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The purpose of this booklet is to provoke the reader to thought. My aim is that everyone will become aware of this subject and mentally make an analysis of it. Many already bear a great weight of guilt through silence; whereas anyone who speaks and writes against the general trend makes himself unwelcome. But no individual can please everybody.

The present generation is not to blame that, again and again, one is shunted in the wrong direction by wrong setting of the points in the past. Therefore nobody should feel under personal attack. If erroneous developments in church history are demonstrated, then it is not from a desire to criticise, but purely from a love for the truth. In reading this, all would do well to recognise the well meant intention and perceive the helpful hand outstretched.

We believe that the clergy collectively are intent on teaching and acting correctly. All are eager to do the will of God. But no one has opened their eyes to the fact, that a total departure from the original Gospel proclamation and practice has taken place. Today we find many teachings and traditions that are totally without Biblical foundation.

Spiritual orientation of the leaders has been lost, and the masses are let astray. As far as zeal and devotion are concerned, these are found in all religions. But human striving alone is insufficient to bring us under God’s grace.

In this short introduction certain subject-matters can only be touched upon or dealt with in telegram style. In future publications we hope to concern ourselves more intensively with fundamental doctrines and themes. In addition, current developments will be illuminated in the light of Biblical prophecy.


December 1985

The Editor

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