CIRCULAR December 1983
“Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, and today, and for ever.” Heb. 13:8
CIRCULAR December 1983
Dear ones in Christ, special greetings to you all in the precious Name of the Lord Jesus. This circular is meant for the insiders of the End-time Message. Should it fall into the hands of those who have not heard or do not believe in the ministry of the late William M. Branham, please bear with us, as we have to deal with a few unpleasant doctrines. Our aim is to be as close to God and His Word as possible and to partake of all the blessings promised to His people for this time.
As the second coming of Christ is the main subject, we have to deal with some of the doctrines surrounding this event, although it should be clear for any Bible reader that this great occurrence will take place precisely according to the Word of God. All the interpretations at the first coming did not prevent a single prophecy from being fulfilled at that time. So, all the explanations which are given in connection with the second coming of Christ will not hinder God at all from letting this great phenomenon come to pass precisely in the way He planned and promised it.
In reference to the return of Christ, Peter writes, “For we have not followed cunningly devised fables when we made known unto you the POWER AND COMING of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of His majesty.” No other subject is so controversial as this one. The statements of Brother Branham pertaining to it are being taken out of context, and the same mistake seems at all times to be that the Scriptures are being neglected. Our Lord said in Matthew 24:4: “Take heed that no man deceive you.” The first deception was accomplished in the garden of Eden by taking God’s Word and giving it another interpretation or meaning. That is the way all other deceptions will be accomplished.
Since we are about to start dealing with or correcting some of the various teachings, the declaration should be given to all world-wide that William Branham is not responsible for any of the doctrines and cults which have made their appearance in recent years and are more or less being ascribed to him. In fact, if he could see those things being done under the prophet’s mantle, he would turn in his grave. There is no need for any child of God to follow cunningly devised fables which, of course, are being presented in a nicely dressed-up way as “the message of the hour”, “special revelations,” “the bride age,” “the new covenant,” “the seventh seal,” “the seven thunders,” “the new name of God,” “the special mysteries,” and so on. The many strange teachings which are in circulation should make everyone stop and ask, “What is Truth?” The answer is the oldest one you can ever get: THY WORD IS TRUTH!
The common slogan “We had the Bible for many years, but did not understand it” is not so bad in itself, if it were not misunderstood. It is true that we didn’t understand those mysteries which were hidden and then were made known to us through the prophetic ministry. Now the Bible has become a living book to us, the Word by which God speaks to our hearts. Who has told anyone to put the Holy Scriptures aside? Should it not be that God’s Word after being revealed has become more precious to us than ever before? Surely the whole plan of salvation from Genesis to Revelation was introduced to us through the prophetic ministry. God has taken us back to His Word.