
Beloved Brothers and Sisters in Christ, dear Friends,

this is Brother Frank speaking to you from the Mission Center in Krefeld, Germany. I greet you very much all over the world. God has given me a ministry and with it a responsibility to share His original Word in spite of all the interpretations. Now we have to hear the Word in its original form. We have to go back to the beginning and take people away from all interpretations which were introduced in the course of the 2,000 years of the church history. Knowing that the return of Christ is near, seeing Bible prophecies being fulfilled, it’s the command of the hour to inform God’s people to let them know that this is God’s time for His children to take us back to His Word into the grace of God, into complete forgiveness, reconciliation, a life with Christ, a life that Christ can live through us. Now we shall start with the Bible study today, taking as many scriptures as possible to show God’s plan of salvation. It’s not enough to just refer to the signs of the end time, to refer to Daniel 2, Daniel 7 and even to Daniel 8:25, where we are told that peace will be made and destruction will come, as we are also told in 1 Thessalonians, chapter 5, when peace and safety will be announced then the destruction would come. And if we go to Revelation, chapter 9, we are told that the four judgement angels are bound at the river Euphrates, which moves right from Turkey through Syria and all through the Iraque of today and merges into the Persian Gulf. These four judgement angels wait for the day and for the hour to be loosed, so one third of the world’s population would be destroyed. The destruction will not come from the U.S.A., it will not come from Europe, the destruction will come from the eastern and the northern countries. And if we speak about east or north, then we always have to take into consideration that we have to view the things from Israel. If the Bible speaks of the north, it speaks of the north of Israel. If the Bible speaks of the east, it speaks of the east of Israel, because there is where the prophets were. That is the place, the country, the city where our Lord has been. He was in Israel; He was in Galilee; He was in Judea; He was at the Jordan River; He was in Jerusalem. There He suffered and died, there He paid the price for our redemption. The apostles were in Jerusalem. The outpouring of the Holy Spirit was in Jerusalem. The New Testament church started in Jerusalem. So, Beloved, starting now our Bible study, which we do call “the apostolic-prophetic ministry”. I am not interested in what Athanasius said or Augustine or Hieronymus or Tertullian. I am not interested in what any of the church fathers said. I am interested in what God said in the Old and the New Testament, because the New Testament church is built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ being the Chief Cornerstone. In the Old Testament the fall happened, in the Old Testament people were cut off from the fellowship with God. Right at the beginning of humanity, there in paradise, when God started His creation here on earth, when He placed Adam and Eve into the splendid garden. No death, no tears, no sickness, just fellowship with God, having eternal life: Adam and Eve lived there in the presence of God Almighty. But then the serpent, actually Satan who fell from heaven, who lifted himself up in heaven and was cast down actually incarnated himself into the serpent which was walking upright, talking with Eve, pulling here into the transgression, beguiling her, actually having the arguments with her about what God had said. So in its original form the serpent was walking upright, could talk, was closest to humanity. But after the curse nothing was left of the original form. After the curse it was moving on its belly. Beloved, if we speak about the Plan of Salvation we have to show where the fall was and how terrible the fall was, that it was necessary for the Lord of Glory to leave His glory and to come into a body of flesh to pay the price and to redeem us. It’s life that we are concerned about and in this case eternal life. Natural life is in the natural blood. This we can read in Leviticus 17, verse 10 and 11, “The life is in the blood.” And then if you go into the New Testament, in John, chapter 6, our Lord said, “If you don’t eat the flesh of the Son of man and don’t drink His blood you have no life.” In the Old Testament God forbade to eat the blood or to drink it. But in the New Testament, just in a symbol form our Lord wanted to say, “If you wish to have eternal life you need Me. I came, I came to die for you. I came to give My life, so that your life will be saved. I am here to die that you may live eternally.” So we do not need to change bread into the body or wine into the blood – Christ is all in all for us. He gave His body, He shed His blood and so we take Him into our soul and receive eternal life. Now in Mark, chapter 1, we read, “The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God …” It’s the beginning and we have to go back to the beginning. If I remember right John, chapter 1, “In the beginning was the Word …” If I remember right Genesis, chapter 1, verse 1, “In the beginning …” And then again in 1 John, chapter 1, from verse 1, “That which was from the beginning …” This is so very important: to know the terminologies of the Holy Scriptures. Eternity has no beginning – time has a beginning, and time will have an end. But now we shall just refer to a number of scriptures and I tell you straight why I must always go back to the Word of God. I will absolutely believe nothing unless it is the Word of God written black on white in the Holy Scriptures. Therefore, I have to mention without being against any church or any religion or any denomination, but we have to compare if what all denominations, all churches teach and practise, if that is according to the original pattern laid down in apostolic days or whether we are dealing with all the deviations, interpretations which exist among Christianity. Beloved, there was a time when there were no “holy waters”, no incense, no processions, no crucifixes, no rosaries, no pilgrimages, no indulgence, no purgatory, no celibacy, nothing, nothing – no popes, no cardinals. The first few hundred years passed without formal state Christianity. And then of course, in the time of Reformation God made a new beginning, just taking the Bible back to the people. And Friends, now we are living at the end of the time of grace, when God brings us back to the original teachings. 

