
Dear Friends, beloved Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

this is Brother Frank speaking to you from the Mission Center in Krefeld, Germany. It’s always a pivilege to share with you God’s precious and holy Word, „For heaven and earth shall pass away, but God’s Word will remain for ever.” And in Isaiah, chapter 40, and in 1 Peter 1, we find the same statement, „The grass withereth away …, but the Word of God remains for ever.” And if we do the will of God, then we shall remain with God for ever, having received eternal life through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour. In this book we have many promises; some were fulfilled at the first coming of Christ, the rest is now being fulfilled with Israel, with the nations, with the church, with the calling out of God’s people, with the great falling away from God and His Word, showing the apostate situation and condition of the endtime. And it becomes more and more obvious who Christ is, who the antichrist is; it becomes obvious where the Truth is, and the Truth is always God’s Word and “in the beginning was the Word.” Christ is the manifested Word in flesh, and the antichrist is the manifested interpretation and falsification of all that is written in this book. Just as satan took God’s Word in the garden of Eden but changed it, turned it around and made the first lie out of it, so every interpretation since then is a lie and not the truth. The Truth is the Word of God only. In John 17:17 our Lord said, “Sanctify them in the truth; Thy Word is the Truth.” And if you go to John, chapter 8, verse 32, there it says, “Ye shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall set you free.” Beloved, the time has come to know the Word that was in the beginning. Right on the day of Pentecost, right when the Holy Spirit fell the New Testament Church was born and the life of Christ was actually poured into the members of His body. The same life of God that was in Christ, the Son of God, from that moment the New Testament Church was born is in every child of God, in every son and daughter of God. The price was paid at the cross of Calvary, the blood was shed, the life was given, we were reconciled with God and when our time came to believe we heard the Word of God and of course, the Holy Spirit convicted us of sin, tears began to roll down and we recognized that we are lost, just like the lost son in the Scriptures we returned to the Father’s house and the Lord accepted us, forgave all our sins and we received new life, eternal life. That is why the Apostle John writes, “He that has the Son of God has eternal Life.“ Eternal Life is not a philosophy, eternal life was manifested in Christ. God alone is eternal, God alone has eternal Life. But according to John 5 this life was manifested in Christ and finally the apostle summarizes it for us and he says here in 1 John, chapter 5, in verse 20, “And we know that the Son of God came, and hath given us an understanding, that we may know Him that is true; and we are in Him, in the One who is true, even in His Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God, and eternal Life.” Beloved, the time has come for us to go back to the Scripture in every way to search the Scriptures daily to see, to understand if what we believe and practise is according to the Word and will of God. I think many times about Matthew 28:19, about other scriptures which were so terribly misinterpreted and misunderstood. Actually, humanity is being misled all the way through. I must admit, it’s not easy to translate from one language into another, and we have to also admit that those who wrote in the Hebrew or in the Aramaic, that generation was soon over and then came in all the other nations who were no more acquainted with the original text of the Holy Scriptures. And sometimes they interpreted, and sometimes they already put their translation into the interpretation of the Scripture. If I say “interpretation” then I don’t mean “explanation”, I only mean that from the original text there were made translations into many different languages on earth. And we had the first summary in the Greek and, by the way, today I brought the New Testament, the Greek New Testament with me for a certain reason, maybe for one, maybe for two: In Matthew 28:19 we have the footnote and I made a copy of the footnote and I have it in a large form. You see the footnote just beneath Matthew 28. You see these four words: εν τω ονοματι μου. Here you see the word “Eusebius”. It is actually stated that Matthew 28, verse 19 in its original text only wrote, “Go into all the nations and teach them” and so forth, “baptising them into My Name.” That is, that is in the footnote, in the footnote of the Greek New Testament, as we have it here: Novum Testamentum. Beloved, I say this for a reason: Because when the time came that people from heathen nations entered into Christianity, like, for instance, Tertullian, a man from Tunesia in the year 217 came to Rome and there came to know Roman Christianity, but not Bible Christianity, not apostolic Christianity, but Roman Christianity of that time, and he began to make God three persons. From his lips comes the word “trinity”, and as I said, he came to Rome only in the year 217, coming from Tunesia. Beloved Brothers and Sisters, I have a responsibility before God, because I do have a direct call to preach the Word of God – nothing but the Word, because nothing but the Word is the Truth. And only the Truth of the Word of God will make us free! So if we come to Matthew 28, today we read in verse 19, as you all know, “Go ye, therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.