
Beloved brothers and sisters in Christ,

this is brother Frank speaking to you from the International Mission Centre in Krefeld, Germany. We look back to a most blessed weekend where believers gathered from over 20 countries, not only from this continent, but also from overseas and from African countries. The Lord is doing great things, calling out the last ones as we know this is the time of preparation, the time of separation, the time of restoration, and we do believe as our beloved brother Branham said, when he was commissioned on June 11, 1933, “As John the Baptist was sent at the first coming of Christ, you are sent with the message that will forerun the second coming of Christ.”

The second coming of Christ is promised in John chapter 14: “I go to prepare the place, then I will return and I will take you to be where I am.” And then, if you go to Revelation 19, 10: “And His bride has made herself ready.” If you go to Mathew 25, “Behold, the bridegroom cometh.” So this is God’s time for God’s people to hear the message of the hour.

By the grace of God, and I might say this to the honour of our Lord, by the grace of God I received a direct call and commission from the Lord with the all-penetrating and commanding, audible voice I heard on April 2, 1962: “My servant, your time for this city will soon be over, I will send you to other cities to preach My Word.” This testimony is as true as every testimony in this book we call the Bible. So my ministry was connected to brother Branham’s ministry during the ten years of his lifetime from 1955 to 1965, but then especially when he was taken to glory, it was my time to take the message of the hour, not only to European countries, but to the whole earth, to all nations, and now I look back to these 50 years, and also having had the privilege to visit personally 155 countries, serving the Lord, showing forth the promised Word for this day. We not only have the promise of the return of Christ, we have the promises which must be fulfilled before He returns. And one of these promises was and is still valid today – “I will send you Elijah the prophet before the great and terrible day of the Lord comes.” So at the time of grace, at the time when the day of salvation is ending, God has sent a prophet to show us the way back to God, to show us the original teachings of the Word of God as they were right at the beginning.

The first and the last sermon must be the same, there must be a total restoration of all things, the same foundation that was laid by the apostles and prophets, the same Lord, the same baptism, everything must be placed into the original divine order. And friends, to say it very straight, we are living in a deceived world, deception is going on in all religions, in all politics, we have nothing but deception and if you look into Christianity, without exception, all denominations believe in the Nicene Creed. But the Nicene Creed was formulated in the year 325 and only 318 from the over 800 agreed to that Trinitarian Nicene Creed. But what have I to do with a creed that was somehow put together by men who did not know Jesus Christ as personal Saviour, who apparently hated Jews, and Jews believed in one God, so they had to put a tri-unity, which was directed exactly against Jews to say something different to be against them. And they started to curse them, to call them the murderers of God, to hold them responsible for the killing of Jesus Christ. If you read what the so-called church fathers said, you will be shocked, you will have a few sleepless nights. But all Christian denominations believe in the Nicene Creed, which was extended to the Chalcedonian Creed, but have I to do with these creeds and dogmas? I believe in one God, Who manifested Himself as our Father in heaven, on earth in His only begotten Son, in us by the Holy Spirit, God above us, God with us, God in us.

I do not believe any creed, I do not believe any dogma. I just believe the Word of God the way it is written. And the apostle Paul in Galatians chapter 1 said if anyone preaches another gospel, he is under a curse. So the whole of Christianity is under a curse. All is under a curse, they have separated themselves from God, from His Word, from grace, they talk about God, they speak about grace, but beloved, let us be honest, eternity is very long and we should be very careful and we should look into the Word of God.

So let me say this in closing: the true Word of God, the message of the hour, is reaching the ends of the earth. And God has equipped us in this place so that, by the Internet, by online, all the earth, in every country, all the people and especially brothers in their churches and gatherings can join us every first weekend in a month to have part in the proclamation of the true Word of God and also to show forth what God is doing in our time. Please feel free to write us, we are ready to serve God and His people. “Behold, the bridegroom cometh, go ye out to meet him.” Maranatha, the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ is very, very near. May the blessings of Almighty God rest upon you in Jesus’ holy name. Amen.