
Dear friends, beloved brothers and sisters, this is Brother Frank speaking to you from the Mission Center in Krefeld - Germany. 

We called our ministry: “Apostolic Prophetic” for the purpose to share with you the Old and the New Testament – the things God revealed unto us by His prophets and by His apostles. And according to Ephesians chapter 2, verse 20 the New Testament Church is built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets. There is a foundation that was laid right at the beginning when the natural temple was built in the days of Solomon and when the time came that the Jews returned from the captivity under Ezra and Nehemiah they rebuilt the temple on the same foundation with the same measurements the first temple had. So, now it applies to the New Testament Church that in this restoration of all things the New Testament Church is built again upon the Old, upon the same foundation that was laid at the beginning of the New Testament Church and therefore our ministry has to be Apostolic, has to be Prophetic, has to be straight and strict upon and with the Word of God. 

Beloved, the Return of Christ is drawing very near. The signs of the time speak about it because everything foretold by our LORD which would precede the things which take place before He comes as bridegroom to take the bride church home. We can read it in Matthew 24 where He answers the questions of the disciples referring to all the things which will take place before His Return is spoken of in Matthew 25. But we have to understand that this gospel, the original Word of God must be preached to all nations as a witness and then the end will be. At the same time for some it is a witness and for the others it is God’s message of the hour. It’s Gods’ call to them. While the Word of God goes forth, He calls those who wish to receive eternal life and also who would like to be prepared for the great day of His Return. 

Just that you will understand the seriousness in which I, Brother Frank have to share God’s Word with you – you will never hear me speak a joke or have people laugh. This other preachers are already doing successfully. My ministry is because of a direct call I received form the LORD. I heard His voice as you hear my voice now. Just tremendous all commanding voice of the LORD, I heard on April 2nd 1962 just when a new day was about to break. And the LORD said: “My servant, your time for this city will soon be over, I will send you to other cities to preach my Word.” And beloved, this has come true in the past forty years. And now God has opened the door that I don’t need to visit all the countries and cities in person. I look back to having been able to visit over 130 countries on every continent and to many I was a number of times but now God has given us this opportunity to be in your country, in your city, even in your home sharing God’s precious and Holy Word with all the inhabitants of the earth. It’s the last message according to Revelation chapter 14, verse 6: “The everlasting gospel would be preached to all the nations”. It was shown in the symbol; an angel was flying thru the sky. Now we fly right thru the sky with the last angels’ message in the church age of Laodicea which presents himself as being rich, as having all things, not knowing the actual miserable state that we are in spiritually. And beloved friends, this is not for entertainment, this is God speaking to us personally by His Holy Word. And therefore we just have to be serious and honest in preaching the same the gospel that was preached at the very beginning. Actually I’m in the kingdom of God since 1949 when I received my experience of salvation and was baptized in the Holy Spirit. I look back on all these many years in the kingdom of God. In 1955 a man of God by the name of William Branham came to Germany and Switzerland and there for the first time I say apostolic days with my own eyes. I saw Bible days again – not only the announcements “Bible days are here again”. I saw people born blind receive their sight. I saw all the miracles that you read about in the four gospels and in the book of Acts taking place before my very eyes. But beloved, to this ministry was a purpose connected. Then I came to know what Brother Branham, God’s servant and prophet was already told in 1933: “As John the Baptist was send to forerun the first coming of Christ, you are given a message that will forerun the second coming of Christ.” In December 65 the LORD took His prophet from the scene as He did before – He took all the prophets in the Old Testament and He took all the prophets and apostles all the way thru the New Testament. Also His last prophet William Branham but the message God left with us in the Old and New Testament thru the prophets and the apostles was now restored thru the ministry of Brother Branham. He did not bring us a new religion, not new teachings but the same gospel of Jesus Christ, the same power of God, I saw restored. And now is the time of complete restoration of all things within the bride church. In the Old Testament in the last prophet in the last three verses we are told – God speaking: “I will send you the prophet Elijah before the great and dreadful day of the LORD comes.” In the New Testament our LORD confirmed the promise given in the Old in Matthew 17, verse 11 and in the parallel scripture in the gospel of Mark: “Truly Elijah first shall come and restore all things.” What does restore mean? If a building has collapsed, then it must be rebuilt. Then it is restored to as it has been before it collapsed. In the same way the New Testament Church did not remain as she was at the beginning. Beloved friends, anyone who knows church history is also aware of all the changes, of all the misinterpretations of the Holy Scriptures. It starts with Matthew chapter 1 and goes on to last book of the Bible. All the scriptures were misplaced, were misinterpreted, were misunderstood. All the doctrines of the New Testament - It starts with preaching repentance and then baptism and so forth. Everything was just taken out of context, was misplaced and misapplied. If we wish to know what the Name of the Father and of Son and Holy Ghost into which we were to baptise is, we have to go to the Word of God itself. Beloved friends, you don’t need my answer and I don’t need your answer but we all together need God’s answer from God’s Word. You have to take one Scripture to the next and again to the other to have a complete picture of a subject. For instance, if we speak about the Name of God, the Name of the LORD, the New Testament Covenant Name, then you need to go to John chapter 17, verse 6: “I have revealed your Name unto them.” You have to go to chapter 17, verse 12: “I’ve made known thy Name unto them.” You have to go to John 17, verse 11: “Keep them in my Name.” You have to go to chapter 17, verse 26: “I declared thy Name unto them.” And you have to go to Psalms 22, verse 22: “I will declare thy Name unto my brethren.” Beloved, the time has come to be taken away from all misinterpretations. Back to the Word of God in its original form! 

