
Ladies and gentlemen, this is Brother Frank greeting you from the Mission Center in Krefeld - Germany. It’s always a joy for me to share God’s Word with you knowing that heaven and earth shall pass away but God’s Word remains forever. And God watches over His Word to fulfil it. And if we believe His Word and obey His voice He will bless us and be with us. Now, we all realise that we’re living at the end of the end time. And Bible prophecies are being fulfilled everywhere especially with Israel and the surrounding nations. We understand by the Word of prophecy that towards the end there will be a peace agreement and we also hearing the international news that the peace process must continue and of course will be crowned at the end. But it will not be a true, a real peace it will be a political peace which will not hold. But it says in I Thessalonians chapter 5: “When they shall say peace and safety then sudden destruction will come upon them.” Again in Daniel chapter 8 verse 25 we read: “And thru his policy also he shall cause deceit to prosper in his hand and he shall magnify himself in his heart and shall by peace destroy many.” 

Beloved, we can not go into these details, even if we would know all the political developments from the Scriptures, it would not be enough. This is God’s time for God’s people, for the New Testament Church for the bride of Christ to be prepared to be called out and brought back to the Word of God to the true apostolic teachings, to the true Bible teachings. It’s not enough to call something the “Apostolic Creed” which was issued hundreds of years after the apostles or even speak about an apostolic succession of which the Bible does not know at all. It’s not enough to call something biblical or scriptural or apostolic. We must search God’s Word to find the truth and to really confirm whether what is being called apostolic is apostolic and what is called biblical is biblical. We just have to understand that already in the days of the apostles teachers were deviating from the original teachings of the Word of God. It was no more apostolic according to II Corinthians 11 when some brethren preached another Jesus, another gospel having received another Spirit. They were preaching, they were teaching. But they were preaching another gospel another Jesus having had received another Spirit. And they were claiming to be apostles but in actuality were not. And this we find confirmed in Galatians chapter 1 where the apostle Paul says: “Even if an angel comes from heaven, teaching another gospel, he should be accursed.” And then we go to Revelation chapter 2 in the first message to the first church. It says: “You tried those who say they are apostles and they are not.” So, we call this ministry “Apostolic Prophetic Bible Teaching Ministry” and you have a right to examine whether it is apostolic, whether it is biblical, whether it is according to the Scripture. Because our LORD says in John chapter 7 verse 38: “If you believe in me as the Scripture says” And then again if we go to Matthew 24 verse 14 our LORD said: “This gospel of the kingdom”, the same gospel that was preached at the beginning, the gospel of Christ, the gospel of the kingdom of God will be preached as a witness to all nations and then the end will be. So, what is the gospel? What was preached? How did they baptise? We have to go back to original to understand about the restoration because according to the Word of God Old and New Testament be it in the prophet Joel where God says: “I will restore” or whether it’s in the prophet Malachi that God would send a prophet before the great and dreadful day of the LORD comes to bring us back to take the hearts not the heads, to take the hearts of the fathers to the children and then to take the hearts of the children to the fathers. The first part was fulfilled according to Luke chapter 1 verse 17 in the ministry of John the Baptist who took the believers of the Old Testament those who believed in what the fathers were told as the Scripture says in Hebrews chapter 1 from verse 1 that God at various times had spoken to the fathers by the prophets. So, these fathers, those of the Old Testament believing the promised Word given to the fathers. Their hearts were turned to the New Testament children to when God begun to make history and fulfil what He promised. And now the time has come for our hearts to be taken back to the apostolic fathers, to the Bible apostolic fathers, not to the council of Nicea or Calcedon or Ephesus which have taken place hundreds of years later. But back to the beginning. In the beginning was the Word, not the interpretation. And we have to go back to the beginning. 