“ But 200 years passed without this term being in the Holy Scriptures! It was not in the Hebrew, it was not in the Aramaic, it was in the Greek! And here we have Eusebius who confirms that it was put into the Greek, but was not originally in the manuscripts. So now, what am I to do? I have to go to the Word of God to take it as it is today, and if you do have the Holy Spirit you will even understand Matthew 28:19 right while reading the text the way we have it today. Because God still watched over His Word. It says in the singular, “… baptizing them in the name” – singular. “Father”, of course, is not a name, “father” is what somebody is, and “son” is not a name. “Thou shalt call His name Immanuel”, “Thou shalt call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins.“ So you can have a name and you can be this and you can be that. You can be a lawyer, you can be a preacher, you can be many things. You can be a father, and, of course, you can be a son, but that’s not your name. I am a father, because I have children, but that’s not my name. My name is Frank. And so here is the name which is important. And if we read, as we said already, in the original text, “… baptizing them into My Name”. Here we read, ”… baptizing them into the name of Father, Son and Holy Ghost.” The same Name: the Lord Jesus Christ. You can go with this scripture or with the original text to Acts, chapter 2, verse 38, you can go to chapter 8, you can go to chapter 10, you can go to chapter 19, you can go to Romans 6, you can go and go, and you find that all brethren, all sisters, all believers since the day of Pentecost were baptized in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, which is the New Testament Covenant Name. There is no other name given under heaven to man to be saved by, or no other name to be used as the Name of Jesus Christ, our Lord. “And every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.” But what gets me is even a little more: in the English version, for instance, we have in 1 John, chapter 5, the direct adding which is not permissive at all and this verse is not in the German Bible at all, it’s not in the original Greek even, in this Novum Testamentum, namely verse 7. 

1 John, chapter 5, verse 7, “For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit; and these three are one.” Now you might say, “Brother Frank, you are emphasizing the infallibility of the Word of God, and you say that you believe the Bible to be the infallible Word of God. And now you are telling us that things are in the Holy Scriptures which do not exist or did not exist in its original form?” You can read it right here in the footnote very clearly. It’s not me saying it, you can read it here in the footnote of this Bible: “It is generally agreed that this verse has no manuscript authority and has been inserted.” So even the Bible translators knew that it was not in the original; they knew, it was inserted. And Erasmus of Rotterdam refused directly from the very beginning, even when Martin Luther said, “I am going to take it.”, he said, “I am not going to take it, because it is not in the original manuscript.” So we have to understand that we need the Holy Spirit to understand the Word of God. How can one scripture say, “There is only one God. Besides whom there is no other.” and another scripture say, “There are three.”? How can it be? It’s impossible! Just forget it for ever! It’s impossible. And if somebody says, “The three persons in the trinity are eternally united; they love one another, they speak to one another, they cooperate with one another”, then that is the biggest lie on earth! There is only one God who manifested Himself as Father in heaven, in the Son on earth, in us by the same Holy Spirit: God above us, God with us, God in us. The same God manifesting Himself in different ways for the one great purpose: to bring us back into the proper relationship as sons and daughters unto Himself. So we have to search the Scriptures, even when it comes to the Lord’s Prayer. Everybody knows the Lord’s Prayer by heart. But if you read the Lord’s Prayer in the Aramaic language, I show you what it says in Matthew, chapter 5, in Matthew, chapter 5, when the Lord prayed, and then, of course, it continues, and I am reading now from Matthew, chapter 6. Matthew, chapter 6, verse 13, “… and lead us not into temptation …” You know, what the Aramaic says here? “… and lead us, so we don’t fall into temptation …” Now notice the difference! If James 1:13 says that God cannot be tempted and does not tempt anyone, how can I pray, “… and don’t lead me into temptation …”, if he, according to the Word of God, cannot be tempted and would not tempt anyone? So we understand that I was rejoicing when I read the Aramaic which says, I repeat, “… and lead us, so we don’t fall into temptation …” That is totally different. So sometimes a comma would make the difference, when reading or when interpreting or translating the Word of God. Beloved, I know it’s not easy for you to understand these things, but God called me to a teaching ministry, and I must search the Scriptures and there cannot be a single contradiction in God’s holy Word from Genesis to Revelation! It must be in total harmony! If you have a discrepancy somewhere and something is wrong somewhere, know, the time has come for us to be led by the Holy Spirit from word to word and have every Word of God share light and throw light unto the other word. 

