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The God of heaven – the Creator of the universe – has established His relationship with humanity on earth. As the author of this booklet, I wish to acquaint the reader with the one, true and living God and His plan with mankind. In this exposition we only touch a few things, hopefully the Spirit of God will create a desire in the reader's heart to search more deeply.

We don't represent the view of a denomination, but rather let God speak for Himself by His holy Word. As one recognizes God's choice and decision with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and the other prophets, we do the same with the apostles and those men in church history whom the Lord had chosen for specific purposes.

With deep appreciation towards Him we refer to the ministry of a man sent from God in our time. In no way do we intend to lift up a chosen vessel, but give the glory to the God of heaven alone. We simply cannot afford to bypass whatever the Lord is doing right now. Please remember that we are still in Bible days. The Lord is not dead – He is risen and is with us, as He promised, right to the end of the world.

This brochure is published in the major languages and will be read in over hundred countries on earth. Possibly it may fall into the hands of people belonging to different religions and faiths. Any sensible human being will know that everything that was started by a man is fallible and subject to error. We therefore must turn to the only infallible source.

May every reader benefit spiritually from this brief exposition and find his personal relationship with the Lord, is my prayer.

The author


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