
Beloved friends, dear brothers and sisters, this is Brother Frank speaking to you from the Mission Center in Krefeld - Germany. Many already know this ministry. We believe that no one on earth has the right to interpret what God’s Word says. Scripture explains Scripture. Not the wise men, not the rabbis, not the pastors explain but God’s Word explains itself. You need to go from the Old to the New, from the New to the Old, from the gospels to the book of Acts, from the book of Acts to all the letters addressed to the single churches and also to individuals. For instance if you wish to know what took place right from the beginning of the New Testament you must go back to the promises God made in the Old Testament. Right from Genesis chapter 3 verse 15 thru II Samuel 7 verse 14, Psalms 2 verse 7, Psalms 22, Psalms 89. You go right on to the prophet Isaiah chapter 7 verse 14: “A virgin shall conceive and bare a Son and call His Name Emanuel.” I, Brother Frank have nothing against a person or religion. I’m just burdened because God’s Word was explained in so many different ways. And even today it’s not only the different religions which bypass God’s Word which bypass God’s personal revelation and manifestation in Christ which bypass the Old Testament and the New Testament. We have billions who do that. And then we have those who refer to the Old and the New Testament at times but still have their own religion, their own explanations, their own interpretations inventing their own teachings. I especially love all the Arab world, I don’t know why but I preached in almost all the Arab countries. You will never find nicer people on earth than you can find in Egypt especially, in Jordan, in the Lebanon, in Syria. You can go right on to the many countries, to the Sudan, to Ethiopia, you can go to all these countries which I visited and preached to multitudes. But when I preach, I preach in the love of God. I don’t criticise someone a billion calls a prophet. I just feel sorry that this prophet they look up to missed the divine revelation of God. I’m just sorry because He was misled and so are those who follow him. One time I was preaching to a very large crowd many many Moslems attending the open air meeting in the capital of Pakistan in Islamabad. And then I made the statement for the first time. After this I made it quite frequently that all who follow a religious founder will be where the founder is. And then I named all those who started a religion who are looked upon to be prophets or prophetesses. And then I made the statement: Not one of them told us where they are going. Not one of them rose from the dead. But Christ told us where He is going and He is the only One who rose from the dead. I visited Jerusalem already nineteen times and the climax is when I go to the empty tomb. Christ rose from the dead! HE conquered death and hell and He lives forevermore. And not only He but we shall live Him forever. So, why should I follow a man. I don’t want anyone to follow me. I’m a man. I could be wrong. We must follow Jesus Christ, our LORD and Saviour and that in His footsteps according to the true apostolic prophetic teaching which is actually the teaching of Jesus Christ. Not criticising but I do have four Korans in my home, in the office, four! I read all the 114 Sures, the 6345 chapters containing altogether just a little over 78000 words. But I found no promise in there. No hope in there. Nothing about forgiveness of sins, nothing about reconciliation with God, nothing about salvation, nothing about conquering death, nothing about eternal life. And this is what worries me. What good is a religion if God is not in it? And by the way, beloved friends! Again, not criticizing! But since September 26th in the year 2000 when Sharon made his trip to the temple mountain the intifida started. And all the world was looking not only to Israel, not only to Jerusalem but especially the Arab world was looking to the temple mountain where the mosque of Omar is and also the dome of the rock. But if you go to the Old Testament, that is the place where Abraham sacrificed Isaac. That is the place which David bought for six hundred shekels of gold. That is the place where Solomon built the temple. You just read history and compare it with the Holy Scriptures. But then after 11th September in the year 2001 when the towers in New York fell and the Pentagon was hit, everything has changed again. And here I have the statement of October 8th, Monday in the year 2001 the declaration of Mr. Bin laden: “The holy war has begun”. Yes. Beloved, what is it? It’s again religion! And religion has been the cause of almost every war that happened on the face of the earth. And let me say this very straight and very strict, Satan has deceived humanity. And Satan is the one who actually brought all these different religions into existence and he is confused himself, separated from God forever. So, he separated humanity and threw all of humanity into confusion. But the God of heaven, the true God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob became our heavenly Father thru Jesus Christ our LORD. And by the way, beloved when I mentioned all the promises about the birth of the Son of God, our LORD and Saviour, I did it with a purpose to say that the Son of God was not born in eternity in heaven, was not begotten and born by the Father as the church believes, but according to the Scripture. In the Old Testament He was the LORD. The JAHWE of the Old Testament became the JASHUA of the New Testament. We have to understand it that in the Old Testament He was not yet Son. HE was the I AM, the One walking in the Garden of Eden creating Adam in His own image, visiting Abraham, Genesis chapter 18, speaking to Moses in Exodus chapter 3 to 6 and then further on revealing Himself in His shape, in His bodily supernatural shape which is the shape of an angel, which is also our shape. Beloved, and then the LORD of glory had to come to us and there was only one way that the Holy Spirit will overshadow that the body which will be born will be holy and sin and Satan will have no right to that body. Sinless body, sinless blood, sinless life! But born into humanity, so that He the sinless One could take our sins as a lamb of God and pay the price and redeem us and reconcile us and bring us back into our original place as sons and daughters of God. 