Now, we all know that according to Matthew 28 the great commission was given to go into all the world, to teach all nations and to baptise them into the Name – Singular – into the Name of Father, Son and Holy Ghost. And then we have to know the Name. Before we do the baptism we have to know what name it is that God revealed Himself as Father, Son and Holy Ghost. God is our Father and therefore we pray: “Our Father who art in heaven.” God was manifested in Christ, the only begotten Son who was Emmanuel - God with us. And the same God reveals Himself by the Holy Spirit. So, God above us, God with us, God in us. Always the same God accomplishing His own plan of salvation. But what about the Name? Is Father a Name? Is Son a Name? No! They are titles. They belong to the person we are speaking of. Like if you speak about in the natural, about Mr. So and So then you know he can be father and he is a son and he can be many things, he can be a president. But that’s not his name! But the baptism was supposed to take place into the Name, into this one great, important Name wherein all salvation is found. As there is no other name given under heaven where people should be saved by and that is the Name of the LORD Jesus Christ. “Thou shalt call His Name JESUS for He shall save His people from their sins.” And our LORD was praying: “Father glorify thy Name”. Our LORD could say: “I revealed your Name unto my brethren.” If you search you can take even a concordance and find out how many times the Son spoke about the Name of the Father. And then finally it was revealed that the Father was manifested thru the Son who said: “Believe me that I am in the Father and the Father is in me. If not believe the works that I’m doing because it’s the Father doing His works thru me.” So, we must go back to the gospels and from the gospels to the book of Acts and from the book of Acts we must continue to the epistles written to local churches and also to individuals and finally we have to move into the last book, the Revelation of Jesus Christ. In Mark chapter 16 we also find the great commission and it says here in verse 16: “He that believeth and is baptised shall be saved.” Then you go to Romans chapter 10: “Faith cometh by hearing, by hearing the Word of God.” We just don’t believe anything. We believe God. We believe His Word and we act upon the authority of God’s Holy Word. Then if you go to Luke chapter 24 verse 47: “That in His Name remission of sins shall be preached to all nations”. And then you go to day of Pentecost where Peter under the anointing of the Holy Spirit preached the first sermon. What did he preach? You can read it Acts chapter 2. And the Word was touching the hearts and those who believed acted accordingly. If somebody says: “I believe” and refuses to be baptised we just have to state what our LORD says in Mark 16:16 again: “He that believeth and is baptised will be saved.” How can anybody say: “I believe” and refuses to be baptised? See? Now, we have to know the truth. You can not walk in your own ways believing you will make it. You will only make it to glory in obedience to the Word of God, not to follow in your own ways but to follow in the footsteps of the LORD, in the footsteps of the apostles and believing as they believed and baptising as they baptised. Now in Acts chapter 2 verse 38 and everybody knows this that Peter said, the apostle Peter said that they should repent and be baptised in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins. Then if you go in Acts chapter 2 to verse 41 it says: “Then they that gladly received his Word were baptised and the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls.” So, they who believed and received the message of grace, believing in Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour were baptised the same day they heard the Word and decided to follow Christ. Now, if we go to Acts chapter 8 we can read it here from verse 12, how Philip preached the gospel of Jesus Christ and the kingdom of God. And it says here: “And they were baptised, they were baptised both men and women.” Why? Because they believed! They believed! They did not argue whether or not! They believed and according the commission they were baptised. It says here in verse 16: “For as yet He was not fallen of none of them only they were baptised in the Name of the LORD Jesus.” So, the question was if they already had received the Holy Spirit and the answer was: No. But they were converted, they had repented, they believed and they were baptised and then of course they received the gift of the Holy Spirit as promised already in the sermon John the Baptist preached: “I baptise you with water, He that comes after me will baptise you with the Holy Spirit and fire.” Now going to verse 36 in Acts chapter 8 we read: “And as they went on their way they came unto a certain water and the eunuch said: See, here is water what does hinder me to be baptised?” Now, we have to understand, this man from Ethiopia the treasurer was reading in the prophet Isaiah