Question number 1: What is it all about? What is the actual Plan of Salvation? What is it all about that God was in Christ reconciling the world with Himself? To put it in a simple way: To bring us back into our original position as sons and daughters of God. To put an end to the separation and give us reconciliation and bring us back as sons and daughters of God by the new birth and into true fellowship with Himself. Now going from here to Matthew 11, verse 27, “No one knows who the Father is except the Son and no one knows who the Son is except the Father and he to whom He will reveal it.” The same is written in Luke, chapter 10, from verse 21–24. No one knows: no bishop, no priest, no preacher, no pastor, no professor. No one knows and no one means no one! It all comes by divine revelation and every divine revelation is connected to and with the Word of God. There is no divine revelation outside God’s Word! There is no plan of salvation except the one God presents to us in His holy Word. Then in John, chapter 1, verse 18 we are told, “No man hath seen God at any time, but the only begotten” – the only begotten! Beloved, I brought with me the Hebrew and the Greek. Today it’s a dictionary, and if we deal with the different languages and we go back to the original Bible languages – Beloved, it’s not easy and it has not been easy for all the translators to every time hit the target, even without divine revelation we are all in trouble. What we need is the Holy Spirit. But to let you: know if you read about the new birth, if you read about Jesus Christ, the Firstborn, if we read these terminologies we must go back and understand from the original meaning what it actually expresses. For instance, if you read in the different languages, especially in the Greek about γενεαλογια. Do you know what that means? Family tree. If you read γενεσια, it’s birthday. But it’s also referring to beginning, like to γενεσιζ. Then here we have the direct word γενεσιζ which means origin, to be and also begetting and also to be born. One word in different connections expresses the very same thing. And we go here to γενετη. Γενετε means birth. If you go further on to γενναω. That means to beget, but it also means to be born. When a man is referred, this word must be translated to beget; if a birth is concerned which refers to a woman, the same word must be translated born, because it’s the same life that is in concern. But I don’t want to worry you with all these things, but then again, if you go a little further, γεννημα is offspring. It’s also to give birth and it also means to beget. And then you go to γενοσ: posterity, off springs. So, Beloved, if you read the New Testament in the different languages, I am just telling you today: it was not easy for the translators to convey the original meaning which expresses in both directions, like I said, the same word being used for begetting, referring to the man; giving birth, referring to the woman, and now make it what it should be. So we need divine revelation right from the beginning to the end. And then if you go to 1 John, chapter 4, verse 12, we are told, “No man has seen God at any time …” If you go to 1 Timothy 1:17, God is the invisible, dwelling in a light, where no one has access to. If you go to 1 Timothy 6, verse 16, “No one has seen God at any time …” Whom did Adam see? Who visited Abraham? Who talked to Moses? With whom did Jacob wrestle? Who was the One speaking to Moses from face to face, as the Scripture says? Beloved, God is spirit and God is light and in that way, in His Spirit-form in which He dwelled in eternity no one has ever seen Him. But then He came out of this fulness of light into a visible form of appearance, being the Lord God in the Old Testament. Here is a secret: the Lord Yahwe, the I AM, was not a different person, He was the same person expressed in a different way. And so we have to understand: in the Old Testament the Invisible, whom we know as God, but He in the Old Testament He was not yet our Father. This relationship was established for the New Testament Covenant, that God became our Father, starting with the Son, “Thou art My Son, today have I begotten Thee.” That is the beginning of the new creation of God, not the creation of the universe. If you read Revelation, chapter 3, verse 14, Christ being the beginning of the creation of God, that doesn’t refer to the things created in Genesis, chapter 1. There He was the One who did the creating, the I AM, the Lord of whom the Scripture says in John 1, “By Him all things were made and without Him nothing was made …” But you see, you have to take Old and New Testament together to know these things. If you read Romans 8, verse 3, there we are told that God condemned sin in the flesh, in the body of flesh of our Saviour. Because sin happened in the body of flesh and blood, the Saviour had to come into a body of flesh and blood to redeem us, to pay the price. So our condemnation, our separation, our guilt, everything was placed upon the Son of God who took away the sins of the world, dying as the Lamb of God to redeem us. If you go to Romans 8 from verse 14–17, we are told that in Christ we have received the adoption. 

Brothers and Sisters, dear Friends, I don’t believe in a Christian religion – I believe in Jesus Christ, my Lord, my Saviour, King of Kings, the First and the Last, the One who paid the price on the cross of Calvary. Then you cannot only read Mark 1, verse 1, “The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, as written in the prophets …”, you go from the prophets to the New Testament, reading Galatians 4, from verse 4–7, how Christ in the fullness of time came and was born by the woman, but begotten by the Holy Spirit and then through Him, the Son, we were placed back as sons and daughters of God, praying, “Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name.” And our Lord Jesus said in John 20:17, “I go to My Father and to your Father, to My God and to your God.” So by the grace of God Almighty who revealed Himself personally in our Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ, we are placed back into our true relationship with God. Beloved, as the time so quickly moves, I just wish to let you know that we are very soon to experience the Return of Christ, that these are the last moments when the Gospel is being preached to all nations, the last call is being given and as William Branham whom God used after World War II in a special way was told, “As John the Baptist forerun the first coming of Christ, you are sent with a message from God’s Word to forerun the second coming of Christ.” Beloved, God always has His servants and I, Brother Frank, have received a direct call to the ministry and actually it’s now 50 years since I am preaching the Gospel and it’s 40 years that I am in the international ministry, travelling all over the world to share the precious Word of God. Friends, take your Bible again, read it and may the Holy Spirit grant you divine revelation to know God and His way and plan of salvation and do have part in what God is doing right now. May His blessings rest upon you. 

In Jesus’ holy Name. Amen.