to the six main religions on earth and ask them: “What about your way? Is it the true way?”, every one would say, “Yes.” Christians, Moslems, Judaism, Hindus and Buddhists and every one would say, “We are right.” But how can we know, how can we know that we believe the right scripture, the right word? 

And there again mentioning the term “scripture”: This Scripture is being interpreted in thousands and thousands of different ways. Every priest, every preacher, every pastor, even every evangelist, every charismatic personality interprets the Scripture in the different ways. Therefore, it is necessary to go back to the Word of God and do as we read in Acts 17, verse 11, of those at Berea. They were wise. They were searching the Scriptures daily to see if the things which were shared by the apostles were according to the Word of God. We must do this! There is no other way. 

We cannot trust a preacher, not a pope, not a bishop, not a cardinal, we cannot trust anyone. We can only trust God! Even if you take a catechism, you cannot trust in that what is written therein, because it’s the teachings of man. And, Friends, I am actually hurt within myself, because all of humanity is being misled. Misled! All speak about God, all believe they are right. But then, coming back to the Scripture: Friends, I have to say this in every sermon, not to judge others, but to let the Word of God judge me and judge you, that we take the Holy Scripture as the final authority. If we read, for instance, in Ephesians, “one Lord, one faith, one baptism” then we must go back to the Book of Acts, start with chapter 2 and then see, how this one faith, one Lord, one baptism was administered. We may go back to Matthew 28:19 and hear what the Lord said: that we should baptise into the name of Father, Son and Holy Ghost. “Father” is not a name – God is our father. “Son” is not a name, the name is “the Lord Jesus Christ”. So, Friends, we have to understand. And then we go to Mark, chapter 16, when the Lord said that we should go into all the world and preach the Gospel, teach all nations, and those who believe are to be baptized, and those who don’t believe, of course, are not baptized.

And, Friends, then we go back to Acts, chapter 2: There the first sermon under the anointing of the Holy Spirit was preached by the God-chosen man, the Apostle Peter. And, Friends, let me emphasize this in love: the first sermon on the first day, on the day of Pentecost, when the New Testament Church was brought into existence by God Himself through the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, the first sermon must be our guideline. And if you go through the first sermon, then you come to the understanding that the Word entered into the hearts of those who gave their life to the Lord. And then the Apostle Peter addressed those who believed his sermon, his message, “Repent, every one of you, and be baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to confirm the remission of your sins which you have received by believing in your Lord and Saviour.” And then, the Scripture says in verse 41, those who believed his message were baptized. 

How were they baptized? By immersion in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and then they were brought up again from beneath the water. That is the original baptism. You go to Acts, chapter 8, when Philip was preaching in Samaria and the same happened: all were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. And we have to understand that now before the Return of Christ the New Testament believers must be brought back to where they were at the very beginning. There cannot be a single difference between what I teach today and what the apostles taught 2,000 years ago. Not a single difference in not a single point! Everything must be 100 % the same as it was then, because Jesus Christ is the same today, as He was yesterday, and forever.

But now, if you go into the church world: some sprinkle, some pour, some don’t baptize at all. There is a whole denomination on earth, known by everbody, they don’t baptize at all. They take what the Apostle Paul said in the letter to the Corinthians, where he makes the statement, “The Lord has not sent me to baptize, but to preach the Gospel.” And they go also to the one who died with Christ, who called upon His name, and the Lord said, “Thou shall be with Me in paradise today.” And from these two statements they claim, baptism is not necessary. But, Friends, you are not dying at this moment, and you are not in the Corinthian church – you are somewhere on earth, you are still alive, and the Scripture applies to you first to dedicate your life to the Lord to receive Christ as your personal Saviour, coming out of disobedience, from your own ways, and then follow Christ in obedience also in water baptism. 

So you understand: Scripture can be misinterpreted for our own destruction, but Scripture can be rightly divided and understood for our blessings. So we understand from the Word of God it is absolutely necessary to have the revelation by the same Holy Spirit as at the very beginning. And coming to the infant baptism: according to church history, and I read much of it, we can almost be certain that the first sprinkling took place when Constantine laid on his death bed, when he was about to die. Someone, someone thought, he needed to be baptized and then put his hand into some water and sprinkled. That’s how church history books and certain men go back to the infant baptism, just pouring a few drops of water. That’s not a baptism at all! No, the baptism must be by immersion. Even John the Baptist, he baptized where the water was deep. You can read it in the Gospel of John. And our Lord went into the Jordan River and John baptized Him. So, the baptism is by immersion. 

But now coming quickly to a few other points. The Return of Christ remains the main subject. But it is necessary to follow the Lord step by step, to return to the original teachings and ways of God. If you go to 1 Timothy, the first chapter, the Apostle Paul introduces himself like this, “Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the commandment of God, our Saviour, and Lord Jesus Christ, who is our hope, unto Timothy, my own son in the faith: Grace, mercy, and peace, from God, our Father, and Jesus Christ, our Lord.” Friends, the emphasis here is: Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ – not a church man, but a man of God, not elected as a bishop in some council, but having had a direct commission and experience, a supernatural calling from the lips of our Lord. And, Friends, this is actually necessary for a ministry: first a call, a placing, and then, of course, a commission goes with the call. 

