
Dear friends, beloved brothers and sisters, this is Brother Frank speaking to you from the Mission Center in Krefeld - Germany. 

I think you already know the ministry. We chose the title: “The Apostolic Prophetic Bible Ministry”. All we teach and all we preach is written in this holy book. And by God’s grace I have had the privilege to serve the LORD already for many years. In 1949 I had my full experience of salvation. I knew the LORD as my personal Saviour and I experienced Him in the power of His resurrection and also in the power or the Holy Spirit. We have chosen also the main theme about the Return of Christ and also the fulfilment of Bible prophecies to show that God has already written the history in advance, that all things which take place on earth in the course of time are already written in the prophetic scriptures. Everybody knows that the LORD made the promise in John chapter 14: “I go to prepare the place, then I will return and take you to be where I am.” Since 2000 years Bible believing children of God expected this promise to be fulfilled. Even the apostle Paul said: “We shall not all fall asleep but we all shall be changed.” He spoke for all of God’s children throughout the space of the time of grace but we as the last generation can truthfully say with full conviction that not all who live now will die but we shall see the Return of Christ, the raising of the dead, the changing of those who live in Christ to meet Him in the air, as we find written in I Thessalonians chapter 4 and also in other places in God’s Holy Word. In Luke chapter 1 we are told that this evangelist went back to the beginning and he referred to the things in verse 2: which were from the beginning, which were witnessed by those who were present and then became ministers of the Word of God. A true witness must have been there when things actually occur, when they take place. And the apostles were witnesses of the ministry of our LORD. They were witnesses of His sufferings, of His death, of His resurrection, they were witnesses when the Holy Spirit came down on the day of Pentecost. And the promise was fulfilled: “Remain in Jerusalem until ye are endued with the power from on high.” It’s written in Acts chapter 1, it’s written in Luke chapter 24 and we have seen the fulfilment in Acts chapter 2 as already promised in the prophet Joel chapter 2 the last verses. 

Beloved, whatever God does He will do it according to His promised Word. Then we also have the Word of prophecy which does speak about the general events which take place in the course of time especially at the end of the time of grace. Like the gathering of the children of Israel from all countries were unto they were scattered. You can find it in Isaiah chapter 14 verse 1, in Jeremiah chapter 31 verse 1 to 10, in the prophet Ezekiel one should also read chapters 36 to 38. And then with this you go to the New Testament to Matthew 24 were the LORD speaks about the people of Israel in the symbol of the fig tree and also in Luke chapter 21 from verse 29. And then we understand by the grace of God how these prophecies slowly but surely come to pass. And suddenly the things God promised will happen. As we have seen in the last weeks and months how a war can start, how a city can be destroyed, how many people suffer. It’s not only that soldiers die, civilians die and people are left, children without a father, woman without her husband. A great tragedy. Any war is a tragedy. And no one on earth can be happy about a war. I, Brother Frank experienced World War II in a tremendous way. Especially the last few months from January 1945 to May 1945 I was in the midst of the end of World War II. I saw the dead. I saw those with one arm, with one leg. I saw many many who were injured. And I was one of the 13 millions refugees who left everything and have never seen it again. So, nobody can have Brother Frank agree with a war. And finally if we go to the root of all things. It’s not a man, not a president who will put on earth a new world order. He’s not the one to put kings in and put kings out. God does it. And He does it in His own time, in His own way. But we wish not to go into details. We just suffer with those who suffer. And by the way, a human being is a human being. A soul is a soul. You can not say: One nation is important, their life counts, the others are not important, their life does not count. This is not the right attitude. Jesus Christ, our LORD and Saviour prayed for His enemies and said: “Father forgive them for they don’t know what they are doing.” I, Brother Frank live Israel with all my heart; they are God’s chosen people, right from the time of Abraham thru Isaac, thru Jacob, the twelve tribes. At the same time I love all nations, because God said to Abraham: Thru you, thru thy seed and if you go to Galatians chapter 3 it was a promise, thru thy seed. “And the spiritual seed of Abraham is Christ in whom all nations were blessed.” We as gentile nations have also part in the salvation which the God of Israel gave to humanity. Jesus Christ was not a Gentile. Jesus Christ was not a Jew. Jesus Christ was Emmanuel, God with us. The great I AM. The LORD of glory who became a servant, who came to us, went from glory to earth and was begotten by the Holy Spirit and therefore was holy. His life, His blood, everything was holy and therefore He the only Holy One appearing in the body of flesh being born into the sinful world as the One who knew no sin. That He could take our place die in our stead, shed His blood give His life, even go to hell where we should have gone. But He didn’t go there to stay. HE went there to conquer death and hell and Satan and rose on the third day. And the scripture says that actually we were in Christ and we died with Him, we were buried with Him, we rose with Him and were placed into glory by the grace of God finally in the completion.

