
Beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, special greetings to you from the International mission centre in Krefeld, Germany.

We look back to the meetings Lord gave us, to all the Scriptures we could share with God's people. We just can say that every Word of God becomes more precious to us and we see the harmony between the Old and New Testament and especially the promises for this day and also to have part in what God is doing right now.

In respect to Israel we remember the time when, in 1948, Ben Gurion declared Israel to be the nation for all of the Jews who would return from the countries to where they were scattered. And we also remember that it was in May 1946, when the Angel of the Lord came to brother Branham and gave him the great commission. Yes, we can use the term: the great commission, to bring the message that would forerun the second coming of Christ. And just as important the forerunner and his message was at the first coming of Christ so the message of the hour is so important to bring us back to God, back to His Word, back to the beginning, back to the foundation restoring us back to where the New Testament church was at the very beginning. 

So, beloved, we understand the fulfillment of prophesies in our day and time. In one way with Israel the Jews returned from over 150 countries into the promised land and our Lord said:When you see the fig tree, then you know…” When it comes to life again then the time would be and we should look up for our redemption would draw near. And then again we are reminded in Luke chapter 19, where our Lord looked over Jerusalem weeping bitterly that they did not recognize the day of their visitation. And then in verse 44 our Lord pronounced the judgment. You can read it. It would be laid to the ground and the children within there and ”…they would not leave in thee one stone upon another, „…because thou has not known the time of thy visitation. This is something that really goes into my heart: Not recognized, not known the time of Gods promised Word became a reality. The Savior came to His own and His own received Him not. 

And beloved, we look now to the church age we are living in, we are looking to the promises of God and the question is: Who has really recognized this day? And I say this with great respect: I believe that brother Branham, whom I knew personally for 10 years, being in his meetings in Germany, in the USA, in his home, knowing him in his ministry and also as I met him privately. No one ever had such a ministry like this man of God. When the supernatural light the Pillar of fire came down and he saw things in a vision and every time it was Thus says the Lord. But then we have to realize that he was told directly: Not you, but the message given to you will forerun the second coming of Christ. So the Lord has taken His servant and prophet to glory, but the message remains with us and it was ordained of Almighty God that I would find grace before the Lord to know the day, to know the message, to recognize what God is doing in our day and time and having part in spreading the message the true Word of God.

Beloved, within many questions written to me there was one question: Why are there so many different directions in the message of the hour? 

Beloved, before God there are not many directions in the message or in the Word. There is one Church, one Bride, one faith, one Lord, one baptism, one main direction according to the Word, in the Word, led by the Holy Spirit. All other directions are outside the message of the hour. And therefore we have to recognize what our Lord said. Wheat is wheat and the rest you understand without me explaining it. The tares are the tares and every true Word of God, every promised Word of God is for the true seed and the true seed is the wheat, is the wheat! And only the wheat will be harvested at the return of Christ. No tares will go to heaven, they are outside the field, where the harvest of the wheat will take place.

So we have to understand, beloved: I hope you comprehend what I am trying to say in the name of the Lord. There is only one true Word of God, one true Church, one true Bride, one true message of the hour and it is always 100% in the Word of God! No discussion about it, no debate, no interpretation, every Word of God is yea and Amen and every promise remains true forever and ever.

So, there is only one direction in the message, in the Church, in the Bride of Jesus Christ. All the interpretations are outside the message, all explanations are outside the message and let me say this in love: There are too many who speak about the message but they are in a “mess-age”, but not in the message of Gods Holy and promised Word for this day. 

So we understand the calling-out time is here and as the first part of the promise was fulfilled in the ministry of John the Baptist: He would turn the hearts of the Old-Testament fathers to the New-Testament children (Luke 1:1617), but now the second part, to turn the hearts the children of God back to the apostolic fathers, back to original Word, original foundation. No explanation, no interpretation and now the time is getting short and the return of our Lord is within reach. We see this. I cannot go into details right now, but we see it with Israel, we see it with the nations, we see all things pointing to the end. And even the calling-out is coming to a close. Everyone worldwide was informed about the promised Word of this day. And I think about the grace God gave unto us that 172 nations are now being served with the true Word of God, believing the true message of the hour and not going for the strange interpretations. 

Let me say this again: Every interpretation is imagination. Has nothing to do with the original Word of God. Let every man be a liar, let God alone be true! And that is, as you know, Romans chapter 3, Let God be true and every man be a liar. So God remains true. 

And, beloved, now the Bride is almost called and according to Revelation 19, the Bride has made herself ready. And according to Revelation 22, finally the Spirit and the Bride say: Come, and whosoever shall and will hear it, let him come…” So we return, we come back, we are restored back to the original foundation, back to the original teachings, back to the beginning. 

Let me say this in closing: God gave me a great part in spreading the true Word of God and I can say this in the name of Lord: I respect every Word of God and I believe the true Bride is a Word-Bride. There is no interpretation in the Bride! As the bridegroom was the Word manifested in flesh, so every promise to the Bride is the manifested Word of God for today. So I must tell you: This is Gods time for Gods people and now you can check yourself whether you are part of the Word-Bride, not interpreting, but staying in the Word of God or whether you are outside the Word and therefore outside the message regardless of how often you say: The message, the message…” – you must be in the Word to be in the message and only if you are in the message, you are in the true Word of God. And heaven and earth will pass away, but the Word of God remains forever.

May Lord bless you and be with you in Jesus' Holy name. Amen.