Now, coming quickly before ending this little message to the point: the Return of Christ is very near. The signs of the time speak about it. And I knew the man of God, William Branham, who was told, “As John the Baptist was sent to forerun the first coming of Christ, the message given to you will be the forerunner of the second coming of Christ.” I knew this man of God from 1955 till 1965, when the Lord took him to Glory. He was the one God used to bring about the breakthrough of this last mighty healing revival which started after World War II in 1946. William Branham had an angelic visitation: an angel standing before him, who was sent from the presence of Almighty God to give him the commission. If you go into the Old and the New Testament: God had His messengers; he sent them from Heaven. And He had His messengers on earth. You go to Daniel, how the Angel Gabriel came to him. You go to Moses, you go to Abraham, how the Lord and angels visited the people of God in the Old and New Testament. In Luke, chapter 1, the Angel Gabriel came into the temple, when Zacharias was doing the service, announcing the birth of John the Baptist. And the same angel in the 6th months announced the birth of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Beloved, if you go to the Old and the New Testament, you find the trace of the supernatural movings of Almighty God. And you might not believe this, but I am going to say it anyhow: I, Brother Frank, received a direct call from the Lord. I am not imitating the Apostle Paul, but my testimony is just as true as his. I heard on April, 2nd, 1962 the mighty, all-penetrating, all-commanding voice of the Lord, which came to me from up, but from the right, in the German language saying, “My servant, your time for this city will soon be over. I will send you to other cities to preach My Word …” I just collapsed and fell over to my left on my arm with the face to the ground. I lie not, I tell you the truth! I have a direct commission from the Lord, and therefore a responsibility not to please men but to please God, as the Apostle Paul was emphasizing in Galatians, chapter 1, where he said, “Many are preaching another gospel”, and then he made the statement, “Even if we or an angel from heaven would preach another gospel”, the curse would be upon him. And then in verse 10 in Galatians 1, the apostle says, “If I yet wish to please men, I am not even a servant of Christ.” Beloved, the Return of Christ is near. Bible prophecies are being fulfilled. The last call is going out to the ends of the earth by literature, by radio, by television, by mass crusades, in every way. The last message is reaching the ends of the earth, and we call it “the endtime message”. It’s the calling-out time of God’s people, the preparation time, getting ready. “Behold, the Bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet Him. And they that were ready went in to the Marriage and the door was closed.” May you get ready and be ready for the moment of the Return of Christ! As no one knows the day and the hour, we must be prepared, because it could happen at any moment. I am Brother Frank, speaking to you from the Mission Center in Krefeld, Germany. I would love to hear from you. Just write us. We have literature in many different languages, sharing the Bible subjects with the inhabitants of the earth. May God bless you where ever you are. In Jesus’ holy Name. Amen.