
Dear Friends, beloved Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

this is Brother Frank speaking to you from the international ministry in Krefeld, Germany. We are here at the Mission Center and we do call this ministry “apostolic-prophetic” with the view that we only share what God has left with us in His Word. We believe that God in His Word has revealed unto us from Genesis to the last verse in Revelation, chapter 22 the whole plan of salvation. Nothing can be added and nothing should be taken away from it; nothing should be changed, nothing should be interpreted. But, Beloved, to be honest: every Word of God was interpreted according to the views and understandings of the Church Fathers, of the ministers, of the Bible teachers. We all understand that the same Bible is being interpreted into so many different directions. Every church, every denomination, all have their own teachings and all refer to God and all refer to the Bible and still all go into different directions. And therefore I have to talk with you in the Name of the Lord, sharing the original Word of God, which “heaven and earth shall pass away”, also all interpretations, everything that is man-made will pass away, “but God’s Word remains for ever.” And they that do the will of God which is revealed in the Word of God will also abide with the Lord for ever. Jesus Christ, our Lord, said in John, chapter 15, “If ye abide in Me, and my Words abide in you …” It is so important to know the difference between the original Word of God, as it came from the lips of the Almighty and is written in the Old and New Testament, and between the many interpretations. Actually we can go back to the garden of Eden, when the enemy gave his first interpretation, putting doubts on that what God had said and giving his own view of it and Eve believed it. She was deceived, she was beguiled, and she pulled Adam into the fall. Beloved Brothers and Sisters, dear Friends, there is only one original, but many interpretations, and God’s life is only in the original Word of God. Our Lord said, “The Words I speak to you, they are spirit and life.” And it is written in John, chapter 1, verse 4, “In Him was life; and the life was the light of men.” So He was the Word manifested in flesh. He was the promised seed right from the garden of Eden. He was the “logos”, that in the beginning came out of God, manifested in a form of flesh. Because we had sinned in this body of flesh and blood the Lord of glory had to step out of the spiritual body and humiliate Himself and become one of us, being born into this world like we were born, but ,of course, begotten by the Holy Spirit, virgin-born without sin, without sin, so that He as the lamb of God could take upon Him the sins of the world and die. But because He was life Himself He did die in the flesh, in the spirit He went down to the lower regions proclaiming the finished work, the victory and then conquering death and hell and Satan. And He rose on the third day, and because He lives we live also. Beloved, Christianity is not what we are preaching; we are preaching Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and for ever. And as Paul, the Apostle, puts it in 2 Corinthians 11, it’s the same Jesus Christ, the same Gospel that we are preaching right now. It says here right from verse 1, “Would to God ye could bear with me a little in my folly; and, indeed, bear with me.” And then he comes, but what follows is not folly, but it’s something so very important. It says here in verse 2 in 2 Corinthians 11, “For I am jealous over you with godly jealousy; for I have espoused you to one husband that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ.” If we take the beginning of the first creation and of the second creation, Eve was beguiled; she received the seed of the serpent. But Mary was not beguiled; she was a virgin; the seed of God was placed into her. And that is the new beginning of the new creation. We have to understand: there are two beginnings. One, the first creation; the second, the creation – the new creation by birth. This is how God formulates things. In comparison to the first creation it says in Revelation, chapter 3, that Christ is the beginning of the creation of God. And it says, “Who ever is in Christ is a new creation.” Something happens with those who believe in Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour. But as it was with Eve and then with Israel: all were put through the test. Not the beginning but the end will be crowned. Many had a good beginning after conversion, after they received Christ. They were moving on with the Lord. But then came the time of testing, of tries, of temptation, and many fell and many rose again, and fell and rose again. But here it says, Paul speaking, he would love to present to Christ a virgin church, a church without spot and wrinkle, just to remind us on Ephesians, chapter 5, verse 27. And here he gives us the example about Eve. It says in verse 3, “But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his craftiness, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.” Beloved Friends, Brothers and Sisters, whatever God does, He does it in utter simplicity. The high-minded cannot follow God in the simplicity He reveals Himself. Even in the Old Testament God who fills all eternity and is spirit, He can reveal Himself in such simplicity. He can walk in bodily form in the garden of Eden, creating Adam in His own image. He can visit Abraham in Genesis 18. He can speak to Moses face to face and still remain the invisible who dwells in a light who nobody has access to. He is both: invisible, and then He already in the Old Testament manifested Himself in a visible form of appearance. And then if you follow the simplicity how God used His prophets, how He spoke in parables in symbols, revealing something, but hiding it at the same time. Then if we go to the beginning of the New Testament, take the simplicity of John the Baptist, the greatest man of God who ever lived on earth up to that time, because he was not only a prophet, he bridged the Old to the New Testament, he introduced Jesus Christ, he was a promised prophet. But look at the simplicity of his message, not like a high scholar would preach or teach – very simple. Look at the way he was dressed: a camel skin around him and a leather girdle, so that the skin would be tight enough and he could walk. How would people judge him, looking to the outside, “Who is this man, eating wild honey and locusts? Who is this man dressed in such a way? He is not even a priest. He is not a learned man. Where did he go to school? Which denomination does he belong to?” But he was a man sent from God with a message of God, preparing the way of the Lord, bringing Bridegroom and Bride together, having the message of the hour! 

