Ewald Frank
Edmonton Radio 02
Dear friends, this is Reverend Frank from West Germany speaking to you now.
I wish to greet you all in the precious name of the Lord Jesus Christ with Isaiah 14, 26-27:
This is the counsel that is purposed upon the whole earth, and this is the hand that is stretched out upon all the nations.
For the Lord of hosts has purposed, and who shall disannul it? And his hand is stretched out, and who shall turn it back?
The revivals that have swept across the nations were times of refreshing from the Lord, in which He drew the attention of His children to the promised word for their day.
Even through the dark ages, they were able to endure savage persecutions and tortures, because God was with them.
A ray of light broke through at the time of the Reformation, when justification by faith was preached.
The holiness revival followed with the experience of sanctification.
Around the turn of this century, a worldwide revival swept across the earth.
People from all walks of life, from various churches, received the baptism of the Holy Ghost, and the gifts were restored in the body of Christ.
Every revival was more or less accompanied by the supernatural.
But it is sad to say that after a time carnally-minded people formed new denominations and organized themselves around a certain doctrine, not willing to receive further light.
But God moved on; where He is, there is liberty of the Spirit.
He cannot manifest Himself within the boundaries of a denomination, because it is impossible to limit God.
In every spiritual revival, people were brought out of bondage into the liberty of the Spirit.
Religious systems cause people to be bound by traditions, but God delivers with a mighty hand by sending the promised word to the elect of each age.
In our day, God moved again and revealed the great mysteries hidden throughout the ages, as He had promised.
The sealed book was opened, the secrets disclosed.
The Lord has made known the details of the eternal plan of salvation.
Since the days of the apostles, His Word has not been preached in its fulness with divine vindication as in this revival of restoration.
Great signs and wonders have taken place.
Jesus Christ has manifested His power and proved Himself to be the same yesterday, today and forever.
Thousands around the world can testify to this fact.
Many who are privileged to live in this last church age have seen the light and were brought out of spiritual darkness.
The Word Bride, the elect of God, returned to the original scriptural teachings under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
By His grace, our understanding has been opened to His Word and the fulfillment of scripture in our time.
We have heard the sound of the trumpet, the true Word of God revealed in this generation, and have turned away from all manmade creeds and dogmas.
We now see the very fulfillment of scripture in the day we are living in.
We are dealing with the subject: the end-time message.
All Bible-believing Christians know that we are living in the end time.
But what about the message to the Church? We must acquaint you with the God-given message of the hour.
Many prophecies are being fulfilled.
The return of the Lord Jesus Christ is very near.
It is everyone's God-given right to be informed of the things he has purposed for this day.
Always when something extraordinary was to take place, he informed his sons and daughters and the inhabitants of the earth through one of his servants.
Before the judgment of the flood struck the earth, God sent his prophet Noah with a message.
And the Lord said, "My spirit shall not always strive with man." (Genesis 6:3) Jesus paralleled the days of Noah to the last generation.
No doubt we are living in that time.
Therefore, this same scripture passage applies to us now.
The judgment is sure to come, and only a few will escape it.
In many cases, even the children of God do not heed to the warning of the Spirit.
In those days, the sons of God, who were of the lineage of Seth, mixed with the lineage of Cain, and therefore the Lord decided to make an end of all flesh.
And it repented the Lord that He had made man on the earth, and it grieved Him at his heart. (Genesis 6:6)
Two lineages have existed since the beginning of time and are still present today.
They are the children of God and the children of this world.
Right now we are witnessing the greatest commingling in the history of mankind.
All are striving to come together, uniting under the wrong head.
God is crying out again, "My spirit shall not always strive with man." Men are trying to achieve unity in every field, be it in religion, politics, economics, etc.
But what good does such unity do without Christ and the revealed Word of God for our day? Only the true believers take heed to the admonition given in 2 Corinthians 6, 14, "Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers; for what fellowship has righteousness with unrighteousness, and what communion has light with darkness?" We realize that the judgments of God are going to strike the earth.
The conditions today are the same as in those days of Noah.
But our attention must not only be focused upon the sin and wickedness around us.
God is trying to draw our attention to the promised word for our day.
When the judgment was pending in that day, God had a prophetic message, and a way of escape was made.
He gave the people a fair warning and offered salvation.
He sent a prophet with "Thus saith the Lord." He had the word of warning that the impending judgment was unavoidable.
This man of God was also commissioned to build an ark.
He beckoned the people to take heed to God's warning, to come in and accept God's provided way of escape.
Nevertheless, they only mocked and laughed.
Dear listeners, if we are dealing with the times past, it doesn't really hit home as it should.
It is beyond our comprehension how people could despise and reject their only way of escape.
But let us remember that the Lord Jesus Christ Himself compared our generation with the days of Noah.
I wonder if we comprehend and understand the spiritual significance of these words in our day. If God sent a prophet with a message, and a way of escape was prepared for those who believed, then God has to keep His word and send a prophet to this generation with a message that would show us how we could escape the wrath to come upon the whole face of the earth.
Many people feel secure, but are they secure in Christ according to the Word of God? He is the only refuge, and He is the word.
To be in Christ, you must be in His word.
Many knew Noah in his day, but did not believe that he was God's messenger for that time.
His so-called strange ideas and peculiar actions were not only misunderstood by the unbelievers, but also by those who were called the sons of God.
That is the sad part.
God takes a prophet right from amongst us, reveals to him His plan, and gives him a message to proclaim.
The whole counsel of God must be made known to us by a God-sent prophet to whom the word of the Lord comes.
Usually, the Lord takes that which is nothing in the sight of men, and thus the people are caused to stumble over the simplicity of such a person, his message, and his actions.
At the same time, God's purpose and plan is being fulfilled.
I am sure that many have heard of the late Reverend William Branham, who had a vindicated ministry equal to those of the apostles and prophets.
He was a man sent from God with a message to deliver to those who would believe.
Countless times he stood up with "Thus saith the Lord," and not one time did it fail because God had spoken to him first.
Dear friends, by God's grace we wish to escape the oncoming judgments that will strike the earth.
Whatever the requirements may be, we are willing to pay the price and line up with God's Word.
In our future broadcasts we shall deal with the fulfilled prophecies of God's Word.
I am sure that many will come to the realization of the ways of God with His children in our time, as they will see the winding up of all things coming to a climax in this generation.
Let us pray.
Heavenly Father, we come to Thee in the precious name of the Lord Jesus Christ, thanking You for the precious Word that was restored and revealed.
We thank You for sending a messenger with a message to show us the way of escape through believing in Jesus Christ, our Lord, according to the Word of God.
We just pray, be merciful unto all of us, heal the sick and the afflicted, deliver those who are crying out for deliverance, touch each and every one.
We ask it all in the precious Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.