
Dear friends, beloved brothers and sisters in Christ,

This is Brother Frank speaking to you from the Mission Center in Krefeld – Germany. It’s always a privilege to share God’s Word with you, as we are approaching the Return of                                   Christ being imminent and our preparation is the command of this hour. We must realise God’s plan of salvation. We have to acknowledge that the time of grace begun and the time of grace will end. We also will have to respect the divine order in which God does all things. And forever He will do all things according to His Word. Also His servants He calls to a special task or ministry. They will do things precisely according to His Word. That is what we read about Noah, about Moses, about Eliah. All servants of God did in their day and time the things exactly as they were told by the LORD Himself.

Now, in reference to the second coming of Christ we also have promises in God’s Word and the main promise is: the calling out of the bride church, the full restoration so that times of refreshing can come from the presence of the LORD. Also the ministry like the one of Eliah the prophet promised in the Old and New Testament must take place and looking back we have to say, it already took place. And beloved, I must bring you up to date in the kingdom of God. I cannot afford to withhold from you what God has done in our time. I’m in God’s kingdom for over 50 years. In 1949 I was saved, born again and filled with the Holy Spirit. Beloved, I look back on many years preaching the Word of God, the everlasting Gospel of Jesus Christ and the kingdom of God to many people in 130 countries, even now there are more being added to it. Beloved, you might believe it, you might not but I have to tell you that I, Brother Frank received a direct commission from the LORD with an audible voice. You never heard such an authority in a voice in your life. All the authority you can think of is expressed in His voice. And the LORD said in the German language: “My servant, your time for this city will soon be over, I will send you to other cities to preach my Word”. From that time I’m taking God’s Word to the ends of the earth. And my ministry is directly connected to the one of the late William Branham. He was a man sent from God with the direct commission and ministry as no one ever had since the days the LORD walked the face of this earth. And in his commission he was told, that he is also given a gift of divine healing and that his message would forerun the second coming of Christ as John the Baptist was sent to forerun the first coming of Christ.

Beloved, if we go to certain scriptures we cannot but have a good look into the prophetic Word of God. There is a teaching part, an evangelistic part and also a prophetic part in the Holy Scriptures. And the apostle Peter told us that we should take heed to the Word of prophecy, not to the gift of prophecy in that connection. The gift of prophecy is operating in the local church, is one of the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit. But the prophetic gift and the prophetic Word are meant to share with us the plan of salvation, the things pertaining to the kingdom of God, even moving into the book of Revelation – the twenty two chapters are no more a mystery because the seals were opened and the things hid therein were also made known to us.

In Luke chapter 19 in Verse 44 the last part we are told about the Jews in their day and time missing the day of God’s visitation and then our LORD had pronounced judgement that would come upon Jerusalem and upon the Jews in general. And here it says: “because thou knowest not the time of thy visitation”. In Luke 17 our LORD said it would be as it was in the days of Noah, in the days of Lot. If you go to Genesis chapter 6 the sons of God took the daughters of men. So, there was a big mix. As we would term it today, believers and unbelievers joined and mixed. And if somebody holds the teaching that angelic beings came to earth to marry some ladies. That’s not so. You only need to read Matthew 22 : 9-13 and Mark chapter 12, Verse 25 were our LORD plainly says, that in the resurrection we will not marry nor getting married, we shall be like the angels. So angles cannot get married. That’s for sure. It was the big mix between the linage of Seth, which were the sons of God and the lineage of Cain, which were the sons of the enemy. Like you read in Matthew 13 about the sower sowing the good seed. And the Son of Man was the sower of the good seed. First, the seed is the Word and then the Word comes up in you – you are born again and then you are a child of God. But behind Him followed another one sowing his own seed. And that was the seed of discrepancy, it was the seed of the enemy. And the sun shines about the two seeds and the rain falls about the two seeds. Everywhere, the earth is still here and we are here and those two seeds are still on the earth we now live in a time when all the religions join, all the confessions join and believers and unbelievers join. Every barrier is taken away. Like, if you look into the almost 500 years since the reformation, then there was revival after revival. It was always a calling out, a calling out of the true believers. But then after some time the second, third generation came and there was no more true fellowship with God by the Holy Spirit and not the following of the footsteps of the LORD. But the main thing I need to emphasize is, that this is the final calling out. God has sent a prophet as it was promised in Malachi chapter 4, Verse 5 and 6 as our LORD confirmed in Matthew 17:11. As also foretold in Acts chapter 3, Verse 19 to 21, that the LORD would sent the time of refreshing from His presence, speaking of the final outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the seed of God’s Word which is sown into the soul of God’s children at this time.

Beloved, we also have to know that one prophet was promised but the prediction our LORD made is about many prophets who would rise up. They are not sent, they would just rise up. And you can only go back again to the Word of God. Matthew 7, Verse 15 our LORD said: “Be aware of false prophets”. Then in Matthew 24 our LORD said: “False prophets and false Christs would rise and do great signs and wonders”. So, beloved, you must go back to Deuteronomy chapter 13. The sign of a prophet is not enough. For instance, if a prophet gives a sign and that sign happens but when he then puts people into a new idea, into new doctrines, for instance taking them away from the belief in one God, presenting different gods. Beloved, then the Word of God must be our absolute. “Thou shall have no gods besides me”. Every true child of God will regard what the LORD God said to Israel thru the lips of Moses: “I’M the LORD your God, thou shalt have no other gods besides me”. God never spoke in the plural about Himself, always in the singular and therefore you have to go back to Deuteronomy chapter 6 and all the other places in the scriptures to know that God forever and ever will be one, not two and not three. So, thru the ministry of Brother Branham we were restored to the original teachings and God confirmed His Word. Not the sign only; the sign was to draw the attention of the people to the Word that has been preached, not to the prophet. Not a confirmation of the prophet but the confirmation that God is making history, God is fulfilling promises, God is keeping His Word. Like it was with Moses in Israel and of course first in Egypt. He was given two signs but the two signs were just a confirmation. But if you look, even Jannes and Jambres stood up and they performed the miracles. So, it’s not the signs, it’s not the wonders, not the miracles. It’s the message, the Word: I’ve come to bring you the message of deliverance. Your time has come, the promise God gave to Abraham is now being fulfilled and the lamb was slain and the people walked out with the hand of God with them, the Red Sea parting and they could move.