My beloved Friends, if I only would know what happened at the beginning of the New Testament, I should not even speak to you today. If I don’t know the things God promised and does in our time, I should not even be preaching. Beloved, in over 40 years I had the privilege to share the living Word of God and the whole counsel of God with the nations, travelling from continent to continent. I was already part of this revival which broke out after World War II through the ministry of William Branham in 1946. Beloved, I saw Bible days, but especially when I heard about the commission directly given to this man sent from God and then understanding the responsibility that goes with a divine call. Beloved, let me tell you today, I, Brother Frank, have also received a direct call from the Lord. You might not believe this, but I have got no reason to lie or to tell you a story. I know we are living in a world where many stories are made up and are told to impress the people. But I, Brother Frank, heard the all-penetrating, all-commanding voice of the Lord on April 2nd, 1962 just at the dawning of a new day. I looked out of the window, came back into the room, had a short prayer and was looking again towards the window. And from up, but from the right came the actual voice of the Lord, saying these words, “My servant, your time for this city will soon be over. I will send you to other cities to preach My Word …” Beloved, what I told you now is just as true as every word in this book. And because of this direct divine commission, I, Brother Frank, have a responsibility, maybe as no one else presently living on earth. I have not heard of a single person living on earth today claiming to have heard the actual voice of the Lord and having received a direct commission. I knew William Branham. I knew that God had called him and that he had received a direct commission with a tremendous voice, addressing him, “As John the Baptist was sent with a message to forerun the first coming of Christ, you are sent with a message which will forerun the second coming of Christ.” I’d like to make it clear, that I, Brother Frank, am not connected to anything called “endtime message” or “William Branham’s followers”. I follow Jesus Christ, my Lord and Saviour! I don’t believe any of the explanations or interpretations made from the statements of William Branham, I believe the original Word of God from Genesis to Revelation. And William Branham was a man sent from God with the Word of God, not to explain it but to show the Word of God as it is being fulfilled. Because in the Holy Scriptures the whole plan of salvation is foretold and especially the endtime is very largely dealt with. In the Holy Scriptures the things are predicted which would take place before the return of Christ, about Israel, about the fourth empire which would rule the whole earth, which is now coming up here in central Europe, and all religions being united, all nations being united. First they are still fighting, as we all know, but there is coming the moment when the uniting will take place. 1 Thessalonians, chapter 5, from verse 1 to 3, “… For when they shall say, Peace and safety, then sudden destruction will come upon them …” In this connection we read that the day of the Lord would come as a thief in the night. But before the day of the Lord would come, God would send a prophet to restore all things. 

Beloved, if you cannot believe every Word of God, you should not call yourself a Bible believing child of God. Abraham believed God, he believed every promise and every true child of God will believe every promise of God and see that promise in its fulfilment. So we understand, it is such an important time we are now living in, just before the return of Christ. And in Matthew 24, when our Lord was speaking about the things which would take place in the endtime, He said, “When you see all these things come to pass, then ye know – ye know that it is near, even at the door.” And in Luke, chapter 21, our Lord said, “When you see all these things, lift up your heads, for you know that your redemption is drawing near.” We see Bible prophecies fulfilled before us. I am writing in different brochures about all these things which we cannot share in a sermon like this. But we like to let the whole earth know and today you must know that God is making history. Bible prophecies are now being fulfilled. God is watching over His Word to fulfill it. Coming back to 2 Corinthians 11, it says here from verse 4, the Apostle Paul with pain in his soul making this statement, “For if he that cometh and preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him.” That is the case today; regardless of what somebody preaches and how somebody teaches, everybody is celebrating Christianity, everybody is celebrating Christianity and the services, talents are being celebrated, music is being celebrated and everywhere another Gospel is being preached, another Jesus is being presented, another spirit is having its way. Beloved, the time has come to prove ourselves and to check everybody with the Word of God, whether what is being preached about the Godhead, about water baptism, about all the Bible subjects, we have to make sure that we do believe in the real Jesus Christ, in the Emmanuel – God with us; not in a second person who was besides God in eternity, and then came to be with us. No, it was Emmanuel. And the word “Emmanuel” does not mean “the Son of God with us”, it means “God with us”. In the Son the Father was personally present, because God is Spirit and God was in Christ, reconciling the Word with Himself. Beloved, all the true teachings were restored to the New Testament Church now at the end of the time of grace, and it is absolutely important to return to God and His Word. Jesus Christ is Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last, and He brings His work of redemption now to completion. And we have to have part in what God is doing right now. We must believe the promised Word of God for today, see Bible prophecies and predictions in their fulfilment and at the same time lining up with the Word of God, so that it can be said, as we read in Acts 2:42, “They remained in the doctrines of the apostles, in prayer, in fellowship and in the breaking of bread.” May the restoring be taking place in your life, in your church, may everywhere all of God’s children have part in what God is doing right now. Beloved, I dare to say, this is not only Brother Frank speaking to you from the international ministry in Krefeld, Germany, this is the Lord directly talking to you by His holy Word. And I am sure, His Word will not return void but accomplish what is was sent for.

May the blessings of God rest upon you, and I would love to hear from you. Be blessed in Jesus’ holy Name. Amen.