Beloved, the teaching that God exists eternally in three individuals persons who speak to one another, who love one another; please forgive me for making such a statement but it’s absolutely untrue. I wanted to use another word to hit it home, to let people wake up that we are all born into interpretations of the Scriptures. God was explained. Who can explain God? Is anyone in his right mind who would try to comprehend God? Is anyone accountable for the Words He says? If he said: I will explain God to you, when the Scripture says in Matthew 11 and in Luke chapter 10: “No one knows who the Father is except the Son and who the Son is except the Father and to whom it will be revealed.” And when Paul writes to the Corinthians: “If our gospel is hid, it’s hid to them that are lost.” “But to us the brightness of the glory of God appears in the face of Jesus Christ.” We had never known who God is. We would have never known God as our heavenly Father except thru the Son. But I say again, the Son was not begotten by God in eternity and born by Him in eternity! What for? There was no human left in heaven to be redeemed. We were on earth. Sin in the original happened in the Garden of Eden. And therefore the LORD of glory had to come to this earth where the original sin took place whereby we were separated from God and we were all born into sin by begetting according to the flesh. And there was the first the begetting and Cain was the product of the first begetting of Satan who entered the serpent who was the closest to the human race, could talk, could walk. And then of course was cursed and no similarity was left at all. Beloved, the whole counsel of God is so wonderful but so deep. It comes only by divine revelation to each and every one. 

Now, to understand why I have to speak the way I do is: I’m grieved in my spirit that all of humanity is mislead and I’m a missionary, I’ve been to over 130 countries, in the ministry for over 40 years internationally. Every month just travelling and travelling. I spend two weeks approximately in the Mission Center at home and two weeks of every month after all these years is the same pattern that I would go to the ends of the world to share the Word of God. And then you meet all the different churches. Now we have 342 different Christian denominations. The first thing I would be asked: What denomination do you belong to? You understand what I mean? People, don’t ask you: Are you a man sent from God? Do you have the Word of God? No the Baptists wants you to be a Baptist. The Pentecostal wants you to be a Pentecostal. And recently when I had a meeting with the people of the church of England, high society. One man who heard me speak rose his hand at the end of the service and said: Sir, we realise that you are not of our church, the church the high church of England. I said: But I’m send from God with the message of God to the people of God. And this man with high esteem before the people, he said: Sir, we want you to know that we go by the 39 articles of the church of England. I just had to say: I go by this one book, which has the seal of God. There is no catechism, there is no book on earth which has the seal of God, no statement, no dogma, nothing has the seal of God unless it’s in this book! And therefore the apostle John was told: Seal, seal this book. This book has the seal of God! Therefore, if I make statement that the Son of God was not born in eternity but He was the Logos, the Word that came out in the beginning, walking, talking all from the Garden of Eden throughout the Old Testament. And only in the New Testament the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us. The Word was not made flesh in heaven and in eternity. It was made flesh for our sake! I hope, I believe that this will soak in and that people will start reading their Bible again. 

By the way, if you read the various translations. I think you know that I do speak quite a number of different languages. Then if you go even thru the Holy Scriptures and see how those who translated had a hard time to understand the original meaning of that word. Sometimes they would put their own thoughts a little in here and in there. For instance, I brought with me just as a copy the original wording of the LORD’s prayer. In our Bible editions we always read like this: “And lead us not into temptation.” The original says: “And lead us so we don’t fall into temptation.” If you take this to James chapter 1 verse 13. There we read: “That God cannot be tempted and God does not tempt anyone.” Our own lust leads us into temptations, not God! No, and once again No! But if they don’t comprehend precisely what was expressed in the original, the just make a form of it and they recite it every day, thinking it’s the way it should be. 

Another thing, I brought with me the New Testament, the New Testament of it says: “Novum Testamentum”, the Greek edition. And on one side you have the German and on the other side you have the Greek and here… Now will come the surprise of you life! If you read in Matthew chapter 28, all the translations or most of them would have the wording which is being used ignorantly all over the earth saying: “…baptising them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost.” And here it says that Eusebius, Eusebius one the church fathers has placed this wording into Matthew 28. The original says: “ento ono mati moi”;“into my Name”. “Into my Name” was the original wording and any scholar can check it worldwide and everybody knows it that it was not even in the first Greek Testament but only in the Latin. In the Latin for the first time the text appears as we have it today because our Bibles were translated from the Latin edition. But now people are searching. They are searching the original Greek, they are searching the original Hebrew, they are searching and searching. And they do find more and more. But now please understand! If we would read in our Bibles today: Go ye therefore into all the world, teaching all nations and saying baptising them into my Name. Everybody would understand Acts 2:38, Acts 8 and all the other verses like verse 16 and Acts 10:48, Acts 19:5 better. But even with our translation with the wording we find in our scripture: Go and baptise them into the Name of Father, Son and Holy Ghost. We all know that you can be a father but that’s not your name. You can be many things, you can be a son but that’s not your name. But the baptising was to be done into the Name of Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Because the LORD Jesus Christ is the Name in which God revealed Himself for our salvation as Father in heaven, in the Son on earth and in the Church by the Holy Spirit. God above us, God with us, God in us. Three different manifestations for one great purpose to save us and to place us back as sons and daughters of God into our original position as we find written in Galatians chapter 4 verse 4.

Beloved, so many things need to be corrected. Practically all that is found in Christianity today was not in original Christianity. And all that was in original Christianity is not found today. It’s only covered up with Bible verses and everybody is just covering up his own interpretations. So the time has come for God to have His way with His people and He that has an ear let him hear what the Spirit says unto the churches. I don’t want you to go deceived into eternity. Know the truth! And the truth is the Word of God revealed by the Holy Spirit to you. It shall make you free in the Name of Jesus Christ our LORD. Amen.