Beloved friends, this is not a religion! This is a reality! God was in Christ, reconciling the world with Himself. That is the message and it is the message of love. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that all who would believe in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” 

Beloved, God is love. And therefore anyone who has the love of God in his heart, he will love all because in the sight of God there is no difference. All the religions have deceived humanity. You can go from religion to religion. And actually even the Christian religion is the greatest deception on the face of the earth. If you go into this book and check the Roman Christianity of today. Not one point is in agreement with original Christ and His church and His Word. Not in one point is the church of Rome in agreement with the Holy Scriptures. Every point was changed. Every teaching, every practise, every Word of God was actually changed. The Word is still being used but the interpretation is being given to the people. Therefore we have to return to the original Word of God. And friends, some people don’t even see the difference. But in original Christianity, there were no popes, no cardinals, no worship of Mary, no purgatory, nothing at all, no infallibility of any man. Nothing, nothing was in original Christianity. The first two hundred years past without any organisation. 130 different faiths were on earth in Christianity. And then came the uniting of all these different ways and beliefs into one state church. And finally heathenism and Christianity were united and heathenism drowned in Christianity and Christianity drowned in heathenism. And what we have today is just a name Christianity. By the way, it’s not Christianity that I believe in. I believe in Jesus Christ my LORD and Saviour. And beloved, as I was called directly by the LORD with the tremendous audible voice with these words: “My servant, your time for this city will soon be over, I will send you to other cities to preach my Word.” These words of my lips are as true as every Word in this book. When you read the book of Acts, in chapter 9, chapter 22, chapter 26, the apostle Paul gave his testimony, referring to his experience, to his call, to his commission. All the prophets, all the apostles, all the men of God in the Old and New Testament, they were called directly with an audible voice to the ministry. And therefore I, Brother Frank do have a tremendous responsibility and will have to give an account before God on the day of judgement. And therefore I have to preach the original teachings of the Word of God. 

Now, just a few things in reference to the time we are now living in. If you read Daniel chapter 2, it speaks about the four world empires. And if you read Daniel chapter 7, it also speaks about the four world empires. And Daniel was especially interested in knowing more about the fourth world empire. And then you can read it very clearly how he received the instructions and the information about the last world empire. And may it be said right here and now: The United States of America are the only super power that was left. After World War II we had two super powers. One Russia and the other one the USA. And now there is only one super power left. But this super power is not the last world reigning ruling power. We have to know this. So, now the USA as the last super power will come to diminish and the actual last world empire will come into force. We can not go into all the details in a short service like this. But from July 1st in the year 2002 we have in “The Hague” the world criminal court, the 18 judges have been sworn in. And you can read many things like in this very famous publication here. You can read it very clearly, of course in the German language: “The holy world empire.” Showing the Vatican, showing the Peters’ Square, showing the pope and the headline says: “The holy world power”. You can go to the book of Revelation, chapter 13, chapter 17. And there you find in symbols that the great world church which is committing fornication with the kings of the earth is riding the beast. And the beast according to Daniel chapter 7 is the last empire. Let me read to you in Daniel chapter 7, verse 19: “Then I would know the truth of the fourth beast which was diverse from all the others, exceedingly dreadful whose teeth were of iron and it’s nails of bronze which stand the residue under it’s feet,” or with his feet. And in verse 23: “Thus he said, the fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon the earth which shall be diverse from the all the kingdoms and shall devour the whole earth.” Not the last super power shall devour the whole earth but the last kingdom, the last kingdom shall devour the whole earth. Everybody who is acquainted with the course of history knows about the Babylonian kingdom, Medo Persian kingdom, Greek kingdom and then about the start of the Roman Empire. And this Roman Empire is now coming into force again. Here are now three forces united: The religious power, the economic power and the political power. If you go to some of the other publications. Here you see in Newsweek, you see in Newsweek, just before war on Iraq started. You see Mr. Bush, the president of the USA with the pope. And I just read the line beneath: “Bush has praised the pope for spreading the love of God.” Now, I’m asking you, the listeners, the viewers. Who speaks about the love of God? Are they not the born again Christians, which Bush claims to be a born again Christian. A Bible believing, a fundamental Christian. And we should speak and practise the love of God, not someone who never experienced it. Here you see the German chancellor and the pope. Here you see the many together: Mr. Anan, you see the pope, you see Arafat, you see Bush, you see them altogether. 

Beloved brothers, there is only one city on earth which calls itself the eternal city. And it’s the only city which rules over the kings of the earth. But now the last war had to be so all the other nations, especially Arab countries, Islamic countries and all who are against Israel and against the United States must and will unite for that certain day when the third part of the worlds population will be destroyed as is written in the book of Revelation. I can read it to you in Revelation chapter 9, it says here that the, you can read, verse 13 to 15: “And the four angels were loosed who were prepared for an hour, a day and a month and a year to slay the third part of man”. And before this we read about the River Euphrates. Let us summarise: The Return of Christ is near and all the preparations for what takes place even after the LORD takes His bride home is now in full swing. We are not only in the end time. We are at the end of the end time. I must give the shout: “Behold the bridegroom cometh, go ye out to meet him.” Prepare, prepare! For the Spirit and the bride say: Come and they who hear should say: Come. But not only say: Come but be prepared for that coming. May God bless you richly and be with you in Jesus’ Holy Name. Amen.