
Dear friends, beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, this is Brother Frank speaking to you from the Mission Center in Krefeld - Germany. I greet you in the precious Name of Jesus Christ our LORD. We call this ministry: “The Apostolic Prophetic Ministry” simply because we only believe what the Old and the New Testament teaches. We recognize this book to be the only Word of God existing on the face of the earth. We do not believe that God’s Word is in the Talmud or in any Catechism, in any Church book anywhere. We believe God’s Word to be in God’s book and that is the Bible. We have it confirmed in the New Testament that all the predictions from the Old Testament have come to pass and are still coming to pass in the course of the New Testament. Therefore in the Old Testament God promised what would come to pass in the course of the New Testament – these things are taking place.


Therefore even the coming of Christ is spoken of and we have to refer to it ever so often. It has become the main subject on all my missionary trips throughout the earth – to speak about the second coming of Christ and about the fulfilment of Bible Prophecies in our time. Of course, we have to include the prophetic Scripture from Daniel, from Revelation, from what the apostle Paul predicted that should be in the end time. Also what our LORD said in Matthew 24, in Mark 13, in Luke 17. We do have all these Scriptures but beloved, let me tell you the truth. Everybody can read God’s Word and unless divine revelation is granted to us we just read the Scriptures form our own opinion about things we are reading and at the end we know as much as we knew at the beginning. It is so important to read God’s Word with the desire to know God, to know the plan of salvation, to know the Scripture. And only then if we read God’s Word prayerfully it will be revealed to us by the Holy Spirit. In the same way the prophets and the apostles received God’s Word by divine revelation we also receive the same Word and the significance thereof by divine revelation. 


In I John chapter 1 we stated last time about the things which were from the beginning. And beloved we must go back to the beginning. We must go back to the original church which started on the day of Pentecost. And we must understand that the New Testament begun with the fulfilment of prophecies from the Old Testament. John the Baptist was a promised prophet, Isaiah chapter 40, verse 3, Malachi 3, verse 1. This must be emphasized in as many sermons as possible that God also will complete the New Testament with the fulfilment of Bible prophecies which are now taking place before our very eyes when our LORD said: “When you see all these things come to pass then you know that the time is near, even at the door”. So, we are living in days when Bible prophecies are a living reality. We can actually say that we do experience live the end time and the fulfilment of the things which were predicted. 

Then we also understand that before the Return of Christ there must be a restoration of all things. Just as the Jews return to the promised land the New Testament Church must return to the Word promised for this day. What did God promise? Already in the Old Testament, Malachi chapter 4 that He would send Elijah the prophet before the great and dreadful day of the LORD. Christ our Saviour has confirmed it in Matthew 17:11, also in Mark chapter, verse 12. And the we read in Acts chapter 3 form verse 19 to 21 that God will send the times of refreshing from His presence. Compare it with Isaiah chapter 28. God would send the times of refreshing, a time of restoration of all things. So, as the Church was at the very beginning she must be at the very end. The same teachings, the same power of God, the same ministries, the same gifts, everything the same because Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. And He is Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last, as He was in the beginning so He is at the end. 

