
Ewald Frank

Radio Edmonton 01

Dear friends, this is Reverend Frank from West Germany speaking to you now.

I wish to greet you all in the precious name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

I deem it a privilege to speak to you on the end-time message, the great things God has revealed in our day.

During the past years, I've traveled extensively throughout the world, and as a result, I feel a heavy burden upon my heart to share with you the precious Word of God pertaining to our time.

By the grace of God, we are going to deal with many controversial Bible subjects, but in every case, we shall let the Word of God speak for itself.

It is my conviction that the Holy Scripture should not be interpreted by anyone.

As is stated in 2 Peter 1.20:

Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the Scripture is of any private interpretation.

Many have attempted to expound the prophetic utterances of the Bible, but it isn't until God's time comes that things are being revealed by the Holy Spirit through the vessel of His choosing.

We can see the outcome amongst the children of God brought about by private interpretations of the Scripture.

It has caused many to stumble or fall into delusions, because people have rather accepted the numerous interpretations instead of the Word of God the way it is written.

May I be at liberty to state right here that the Word of God is the original seed, and is spirit and life.

It must be left the way it has been spoken.

Anyone daring to interpret it privately brings spiritual death upon himself and all those who believe it.

This very fact can be traced back to the Garden of Eden. As long as Adam and Eve kept the Word of God the way it was spoken, they were protected from the snares of the enemy and remained in fellowship with their Creator, but as soon as they believed the interpretation given by the serpent, they died and lost their fellowship with God.

Each church, every individual, every minister, should be honest before God Almighty and check up with His Word. All should search the Scripture in order to find the answer about the things of God.

Every true servant of Christ has always based his teachings on the written Word of God, "For heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away," said Jesus our Lord.

Christ Himself repeatedly referred to the Scripture and thereby overcame the enemy.

In Luke 24, 27-45 we read that it was given to the disciples to understand the holy writings. The same applies to all the children of God throughout the time of grace.

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. What He did amongst His disciples after His resurrection, He is still doing today.

In those days He stepped right into their midst, because they believed in Him according to His promised word, "Where two or three are gathered in My name, I shall be in the midst of them."

Wherever Jesus Christ is in the midst of His own, He begins to reveal His word, and shows forth the very fulfillment thereof.

He opens our eyes and understanding in like manner as He did with those walking to Emmaus, as recorded in Luke 24, 27.:

And beginning at Moses and all the prophets, He expounded unto them in all the scriptures and things concerning Himself, to show them why Christ had to suffer these things and to enter into His glory.

He had to go back to what the prophets had written about Him.

We know that in times past, various religious movements have taken part of the scriptures to fit their own conception.

But whenever the Lord Jesus Christ speaks, the Word of God from Genesis to Revelation is made known.

All the true servants of God have done this in like manner as Paul states in Acts 20, 27:

"For I have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of God."

Thus it is with true men of God. They don't ride on any bad doctrines, but rather proclaim the whole counsel of God according to the divine commission they received. They are the vessels the Lord is using to speak the living words of Almighty God to a dying people.

In order to recognize the day and the hour we're living in, we too must go back to the Word of God to see what has been prophesied for our day.

There are two books in the Bible primarily dealing with the prophetic part of the plan of salvation which is coming to pass in this generation. These are the book of Daniel and the Revelation of Jesus Christ.

When the prophet Daniel foresaw the events pertaining to the end time, he was told in chapter 12:

"But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words and seal the book, even to the time of the end. Many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased."

And he said, "Go thy way, Daniel, for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end."

But the time was to come in which the signs of these prophecies were to be made known.

According to Revelation 5, the sealed book was to be opened.

We are very thankful to Almighty God for the preaching of the full gospel of Jesus Christ. But our attention is also drawn to the word of prophecy coming to pass at this time.

We have to observe the events preceding the second coming of Christ very carefully, as they are showing forth and pointing out the near coming of Christ.

In times past, whenever something outstanding was to take place, God informs the people by sending a major prophet to declare that which was hidden.

For it is written, "Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but He revealeth His secret unto His servants and prophets." [Am 3:7]

If we look back into the history of the Old and the New Testament, we find that the Lord God always has had His witnesses whenever something supernatural was to transpire.

Just before the earth was to be destroyed by water, the Lord God sent His prophet Noah with a message for that time.

Before the fire fell upon Sodom and Gomorrah, the Lord God visited Abraham, His prophet, and revealed to him the destruction that was to come.

Time and again, throughout the entire course of history, God never left His people in the dark, he always sent a vindicated prophet with the word of the hour. With great assurance, they spoke the thus saith the Lord, and it never failed.

Dear friends, where is the voice in the wilderness today?

The children of God have always been responsible to recognize their day and message.

We all admit to live in the most crucial hour of history, in which all things are coming to pass and reaching a climax.

We have to turn to the Word of God and realize what was predicted for our time.

Jesus Christ, our Lord, foretold that the time of His coming would be as it was in the days of Noah and Lot. In both cases, the Word of God was revealed to a prophet before the judgment struck the earth.

We have to acknowledge not only the conditions of those times, but also recognize the messenger to the seed of Abraham.

In our day, amidst all the confusion and the different voices calling from each direction, it is most important for us to be sure that we are listening to the one true voice of Almighty God, which is His word revealed by the Holy Spirit.

Throughout the oncoming weeks, we are going to deal with outstanding topics of God's Word, trusting that He will answer your questions and bless you abundantly.

Let us pray.

Heavenly Father, we come before Thee in the precious name of Jesus Christ our Lord, asking Thee to bless these few words of exhortation.

Grant it, Father, that they may penetrate into the hearts of all the friends listening in.

Save the lost and heal the sick.

Bless each and every one.

We ask it all in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.
