
Internet Summary July 2006

Internet Summary July 2006

Beloved friends and brothers and sisters in Christ,

this is bro. Frank, speaking to you from the International Mission Centre in Krefeld, Germany.

We look again back to the meetings we had, which were blessed by God Almighty in a very special way. People were here from all over Europe and different parts of especially Africa. We just believe that the return of Christ is very near, we also believe that God has chosen bro. Branham to bring us the message of restoration so that before the return of our blessed Lord all things are brought back into the biblical and scriptural order. We also understand that there is a prophetic aspect in the Scriptures as well as the true teachings and also the evangelistic part, then we have the letters in general addressed to local churches, written especially by Apostle Paul. Then we come right to the last book, the Revelation of Jesus Christ, where the final things were made known to John on the isle of Patmos, then reading various scriptures, esp. Ephesians chapter 1, Titus chapter 1, where Apostle Paul addresses the elect, the chosen one, those who were foreordained to eternal life, right before time even began. Then in Revelation chapter 21, verse 7, the overcomers are addressed – "He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son." Then again, if we go to Revelation chapter 2 and 3, the promise in each church age is given to the overcomers. The message at first is addressed to all and the promise to the overcomers and I believe the message of the hour to be addressed to those who have an ear to hear what the Spirit says unto the churches – with eyes to see and ears to hear and a heart to receive and to understand by divine revelation.

Then beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, and especially you, servants who also share God’s Word with your people in your respective countries and cities, we are aware of the fact that many directions, interpretations, strange teachings have come up in the realms of the end-time message. Now after a 40-year period since bro. Branham was taken to be with the Lord, we look back and see that we were privileged to take the message which was to forerun the second coming of Christ that was taken to all the Earth, and right now, with gratitude, we can say in our mission centre in Krefeld, Germany we have the possibility to reach all the Earth in six different languages at the same time, everybody can tune in with us by the Internet. What a privilege God gave unto us to serve God’s people all over the Earth. I look back to this period of 40 years having travelled to the nations of the Earth every month and I shall continue, God willing, but at the same time, I am grateful for the opportunity that we may share, through the Internet and also through our publications, the Word of God for this hour and, by the way, I am just about finished with answering over 30 questions which were placed before me in the end-time message. Beloved, it is not easy but I just wish to serve the Lord and to make God’s Word right every time and to say over and again – God’s Word is the message and God’s message is the Word of God. If anybody makes two different things – one the Bible and one the message, that person is utterly deceived. Nothing can be added to the Word of God, God remembered everything and it is in His Word anything and everything pertaining to the plan of salvation and therefore I must, without compromise, say that the message of the hour is the promised, revealed Word of God containing everything and I believe W. Branham was the promised prophet, I believe in his ministry, I am an eye-witness and I am an ear-witness, I saw, I heard and therefore, beloved, it hurts me to see the developments within the end-time message, sometimes three, four and more different groups in the same city believing different interpretations, and the body of Christ is being split again and again just because a brother thinks he has a special revelation…let me tell you today, all ministries placed into the Body of Christ, they are for the up-building, for the furtherance of the Kingdom of God and, beloved, anything that splits and destroys is not of God, therefore after the 40-year period the time has come to take inventory to search the Scriptures whether we misunderstood things and were misled and have misled others. Brothers, I am not a judge, I just have a responsibility before God Almighty that the true Word of God remains in its original form, and I have to say over and again, in the beginning was the Word, not the interpretation and I have to say, as bro. Branham repeatedly said, God is His own interpreter.

So for this time, I wish you God’s blessings, may the dear Lord be with you wherever you are on earth. Signs of the time, especially with Israel, speak a very clear language about the near coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

God’s grace and peace be with you in Jesus’ holy name. I would like to hear from you. Amen.