And friends, I’m not just stating those things. I’m a witness of Bible days being with us again. This takes me back to August 1955 when William Branham, a true man send from God as I later recognized, the promised prophet for our day, who was directly told: “As John the Baptist was send to forerun the first coming of Christ, you are send with a message that will forerun the second coming of Christ. I saw Bible days with my own eyes. I saw people born blind receive their sight in one moment. I saw the book of Acts repeat before me. I saw John chapter 14, verse 12 with my own eyes: “The works that I do shall you do also and greater works than these shall ye do”. I saw the man of God taking at His Word, believing that God keeps His Word and also fulfils His promises. I must be honest. In those days I was a young preacher, I had never seen something like it when I came to know that Brother Branham was to pray for a girl born blind, 11 years old now. Her parents were there and when we heard the announcement that she was born blind and now there were about 16 to 18 thousand people gathered and Brother Branham was to pray for this girl. You know what Brother Frank did? I took my head in both hands, looked down, I didn’t dare to look to the platform because I’d never seen a miracle with my own eyes. And I thought what if the healing does not take place. What a shame will this man bring upon the Name of the LORD. At that time I was a believer! I was a preacher! But I didn’t know Jesus Christ in the power of His resurrection. I didn’t know that Jesus Christ is the same. I didn’t know that He confirms His Word today. But this man of God knew where He was standing. He just stood there not nervous whatsoever. Just taking God at His Word. If I remember right, he just said: LORD God, you created man at the beginning with two good eyes but because of sin sicknesses come upon the human race also. But you are the healer. I take you at your Word. And I command in the Name of Jesus Christ that by the power of God this child receives her eyesight. And in one moment that girl shouted from the top of her voice: I can see! I can see! And run across the platform where mother was calling for her. Beloved, I saw it! I was there when it happened. I can say as John: What our eyes have seen, our ears have heard from the Word of life that we speak unto you, that which was from the beginning. So, as the New Testament begun so it also must end. 


