
Dear Friends, 

this is Brother Frank speaking to you from the Mission Center in Krefeld, Germany. I greet you all in the precious Name of Jesus Christ, our Lord. It’s truly a privilege for me to reach all nations, all colours, all the inhabitants of the earth. I personally had the great privilege in my life to serve the Lord well over 40 years, visiting over 130 countries and actually showing a few millions the way to eternal life, showing that Jesus Christ came to redeem us, shed His blood, paid the price and reconciled us with God. 

Now it seems the time has come for a teaching ministry, and therefore we call our ministry “apostolic-prophetic”, taking God’s people back to God’s Word, because the New Testament Church is established on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ being the Chief Cornerstone. As we are now living near to the return of Christ, all things have to be brought back to where they have been at the very beginning –same teachings, same gifts, same ministries, same fruit of the Spirit, everything must be restored in teaching and practice. Just as the New Testament Church was at the very beginning, so it must be at the very end. Jesus Christ is the Chief Cornerstone, but He is also Alpha and Omega and even the Headstone. He started and He will finish, without Him we are lost. And He did not bring us a religion, He brought us eternal life. 

Beloved Brothers and Sisters, dear Friends, in this apostolic-prophetic ministry we have to share with you God’s Word as it is written in the Holy Scriptures. We have to tell you that now, before the return of Christ all things must be restored to where they were at the very beginning. We also have to tell you that every seed brings forth after its own kind. It’s written so in Genesis, chapter 1, when the Lord God made the natural creation: all the trees, all the plants, everything. He put life into every seed and every seed brings forth after its own kind, even up to this day. The same trees, the same plants, the same fruits, everything today in the natural creation is as it was at the very moment God created all things. Now coming to the spiritual part in comparison to the natural part. God created Adam in His own image and in the natural all humanity comes after Adam and were born by natural birth into this world. And if you look into the different races on the different continents, every race, every tribe brings forth after its own kind. Europeans bring forth Europeans, Asians bring froth Asians, Africans bring forth Africans. This is God’s divine order. Everything brings forth after its own kind. 

Coming now to the most important part, which is the spiritual one: in Christ Jesus, our Lord, God made a new beginning. He was the firstborn, and we have to look into the sonship of God, into the new beginning. We have to take God’s Word as it was promised right from the beginning and then became a reality in Christ Jesus, our Lord. Also in the Old Testament the Son of God was promised, redemption was promised, salvation was promised, eternal life was promised. But when the time was fulfilled, the Holy Spirit overshadowed Mary who received the promised Word, believed it and therefore the Angel Gabriel said, “That which is born of you is of the Holy Spirit.” So we understand, in Christ Jesus, the Son of God, the Almighty made a new beginning. I am going to read just a few verses from different chapters to let you know what I am trying to say and share with you. In Romans, chapter 8, verse 29 and 30 we read, “For whom He did foreknow, He also did predestinate to the conformity of the image of His Son, that He might be the Firstborn among many brethren.” A very important statement! And the good part of it is, it is true! Jesus Christ, the Firstborn, and if we are born again, we are sons and daughters of God and we shall be in the perfection and at the very realisation of God’s plan of salvation in His image and likeness, as He came into our image and likeness to pay the price for our redemption. In verse 30 we read, “Moreover, whom He did predestinate, them He also called; and whom He called, them He also justified; and whom He justified, He also glorified. What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?” There must be a beginning in our life. Naturally we are born into this world and are children of death. Nothing is as certain in life as death. Therefore death has come upon the whole human race. But then the Son of God came, paid the price and He died for us in our stead, and because in Him was life, He conquered death and hell and Satan and rose on the third day and brought forth eternal life for all of us. Therefore, the Scripture says, “ He that has the Son of God has eternal life.” In Revelation, chapter 1, in verse 5 we read about our beloved Lord and Saviour, “And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth. Unto Him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in His own blood …” This is also a wonderful passage of God’s Word: Christ, the only begotten Son, the Firstborn, the One who came forth from the dead after having conquered death and hell. In His resurrection our resurrection is guaranteed. In His going to heaven our going to heaven is guaranteed. Those He called He justified; those He justified He glorified. In the sight of God in Christ we are standing blameless in His presence. 

Now to understand God’s plan of salvation we must know that there are promises in reference to the first coming of Christ which were all fulfilled. And there are promises in reference to the second coming of Christ. It’s not only to preach the Gospel, but to preach the same Gospel that Paul, Peter, James, John, the same Gospel that was preached at the very beginning. In Revelation, chapter 14, verse 6, it’s called “the everlasting Gospel”. In Matthew 24:14 our Lord said, “… this Gospel of the Kingdom”. Not a gospel to suit any church or denomination but the true, original Word of God, the Gospel of Jesus Christ which is the power unto salvation, the power of God that changes those who believe in Christ as their personal Saviour. 

