
Ewald Frank

Radio Edmonton 03

Dear friends, this is Rev. Frank from West Germany speaking to you now.

I wish to greet you all in the precious name of the Lord Jesus Christ with Isaiah 42, verse 9:

"Behold, the former things are come to pass, and new things do I declare: before they spring forth I tell you of them." 

Many of us are familiar with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Some have recognized the importance of Bible doctrines, but still there are those who desire to follow the Lord Jesus all the way. They are the true disciples to whom it is given to understand the mysteries of the kingdom of God.

The fulfillment of the things the prophets have spoken of is being realized in our time. The Lord has foreordained that which must take place in this generation. Truly the former things have come to pass, and new things did the Lord reveal. The hidden mysteries are made known to the believers solemnly through divine revelation. There is no other way to gain spiritual understanding.

Divine revelation is the only channel by which we can gain admission to the deep mysteries of God. Through it, a sunlight is being cast upon the truths of God's Word, and the plan of salvation is made plain to those who are ready to walk in the light. This has been proven true in all the past Church ages.

We are reminded of Proverbs 4:18, "But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day."

Since the beginning of time, the true seed of God has received the spiritual revelation. Cain and Abel both worshipped, and both brought their sacrifices before Almighty God. Abel's sacrifice was accepted because he had the revelation of the original sin. He knew what was pleasing unto God, but Cain's offering was rejected because he did not have the divine revelation and did not comply with God's requirements of a blood sacrifice.

Spiritual things can only be discerned by those who are truly led by the Holy Spirit. To Abel it was revealed that God required a blood sacrifice and not the offering of the fruits of the field. The shed blood of the lamb already spoke of the blood atonement of the coming Redeemer. Jesus Christ is the Lamb of God who took away the sins of the world. The seed of God, every true believer has had the divine revelation upon which true fellowship with God is based. It takes a personal experience with Christ our Lord to come into fellowship with Him.

In the Garden of Eden there were two trees, the tree of knowledge of good and evil and the tree of life. Up to this day most of the people are partaking of the tree of knowledge. They are desirous for wisdom and knowledge, but the wisdom of this world is foolishness in the sight of God and brings about spiritual death. We must come back to the tree of life. God has not changed. It was a divine revelation through all the ages. It must be the same today.

At the first coming of Christ, all the scribes and the religious leaders thought they had the Word of God, but actually they had made the scripture of none effect to the people and were preaching traditions of men and their own interpretations, because they did not have the spiritual revelation. They were left in darkness. They offered their sacrifices, had their religious ceremonies, preached about the coming Messiah, sang their psalms, but still were in darkness as to the fulfillment of God's Word. When Christ came and fulfilled every promise foretold of Him, they did not recognize their Messiah, although He was the very revelation of God in the flesh. But when the woman at the well met Jesus, and He showed forth the sign of the Messiah, the light of revelation struck her. She ran into the city and beckoned everyone she met to come and see if this wasn't the promised Messiah. He would see the drastic contrast. The ones who should have known better, because they were familiar with the Scriptures, rejected Him and called Him Beelzebub. But this ill-famed woman gratefully caught the light of revelation.

We are now living in the generation that will see the second coming of Christ. "Behold, the former things are come to pass, and new things do I declare: before they spring forth, I tell you of them." (Isaiah 42:9) That is God's promise. It is not enough to have religious meetings. We need divine revelation of God's Word for this hour. God does nothing, but He reveals His secrets first to His servants and prophets. Therefore we have to search the Word of God in order to recognize the promised Word for our day. We are all duty-bound to ourselves, to look around and observe, to see if those things have come to pass.

I am sure that many people living in this generation will miss their day of God's visitation just because they could not stoop down and humble themselves to pray for a true revelation of the revealed Word of God. Too many Christians have a head knowledge but no heart experience.

God has not changed. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. In spite of all the Bible teachings we have had, we are in need of the true divine revelation through the Holy Spirit, which casts new light upon the Word. 

This is most urgent because we are now living so close to the return of the Lord Jesus Christ. He did not promise to take a certain denomination or organization. He has promised to take home His own bride, which He has purchased by His own precious and holy blood on the cross of Calvary. He will take home a blood-washed people, truly sanctified by the Word of truth, filled and sealed with the Holy Spirit. Like Enoch, they must have the testimony that they pleased God.

The midnight hour is upon us. ”The former things are come to pass, and new things do I declare: before they spring forth, I tell you of them.” The last call is going forth through the prophetic message of this age, the revealed Word of God. ”Whosoever has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says unto the churches.” We all want to make sure that we are listening to that which the Spirit speaks. We have listened to many a pastor, preacher, evangelist, or whoever may stand behind a pulpit. But the hour has come for all the sons and daughters of God to recognize the Spirit-revealed and inspired Word of Almighty God, the end-time message proclaimed by the God-ordained messenger to this generation.

In our future broadcasts we shall speak about the seven church ages, which we find recorded in the last book of the Bible, and said to be the seven golden candlesticks. We are going to be amazed to see the way in which God has dealt with His church throughout history.

I trust that it will not go over the heads of the people as it has in the days past, but may it penetrate into the heart of every child of God. May each one have a great desire to hearken unto every word of the Lord and long to walk in the footsteps of the Master. May each one be ready to sacrifice his own opinions and willingly receive the word of Almighty God. A true believer does not question God's Word. With everything that is within him, he tries to line up with every word. Truly his path shines more and more onto the perfect day.

Dear Radio friends, while everybody seems to be so busy with the preparations of this season commemorating Christ's first coming, we should not forget to make ready for his second advent. We are not looking for another Bethlehem for him to come as a babe lying in a manger. We are looking up towards heaven, for him to appear with power and glory to receive his own.

Again, we are reminded of Isaiah 42, verse 9, "Behold, the former things are come to pass, and new things do I declare." Before they spring forth, I tell you of them." We must acknowledge that all the former things which God has planned have come to pass. We also realize that the Lord Himself has declared those things which are now to come forth at the end of this age. He truly has sent His servant and prophet according to His Holy Word. We must recognize the message of the end time and realize the day we are living in.

Let us pray.

Heavenly Father, we are coming into Your presence in the mighty and precious name of the Lord Jesus Christ, thanking You for the privilege to be alive, having strength and health. We thank You for salvation, for Your kindness towards us. You have let us see the things which have come to pass already, and You have opened up the mysteries which were hidden throughout the ages, to let us know what is about to take place. I just pray, O God, have Your own way with all of Your children who are listening in to this broadcast.

May the blessings of Almighty God rest upon them, in Jesus' precious name, Amen.