And, Friends, I have to share this with you, otherwise I could not face my Lord on the day of judgment. If we look back into the Old and New Testament, there were different man living at different times, having a direct commission from the Lord. We remember Noah, we remember, Abraham, Moses, the prophets, and then John the Baptist had a special ministry, special task, breeching the Old to the New Testament. Luke 16:16: “The law and the prophets were until John; since that time the kingdom of God is preached …” Going back to John, chapter 1, “The law came through Moses, but the grace of God came through Jesus Christ, our Lord”  (verse 17). 

So, we have to understand that we are now living close before the Return of Christ. And therefore I must share with you, whether you receive it or not, but I must be free from all of those that hear the Word of God from my lips. I want you to be in prayer and to consider the promised Word for this day. I am just refering to it; you know the Scriptures. God made a promise in Malachi, chapter 4, “I will send you Elijah, the prophet, before the great and dreadful day of the Lord would be.” And then in Matthew 17:11 our Lord confirms that promise, that Elijah would come to restore all things. As you know, God speaks in parables, God speaks in such a way that you will never understand it, except it is revealed to you by the Holy Spirit. Everything God says is revealed; at the same time it remains hidden. The two things are always and always. That’s why people need the revelation, the leading, the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. 

If you go to Matthew, chapter 17, and continue to read from verse 11, then our Lord speaks about two things: about a future ministry of Elijah to come, and, referring to John the Baptist’s ministry, He says, “Elijah has already come and they did not know it.” Then if you go to Mark, chapter 9, reading from verse 12, we have the same, with the exception that here our Lord speaks about the ministry of the Elijah who should come before the great day of the Lord would be, and then He speaks about the Elijah of the Old Testament who had his ministry in his day. You must read every verse with prayer. 

And then, if you go to John, chapter 1, from verse 17, John the Baptist was asked, “Are you the prophet?” He said, “No.” “Are you Christ?” He says, “No.” “Are you Elijah?” He says, “No.” And then those who came needed an answer, and the question was, “Who are you? We must give an answer to those who sent us.” And then in verse 23 John says, “I am the voice of him that cries in the wilderness.” So we must take all the scriptures together which speak about the same subject. You can never take one verse – you must take the next, the next, the next to have a full, a complete understanding and revelation. So, we know there had to be a ministry, a God-sent, prophetic ministry before the Return of Christ. I could go to many scriptures, and we shall do so in the oncoming sermons to show you absolutely from the Holy Scriptures the promises and then also their fulfilment.

When I came to know the ministry of William Branham in 1955, I admit it was the first time I saw Bible days, I saw in action the apostolic, prophetic ministry. I saw Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today and forever. Not only the words above the platform of Hebrews, chapter 13, verse 8, but I saw people born blind receive their sight in one moment; I saw the Book of Acts repeat before me; I saw the ministry Christ had when He walked on earth. I saw this ministry not only one day, but a whole week. And then again in 1958. And, Friends, from that time, from that time I had to ask myself one question seeing such a divine confirmation, knowing that no one on earth, no human being could do the things that we saw happening before our eyes, except God be with him and the Lord to do them! 

And, Friends, then I came to know that this man had a peculiar birth, that he saw visions when he was seven years old, that he heard the voice of the Lord, and especially in June, 1933, after his first evangelistic crusade, he baptized about 300 people in the Ohio River. And when he was about to baptise the 17th person he heard a voice saying, “Look up!” and a second time, “Look up!” And when he looked up he saw this bright light, and from the supernatural light these words were spoken to him: “As John the Baptist was sent to forerun the first coming of Christ, you are sent with a message that will forerun the second coming of Christ.” In April 1966 I met people who were present in June 1933. 

Friends, I am mentioning this for one purpose: that your blood will not be on my hands. I have to say this, even if I am critisiced. I am not worshipping a man – I worship God in spirit and in truth. But I would not dare to bypass what God has done and is still doing in my time. If you wish to bypass it, it’s up to you. I would not. We have to recognise the day, the promises, the message. We have to know God’s way with God’s people at this time. We cannot continue in our own ways. And, Friends, because of the sincerity I have to be honest with you: This is God’s time for God’s people to bring us back to the will of God, to the Word of God, to the teachings of the Word of God. Everything must be in the divine order with us and, of course, in the Scriptures. 

May the blessings of Almighty God be with you. May you realise the time we are living in and what God is doing at this time. The blessings of the Almighty will be with you, if you are ready to obey and follow the Lord according to His Word. Please, I would love to hear from you, and again I am asking you: search the Scriptures, pray and receive your direct answer from God by His holy Word. In Jesus’ holy Name. Amen.