Beloved, my ministry is directly connected to the ministry of Brother William Branham. He was the man send from God and I’m not a Branhamite! I don’t idolise a person. But I recognize the calling and commission and sending of God. I would not dare to withstand God. I would not dare to say: LORD you made a mistake when you called this man. Because he was uneducated, he was humble many just bypassed the things God was doing. But friends, God takes whomever He wishes. He can take a sheephearder, He can take fishermen, He can take a tax collector. God can take a farmer, God can take anyone. But make sure it’s God who takes a person. And such a person is not sent by a Bible school but as we read of the man of God John the Baptist in John 1 verse 6: A man sent from God to the people of God with the message of God. So it was with Brother William Branham. And I mention him again because I believe that he was sent to bring us back to the original teachings of the Word of God. And when I came to know that what he was teaching was precisely what Peter what John what the apostle Paul were preaching and practising, I knew this is a man sent form God. Not by claim! But by verification by the Word of God itself. And I noticed, even when he spoke about the great commission of Matthew 28:19, he bridged it right to the carrying out of the commission on the day of Pentecost when the apostle Peter was speaking to the large congregation: “Repent everyone of you and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins” In Matthew 28 we have the commission. In Acts chapter 2 we have the precise account and report as the commission was carried out. There is no misunderstanding in the Scriptures. The misunderstanding is in the heads of the teachers of today but not in God’s Word. Because our LORD had very precisely said: “And baptise them into the Name! Father is not a name. God is our Father. Son is not a name. The Father was manifested in the Son! And Holy Spirit is not a name. It’s the Spirit of God. So, when they were told to baptise into the Name of Father, Son and Holy Ghost, they understood it’s the New Testament Covenant Name in which God has manifested Himself. In heaven as our Father. On earth in the Son. In us by the Holy Spirit. But one God manifesting Himself in the New Testament Covenant Name: The LORD Jesus Christ. Emmanuel God with us. So that is the Scripture. Who is that man who dares contradict God? Please tell me. Who has the courage to say that there is a contradiction between what Jesus said and commissioned and what Peter and Phillip and Paul had carried out in the book of Acts? Who is that man to tell me that Peter misunderstood what the LORD said? Beloved, no more! The times of interpretations are over! Even if you take John chapter 20 verse 23 where it says: “To whom you remit sins to them they are remitted, to whom you keep sins they are kept”. How did Peter use that scripture? How did he apply that Scripture? On the day of Pentecost he simply took the four commissions, the one from Matthew 28:19, from Mark chapter 16 from verse 16, also from Luke 24:47 and also form John 20 from 21 to 23 where our LORD said: “As the Father has sent me so send I you.” And he came in His Father’s Name. Father keep them in my Name which thou hast given unto me.” So it’s one and the same Name. But how did Peter the apostle understand John 20 verse 23: “To whom you remit sins they are remitted?” He preached the forgiveness of sins and those who believed to them he could say: Friends, if you believe in the atonement, if you believe that Christ shed His blood for the remission of sins, I’m here to tell you in His Name: If you believe in Him then your sins are remitted.! If you don’t believe in Him your sins are kept. They can only be forgiven thru believing in Jesus Christ as you personal Saviour. And therefore the Scripture was rightly applied and shown forth to the congregation. Not as we know it today. As people misconstrue what the LORD said. Beloved, we have to search all things. And actually as our LORD said: You search the Holy Scriptures and you think you have found eternal life in them and they are they that testify of me. But read the next verse: “But to me you do not wish to come.” You must first come to the LORD and then the Scripture will be revealed to you. Today we have all over the earth as many seminaries as never before. And I would almost dare to say that since the coming down of world communism in 1989 the Word of God and the gospel of Jesus Christ has spread as it never spread in the two thousand years. I’m travelling as you know form country to country. I’ve only been to a little over 130 countries and usually year in year out. I spent two weeks at home and two weeks in different countries on missionary trips but in every country, in every city you have so many Bible schools, Bible seminaries just over flown everywhere on earth. Every evangelist, every one who has a few dollars or many of them they just have established their missions and everyone teaches and teaches. But beloved, we must come back to Bible teachings, we can not go by traditional teachings from books, from books. And let me tell you again, as I did already sometimes before: We can not go back to what Atanasius said, what Tertullian said, what Hyronimus said, what Augustin said. We can not go back to those men. We must go back to what Peter said, to what James said, to what John said, to what Paul said. We must go back to the original teachings of the Word of God. This is the only book which carries God’s handwriting. And therefore we must search the Scriptures but first come to the LORD Jesus Christ Who is the main Person we speak about. We preach, we preach Jesus Christ crucified, we preach Him as the One Who rose from the dead. And we preach Him as the One Who will return to take us home very soon. At the same time we have to share the true Bible teachings. Today we are living when many have still their own interpretations. But this is the calling out time, the coming back to the beginning. Where things and how they originated – that is where we must come back. Otherwise we might agree with the antichrist and not with Christ in our teachings. We might agree with the false prophets and not with the true prophets. We might agree with the false apostles and not with the true apostles. If you read in Revelation chapter 2 verse 2 it says: “You tried those who claim to be apostles and you found them to be liars.”  And if you read Revelation chapter 2 a little further then you find the many things. You find those who were actually preaching the doctrine of Balaam. Then you continue. Some were preaching the Nicolaitian doctrine. Then the others they were taken up by the prophetess called Jezebel. Remember, already in original Christianity wrong teachings has moved into the Church of the living God. Interpretations, false brethren, false teachings were already making their course. Therefore the emphasize is that we have to go back to the Word of God. I’m not here to share the teachings of Balaam. I’m not here to share the Nicolaitian teachings. I’m not here to say what Jezebel who thought to be a prophetess was saying. No! I’m here to say what God said in His Word. But it shows the times have not changed. Right and wrong go side by side right to the end. The wheat and the tares, the right and the wrong seed are on the same field receive the same rain, the same sun but by their fruits you shall know them. And therefore we have to check whether we believe as the apostles believed, baptise as they baptised, have the LORD’s supper as they had. If all things have been restored unto us as they were at the very beginning. Beloved brothers and sisters, dear friends, this is not only Brother Frank speaking to you from the Mission Center in Krefeld – Germany. I believe this is God speaking to you directly from heaven by revealing His written Word to you and making His living Word a living reality and divine revelation in your heart – that you might understand the urgency of the message and recognize the time we are now living in. This is God’s time for God’s people to line up with God’s Word and come back to the original beginning. As it was in the beginning so it will be in the restoration at the end. May God bless you and be with you in Jesus Holy Name. Amen.