Beloved brothers and sisters in Christ,
this is brother Frank speaking to you from the International Mission Centre in Krefeld, Germany. May the Lord God bless you throughout this year 2012. We are under great expectation to see the Lord do great things and it is just wonderful to know that God Himself has taken all the responsibility to fulfil His promises, but it is our responsibility to believe the promises God made. And it is wonderful to go back to Abraham, who, from the first moment, from the first promise the Lord God gave unto him, believed, he believed what God said, he believed what God promised and he saw the promise fulfilled. If we are the true seed of Abraham, the true children of God, the children of promise, we believe the Word of promise and it is revealed unto us and we see it, we see it clearly and we shall also see the fulfilment thereof.
We are looking back on a tremendous weekend; brothers and sisters had come from far and near, literally from the east and the west, from the south and the north. Not only from all the European countries, but also from overseas, to be with us during these special meetings at the year-end and also at the beginning of the New Year. The Lord God was very, very gracious unto us, He gave us His precious and Holy Word and we must say this: His Word and the whole plan of Salvation were never as clear before us right now. And we say this, I personally do it with great respect towards God, for having given me the great privilege to know the Lord, to know His prophet, to know the message by divine revelation and to take the true Word of God, the last call, to the ends of the Earth. Even in the year 2011, the Lord opened the doors and I could visit 29 different countries, just flying from nation to nation, from city to city, using every month to reach God’s people on the different continents with the last message. And we are just grateful for all these possibilities, like in the days of our Lord, in the days of the apostles, it took so much time to go to the next country and today we just take a seat in the airplane and ten, eleven hours later we disembark and we can walk on and preach the Word of God. It is marvellous. Also, the message, the true Word of God, is granted unto us and we do have a very, very special responsibility to stay one hundred percent with the Word of God.
I say this now with a broken heart, when I think about the many interpretations, misunderstandings of brother Branham’s quotations, simply because they are not taken back to the Word of God. My beloved, I have written a circular in December 2011 and I wished that all of you, wherever you might be, would read what I have written. My responsibility is to connect you with God, with the Word of God, with the plan of salvation, and not interpreting, but just let the Word of God say what God has to say. Then, it is upon my heart to write another circular, dealing with the most important subject, the ministry of brother Branham in our time. Two hundred and forty-five times he referred to the Pillar of Fire coming down especially when he prayed for the sick and he made the statement so many times, it is the same angel of the Lord that was with Israel in the days of Moses.
Beloved, we are still in Bible days and Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today and forever. At the same time, as I try to mention, my heart is broken about the many different interpretations within the message of the hour. Knowing by the signs of the time that the return of our Lord has drawn so very close and then seeing all the different directions not having fellowship with one another, and, I am almost sure, not having fellowship with the Lord. How can you have fellowship with the Lord when you do not fellowship with your brother? How can you love God if you do not love your brother? I think we all should read 1 John and start with chapter 1 and read right to chapter 5 to understand and to know where we place ourselves according to the Word and where the Word places us. It is very important, but beloved, it is also upon my heart to write another brochure to deal with the special ministry and the purpose, the God-ordained purpose of that ministry. At the same time, I am looking forward to April 2nd, 2012, and then it will be 50 years ago when the Lord called me to the ministry to go from city to city to preach His Word. Then it takes me to December 1962 when brother Branham said: “The food you are to put in store is the promised Word of God for this day, it is kept in the sermons which are being taped,” and then the final words: “Brother Frank, wait with the giving-out of the food until you get the rest of the food.” Beloved, our time is soon over, I obeyed the Lord, I waited until His servant was taken to glory, then I started the international ministry, taking the Word of God from nation to nation, from continent to continent.
In closing, let me read Isaiah 44, 26: “Who confirmeth the word of his servants, and performeth the counsel of his messengers.” Yes, He still does it and He will do it until we reach glory. May the blessings of Almighty God rest upon you throughout this year. If you would like to hear what we shared on this last weekend, you can download the sermons, you can have your DVDs and your CDs, we just love to share the Word of God with all of God’s children around the world. God bless you and be with you. I would like to hear from you. Be blessed in Jesus’ holy name. Amen.