It is almost a divine “must” that we share the things pertaining to the prophetic Scripture of the endtime in each sermon. We have to tell you that the return of Christ is imminent. We must share with you that we are now living in a period wherein Bible prophecies are being fulfilled with Israel, with the European Community as the last world empire coming to force, into power. And if you read the Prophet Daniel, chapter 2 and chapter 7, this last world empire wherein commercial, religious and political power is being united and we all understand, it is the Roman Empire which is coming back to power again. It has to be this way, because the Roman Empire started in the year 30 before Christ. The Apostle Paul was already born a Roman citizen. And now it is coming up again and in this way Bible prophecies are also being fulfilled and the Scripture says in Daniel 2 and 7 that this last world power will reign the whole earth. But at the same time the God of heaven will establish His Kingdom. “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is done in heaven.” Now we understand that the “day of salvation” is ending and the “day of the Lord” is about to be. We read about the “day of the Lord” in many scriptures, but before touching on that we have to understand, as I said earlier, every seed brings forth after its own kind. Jesus Christ was the promised seed from the garden of Eden, the manifested Word of God as the Son of God here with us on earth. And now the promised Word of God is the seed which we do receive and therefore, if we do receive God’s promised Word God brings forth after its own kind. If we look into the spiritual realm, not to be against anybody, because I would know better, but we also understand that not only each race but each church brings forth members after their own kind. Every denomination on earth brings forth after its own kind. And everyone can read their own history. We have all the different church-denominations, we have the Roman church, the Anglican church, the Lutheran church, all bring forth after their own kind. But then in the midst of all these churches Jesus Christ proclaims the mighty words, “I will build My church. I redeemed My church. I paid the price for My church. And now I am going to complete My church for the day of My return.” Then we understand that we have to return to the Bible pattern. Beloved, I am not against any church. May God bless all the churches and all the people belonging to the different churches! But today we are not concerned with a certain church. If we look into church history, there were many splits, many branches, many revivals and so many different beginnings. But then if we look into the Word of God, there is only one Church of the living God. And according to 1 Timothy, chapter 3, verse 15, that church of the living God is the pillar and the foundation of the Truth. And we must return to the same foundation, to the same teachings of the apostles. And, Beloved, as God is always using some human lips to speak through and His mystery, His secret is always revealed to His servants, the prophets, God used in our time William Branham in a very special way. I must not hide this from you. This is the most important thing for God’s people to know right now. Just as all people who listened to the message of John the Baptist were prepared to meet the Lord Jesus Christ, so now a message is going forth which will only be heard by those who belong to the Bride Church who are the seed of God, who received the promised Word of God into their heart, who believe God at this time. As John the Baptist was sent then to forerun the coming of Christ to prepare the way, so William Branham was sent as a man of God, to forerun the second coming of Christ. In as much to restore us back to the very beginning, to the true Bible teachings, about the Godhead, water baptism, Holy Spirit baptism, Lord’s Supper and all the Bible doctrines had to be restored. Just as the Bible prophet, Elijah, according to 1 Kings 18 took the twelve stones according to the twelve tribes of Israel, so now in the Elijah ministry of today the teachings of the twelve apostles must be placed again where they had been at the very beginning. This we must not take lightly, because every seed brings forth after its own kind. As I mentioned, every church-denomination is sowing a certain seed and is bringing forth after its own kind. But all the true children of God are the seed of the Word of God. If you read Luke, chapter 8, verse 11, our Lord said, “The Word is the seed.” And if you go back into Matthew 13, verse 37 and 38, there our Lord is spoken of as the sower of the good seed, and the children of the Kingdom of God are the seed which sprang up. Every seed that is sown into the ground will bring after its own kind. The Life is in the seed and the life of God is in the Word of God. And if the Word of God is sown into our soul, then the Holy Spirit comes upon us and brings forth that life that is in God’s Word, and therefore, we are born again by the seed of the Word of God, as it is written in James, chapter 1, verse 18 and also in 1 Peter, chapter 1, verse 23. 

But coming finally to the point, we must understand where we actually belong. Do we just belong to a nation, to a continent, to a country, to a church or are we God’s property? Is Jesus Christ the Firstborn for us among many brethren? Does it apply unto us what He said in John, chapter 20, verse 17, “I go to my Father, and to your Father, to My God and to your God.”? Can we truly pray, “Our Father, who art in heaven.”? Only if the promised Word of God was sown into our soul and the Spirit of God brought forth that eternal life in us by the new birth, God is our heavenly Father. Otherwise He is just the Creator and we might even speak about Him of Saviour and of many different terminologies. Beloved, it is absolutely necessary for us to be born again, first in the true and right way, not only accepting a religion, even a Christian religion, but Christ as our personal Saviour. And then He will be manifested in our life. Beloved, the time is very short; the return of Christ is imminent; Bible prophecies are being fulfilled and the restoration is taking place. 

Now again and finally: What type of seed has come up in you? What type of seed was sown into your soul? Was it a church-seed, was it a seed of denomination, explaining the Word of God? Or was it the original promised Word of God, the Word which remains for ever? We have to understand that every seed brings forth after its own kind. If it’s the Word that will become flesh in you, then the seed of God is in you and you are a child of God, a son and a daughter of God. So please make sure to check whether you are or whether you are not. Because all the true children of God are led by the Holy Spirit. And the Holy Spirit leads us into all the Truth and the Truth is the Word of God. John 17:17, “Sanctify them in the Truth; thy Word is the Truth.”

Beloved Friends, dear Brothers and Sisters, I hope this is not only Brother Frank speaking to you from the Mission Center in Krefeld, Germany, hopefully you understand, it’s the Lord speaking to you by His holy Word. “And he that has an ear let him hear what the Spirit says unto the church.” I would be happy to hear from you. May God bless you. May He be with you. May the anointing of the Holy Spirit be upon you. And may God’s Word be revealed to you in a very special way that you would see what the apostles saw, see what the prophets saw, understand by divine revelation God’s plan of salvation. God bless you and be with you in Jesus’ holy Name. Amen.