chapter 53 and this man of God was preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ to him upon the Scripture that he was reading. And right way he understood after believing that he should be baptised. And in verse 38 we read: “And he commanded the chariot to stand still and they both went down into the water, both Philip and the treasurer and he was baptised.” What is it? Today people sprinkle or people pour and sometimes three times. There is even a branch of the Pentecostal movement in one of the countries baptising three times. One time in the Name of Father, then in the Name of the Son and then in the Name of the Holy Ghost not understanding the apostolic revelation of Christ. The apostle Peter, Philip, Paul all these man had the true revelation of what the Name is in whom they were to baptise. So here we read that the man who heard the gospel for the first time, but by the way he was reading the Scriptures and the man of God preached to him from the Scriptures. Today everybody preaches what he wishes. We have to return to the true Bible teachings so people would believe according to the Word of God and be baptised the way all our brethren were baptised. So, they both went into the water and they were baptised because the baptism takes place by immersing. Going to Acts chapter 9 from verse 17 we are told about those who were filled with the Holy Spirit and then of course they were also baptised. It says here in verse 18 in Acts chapter 9: “And immediately there fell from his eyes as it had been scales and he received sight arose and was baptised.” This is the baptism of Saul of Tarsus, the man who persecuted the church, the man who was sent by the spiritual authority of that day. But the moment the scales fell from his eyes, the moment the man of God went to him laid his hands upon him and saying: “Brother Saul the LORD, even Jesus that appeared unto thee in the way as thou camest has sent me.” Has sent me, first we must be sent to preach the Word of God and then those who believe the message are baptised. So, Saul the moment he was converted he was ready to be baptised. If you go to Acts chapter 10 we can read verse 47 and 48: “Can anyone forbid water that these should not be baptised who have received the Holy Spirit as well as we?” And then it says in verse 48: “And he commanded them to be baptised in the name of the LORD.” What should I say? I have to preach the apostolic doctrine. There is no way around. If I am a true servant of God, my preaching, my teaching and the way I baptise must be the way my brethren in original Christianity two thousand years ago were baptising. I hope we all understand what the Word of God says. With this we can go to Acts chapter 19, actually we should include also chapter 18 where people were receiving the Word and were baptised, even in chapter 16 they were baptised who believed. You can read Acts chapter 16 verse 32: “And they spoke unto him the Word of the LORD and to all who were in his house. And he took them the same hour of the night and washed their stripes and was baptised he and all his household.” So, the jailor didn’t need time! In the same night he was converted, he believed – he acted upon the Word of God. Nobody can tell me that he believes, if he doesn’t act according to the Word of God. Quickly, Acts 19 it says here in verse 5: “And when they heard this, they were baptised in the Name of the LORD Jesus Christ.” So, beloved brothers and sisters, dear friends from all the Scriptures we are reading we understand two things: First, that those who truly believe in Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour, they are baptised. That’s number one. Number two, we are told precisely the way they were baptised, namely by immersion in the Name of the LORD Jesus Christ. So, let us summarise what we try to say here today; Sharing with you beloved in all the countries on the earth, because this is the last call, the last message, the last one to bring us back to God, to His Word, to Bible teachings and practise. We have to understand that there is no compromise possible. If I could wear my jacket on every shoulder be friend to each and every one, I must say as the apostle did in Galatians chapter 1 verse 10: “If I yet wish to please men I’m not even a servant of Christ.” Because I can say truthfully as he did: “I did not receive the gospel of Christ by a teacher, I received it by the divine revelation of Jesus Christ.” I received a direct commission from the lips of the LORD on April 2nd 1962 just at the breaking of a new day, when the LORD said: “I will send you from city to city to preach my Word.” 

Beloved, realise, please realise these are the last moments of the time of grace before the Return of Christ and the restoration of all things must take place. May God bless you. It would be good to hear from you. It’s not only that I should share the Word with you. We also have literature which will help you to understand God’s plan of salvation. May the LORD bless you and be with you in Jesus’ Holy Name. Amen.