
Internet Summary – January 2015 

Beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, this is brother Frank speaking to you from the International Mission Center in Krefeld, Germany.

We look back to a number of wonderful meetings, whether they were at the end of December or at the beginning of January. God has done great things and to Him alone be the glory. On December the 24th we were reminded that God's servant and prophet William Branham was taken to glory 49 years ago and the thought came to me: Maybe the 50th year could be a Jubilee year when we all come to our possession as it is written in Leviticus 25 especially verse 9 and 10. At the time during the year of Jubilee the trumpets sounded, liberty was declared and all returned to their possessions. It was the greatest time for a person and therefore we believe that God has appointed all things and we are under great expectation. Of course, we know, God – God alone has purposed and will accomplish at His time – not in our time – at His time. As the Scripture says: "When the time was fulfilled…"

It may seem that it takes too long for the Lord to return, but please the promise remains and we should be faithfully watching and waiting and preparing for the return of our blessed Lord and Savior. And as the Scripture says in Matthew 25 verse 10: "They that where ready went in to the marriage and the door was closed."

So the message of the hour, which foreruns the second coming of Christ, has the greatest purpose of all times: to call out the bride, to prepare the true elect for the return of our Lord and Savior.

Then in connection with this Leviticus 25 we read in Luke chapter 4… Our Lord opened the Scripture and read from Isaiah chapter 61 and here, in Luke chapter 4 from verse 18 it is written: "The spirit of the Lord is upon me…" Everybody knows this Scripture. And in verse 19: "…to preach the acceptable year of the Lord." May this be the year the Lord has made for all of us. We are longing to see the restoration, we long to see the Lord manifesting His power in our midst. And then in verse 21 we read: "And He began to say unto them: This day this Scripture is fulfilled in your ears." And of course before your eyes.

My beloved brothers and sisters, I'm longing, I'm longing to see the reality, the fulfillment of the total restoration of all things. The Word was restored and many times I have said: Never before has the whole counsel of God be revealed as it is in our time. And we all understand the Word comes to the prophet and William Branham was the promised prophet according to Malachi chapter 4 and confirmed by our Lord in Matthew 17:11 and also in Mark chapter 9, verse 12. To us it means so much to know the plan of salvation, to have part in what God is doing right now.

And beloved, if we look into the world, especially into the Middle East situation… Beloved, the time is at hand, the return of our Lord is imminent and again: Those who wait for his coming – you have to read Hebrews chapter 9, the last verse. You have to read those Scriptures which speak directly about the second coming of Christ and what will take place when He returns. Also 2nd Timothy chapter 4, verse 8.

It's absolutely great to have the scriptural orientation. Not what you say, not what I say – what God says in His Word that is what counts and therefore we have to place the emphasis on the Holy Scripture.

And especially in 2nd Timothy chapter 4 where the apostle Paul admonishes his coworker to preach the Word it being in time or out of time for the people, but it's God's time to preach the Word of God.

And beloved, in the same chapter we also read about those who present their own teachings. But God has returned us to His Word, back to Himself and therefore we appreciate the ministry of brother Branham so much. And please understand, I speak as an eyewitness, I speak as an earwitness. And I'm not a fanatic. I’m the smallest man of God, but I do have a call from the Lord to preach the Word at this time and to share the message of the hour with all the inhabitants of the Earth and those who are in the election they will pay attention to what the Lord has to say.

But this would be a good opportunity to let you know that I was together with brother Branham whether in his meetings in Germany or in the USA, or privately with him in December 1962. He even asked me to preach in the Jeffersonville tabernacle, because he could not be there. And in December 1962 brother Branham asked me to preach for him in Los Angeles. The meetings were arranged by Demas Shakarian in Clifton's Cafeteria.

So I knew brother Branham personally. Not only in meetings and interviews, driving with him in the same car, eating with him at the same table… So God gave me the grace as a German to know this man of God personally. And beloved brothers and sisters, if I say this I say it before God Almighty: My ministry is directly connected to brother Branham's ministry as no other ministry on the face of the Earth. There is no other person that could appreciate William Branham more than I can. Beloved, at the same time, I preach Jesus Christ, I preach the Word, I place everything William Branham said into the Word of God. I don't have two things – message and the Word – no! One thing – the Word is the message and the message is the Word for this day. So beloved, please, stop interpreting difficult statements brother Branham made especially to what would take place just before the return of Christ. Leave it in the hands of God – the Lord Himself will complete His work of redemption as He finished His work of creation. For that He doesn't need the apostle Paul or Peter, He doesn't need brother Branham, He doesn't need brother Frank. It will be the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, the manifestation of the power of God and then the sons of God will be manifested. It will not be talk, it will be reality. And we are under great expectation to see it happen. Maybe this will be the year. Our Lord said a few times: "When you see all these things that I've told you come to pass, then you know the time is near, it is at hand." Maranatha! The Lord is coming soon, please prepare, be ready. Look up, for our bodily redemption is drawing near. Our Lord will return and the dead in Christ will rise first and we who are alive shall be changed and together we shall be taken to glory to the marriage supper of the Lamb.

May the blessings of Almighty God rest upon you throughout this year as long as the time may last.

God bless you and be with you in Jesus holy name. Amen.