In Isaiah chapter 52, verse 6: “They shall know the Name of the LORD, they shall know my Name.” And then you go to Matthew chapter 1, verse 21, speaks about His Name. And then you take it to Luke 1, verse 31: “And His Name shall be called JESUS.” And then you take it to Acts chapter 2, verse 21: “To call upon the Name of the LORD to be saved.” Just as the prophet Joel had prophesied that those who call upon the Name of the LORD should be saved. The same scripture is being used by the apostle Peter in Acts chapter 2. The same scripture is being used by the apostle Paul in Romans chapter 10. There is only One LORD, one faith, one baptism. Today we have so many different teachings and even baptisms. Some call sprinkling baptism. But in actuality the Greek Word baptisma means to be dipped under, to be put under. And John the Baptist and all who baptised in Bible days were baptising by immersion – to show forth that the person who died to themselves in Christ and with Christ rose to a new life. They are buried with Christ in baptism according to Romans chapter 6. And then being taken out from the water signifying that now they are ready by the grace of God to walk in a new life. How can a baby that doesn’t know anything about God or parents or salvation or repentance or eternal life be born again by a religious act. It’s just not possible. It takes personal faith in the finished work on the cross of Calvary – personal faith which comes by preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Word of God. And therefore the personal relationship which was established thru reconciliation on the day Christ the Son of God died on the cross of Calvary – Then is in actuality established in the believers. Because first the LORD saved us and then when our time comes He calls us to except salvation which is only in Christ who shed His blood who gave His life. And then we hear the gospel, believe it and come to Christ receive forgiveness of our sins and also eternal life. Beloved, it is so important to make sure that we are not mislead in a religious way and then wake up perhaps when it’s too late. But that we take inventory today search the Scriptures to know whether things are so. Beloved brothers and sisters, dear friends, this is the Apostolic Prophetic Ministry of God’s Holy Word including the Old and New Testament, the same teaching, the same practise as was done in the beginning of the New Testament Church is being done right now. It’s the time of restoration as promised in Acts chapter 3, verse 19 to 21: “The LORD promised to send the time of refreshing.” There is a time of preparation for the bride church before the bridegroom returns. Just like the Jews return to the Promised Land, all the children of God who are children of the promise return to the promised Word of God of this hour – the restoration was to take place. And therefore God sent a prophet to restore the Word and then to restore us back to the restored Word, so that the things as they were at the beginning would also be at the end by the time of grace. 

Beloved, to be honest, I’m not interested in what great evangelists are doing. I’m not interested in any of the big programmes. All I’m interested in is to be part of God’s plan of salvation at this time and to have part in what God is presently doing according to His promised Word. You can go as we already did to the Old Testament to the prophet Joel who speaks about restoration. You can go to the prophet Isaiah who speaks about restoration in chapter 49 and also in chapter 58 and you can go to Acts chapter 1 where the disciples were asking the LORD: “Are you restoring at this time the kingdom to Israel?” There are two restorations: One refers to Israel – they are brought back to the Promised Land, to the land of the forefathers. And in the same way the New Testament Church returns to the promised Word of God of this hour. Therefore the true children of God as Isaac, the promised son they are called the children of the promise. And therefore they believe the Word of promise and receive the Spirit of promise by which the Word is revealed thru the Holy Spirit. It is absolutely important to know it and to be up to date in the kingdom of God. In Galatians chapter 4 we are told in verse 28 and 29: “Now we brethren as Isaac was are the children of promise.” Every promise the LORD made is addressed to us, the children of God in these last moments before the Return of Christ. In John 14 our LORD gave the promise that He would prepare the place and then return and take us to be where He is. 

Beloved, may I tell you today what the apostle Paul stated in I Corinthians chapter 15, verse 51. We can say with full assurance today. May I just read it to you from I Corinthians, actually it’s known to each and every child of God around the earth. Here we find the statement: “Behold I show you a mystery. We shall not all fall asleep but we all shall be changed.” In the last international meetings I made the statement in front of the large audience that I, Brother Frank believe with all my heart that I’m entitled to say this as written by the apostle Paul then. I believe that some are here in this congregation who shall not see death but see the Return of Christ. I didn’t speak about those who are eighty and ninety, I spoke about the younger generation but I’m very much convinced that we shall see the Return of Christ. And there are people living on earth now who will not see death but they will see the Return of Christ and these mortal bodies shall be changed into immortality and all the Scriptures pertaining to the Return of Christ will be fulfilled. The corruptible will take on incorruption and as it says here in I Corinthians 15, verse 49: “And as we have born the image of the earthy we shall also bear the image of the heavenly.” 

Beloved brothers and sisters, dear friends the LORD has given us this opportunity to be with you so that He could speak to you thru this television ministry, thru this Apostolic Prophetic Message of the His Word, bringing you up to date in the kingdom of God telling you that this is the end of the end time, telling you that the Return of the LORD is imminent and also that now the wake up call is going forth: “Behold the bridegroom cometh, go ye out to meet Him:” Soon Matthew 25, verse 10 will be fulfilled: “They that were ready went in to the marriage and the door was closed.” My beloved brothers and sisters, are you ready? Am I ready? Are we even preparing? Or do we plan to live on earth another hundred years? Beloved, you can plan as much as you wish but please don’t forget the time of preparation has come. Live a good live, do your work, remain sober in all things but at the same time use the opportunity to be prepared for the Return of Jesus Christ. Behold the bridegroom cometh, go ye out to meet Him. May God bless you and be with you, I love to hear from you in Jesus’ Holy Name. Amen.