So, it was with the ministry of Brother Branham. Most of you have already seen the little cut of a meeting he preached in Washington D.C. in the 1950’s. He was given a special gift from the LORD, the gift or discernment. He saw visions, even when he came to Europe, especially to Germany and Switzerland. People stood before him, he spoke not a single word of German, always thru the interpreter but by divine revelation, seeing a vision upon the person standing before him, he could say from where they came, who they were, what illness or problems they had. Not a single miss. And I had the great opportunity and privilege to be acquainted with Brother Branham for exactly ten years, from 1955 to 1965, when the LORD took him home.

Beloved, I’m not here to speak about a man, I’m here to speak about the LORD Jesus Christ, I’m here to speak about the end time, about the promises God made in His Word. But I want you to be part of what God is doing right now. As already mentioned, this is the time of calling out and the LORD has revealed His mystery, the one great mystery: God in Christ and Christ in us, the hope of glory. And we all believe what is written in II Corinthians chapter 5, Verse 19: “God was in Christ reconciling the world with Himself”. God didn’t bring us a religion, He didn’t bring us churchianity, even not Christianity. In Christ, God met with us and only in Christ we can meet with God. Therefore we have to come back to the original teachings.

Now, if you speak about the day, when the Son of Man would reveal Himself like the promise goes in Luke chapter 17 and other places. You have to understand, it speaks about the day in which we now live. The time has come upon us and the LORD gave the signs, especially in Matthew 24 and also in Luke chapter 21 and the main sign would be the return of the children of Israel to their homeland. Please be not offended. If it’s God’s Word you will have to believe it, regardless of what race, what colour, what religion. If you don’t respect God’s Word, how can you respect God? You have to acknowledge that the Bible is the Word of God from the first to the last letter. It’s the only book, which speaks about God, about the plan of salvation, about the creation and about the new creation in Christ. Beloved, we have to acknowledge, for instance what we find written in Luke chapter 2, where our LORD says, speaking about this day that would come upon humanity, especially in Verse 34 and 35: “and the cares of life and so that day come upon you unawares”, speaking about the things which could come up in life and be a hindrance for us to recognize the day and the hour we are living in. And it says in Verse 35: “For like a snare shall it come on all of them that dwell on the face of the whole earth”.

Beloved, the day of the LORD will come as a thief in the night. It will come according to I Thessalonians chapter 5:1-3: “When they will say: now is peace and safety, then sudden destruction will come”. But before that day and the destruction would come the LORD God said: “ I will send you Eliah the prophet to restore all things”. 

Beloved, I’m not interested in what great men are doing. I’m interested in what the great God is doing according to His Word. And there we cannot bypass the main purpose of a God sent ministry. It’s always to prepare the way of the LORD, to make things straight, to put high things down and that which is low put up, just have a balance in everything.

Beloved, this includes the teaching about God. Never did any prophet speak about different persons within the Godhead. Not a single time did anyone say: God exists in three different persons.” Beloved that’s not true. It’s a teaching of man, not what God said about Himself or what the prophets said about Him or what the Holy Scriptures in a total speaks about Him. There is only One, forever and ever. But this one God manifests Himself in various ways. In the  New Testament, right at the beginning when we were to be placed back as sons and daughters of God into our original position, God had to manifest Himself as the Son. The Holy Spirit overshadowed Mary and the Son of God was born, the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us. And so the beginning, I would almost say of the new race, the beginning of the creation of God by begetting by the Holy Spirit – there is the first Adam, here is the second Adam. As in Adam all died, so in Christ all are brought back to life again as the apostle was teaching. Beloved, be honest. If no prophet, no apostle, not even the LORD Himself ever spoke that the Godhead exists like you would put it here in three different individual persons: The Father is God, The Son is God and the Holy Spirit is God. Beloved, that is a man made concept, has nothing to do with God or the Word of God, not with the Old or the New Testament teachings. God is forever One. But for our sake He revealed Himself to bring His own plan of salvation to reality to accomplish what He promised. He revealed Himself as Father in heaven, in the Son on earth, in us by the Holy Spirit. God above us, God with us – Emmanuel- and God in us. Beloved, the same applies to Matthew 28:19: We should teach the nations and baptizing them into Name of Father, Son and Holy Ghost. And if you go to Acts chapter 2, Verse 38, the apostle Peter under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit on the day the Church was founded said: “Repent and be baptized everyone of you in the Name of Jesus Christ”. So, God revealing Himself as Father, Son and Holy Ghost in the New Testament Covenant Name: the LORD Jesus Christ. Beloved, may God bless you, may He open your eyes, may you be called out, may you be granted divine understanding and revelation. May you recognize: this is your day, this is your hour to return to God. Don’t speak with flesh and blood. Hear what the Spirit of God says unto the churches and return to the beginning, because soon the time of grace will end, the trumpet will sound and the LORD will return. And they, who now hear His voice, will then also hear His direct voice when He comes down from heaven. God bless you and be with you. I would love to hear from you. In the Name of Jesus Christ, our LORD be blessed. Amen.