
Dear friends, ladies and gentlemen, brothers and sisters in Christ,

This is Brother Frank speaking to you from the international Mission Center in Krefeld / Germany.  We call this ministry “Apostolic Prophetic Bible Teaching Ministry”. We try to reach the whole earth from one end to the other to cover the nations and to acquaint this generation which we do believe is the last one before the Return of Christ. To acquaint this generation with God, with His plan of salvation, with the end time prophecies, with the true Bible Apostolic Teachings, going back in every aspect to the Holy Scriptures. As everyone knows each church every denomination have their own teachings, the table of contents that they believe in. But brothers and sisters, dear friends the time has come to line up with the Word of God. We can not go by the many denominations. Now we have over 300 such Christian denominations but only one God, one LORD, one faith, one baptism. Then according to the Words of our LORD; HE said: “This gospel of the kingdom will be preached to all nations as a witness and then the end would be”. Again in Luke 21 our LORD speaks about Israel. And we must always focus at Israel. It was God’s man William Branham who said: If you wish to know what time it is, look at your watch. If you wish to know the day of the week, look into the calendar. But if you wish to know how time progressed, watch Israel. Israel is in focus according to Bible prophecies. Beloved, the LORD said in Luke 21 verse 24 that Israel the Jews would be scattered to all nations and Jerusalem would be trodden down by the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles would be full. Now we understand after 2000 years since 1948 we have again a country called Israel. The old flag of David waves in the air again. Beloved, we are not only in the end time, we are nearing the end of the end time. The prophet Daniel in chapter 12 told us, the things which were revealed to him were to be closed, even the book was to be closed to the end time. Then we should read and knowledge by divine revelation would increase. Beloved, Bible prophecies were actually interpreted for so long but now there is no more need to interpret Bible prophecies, as we see those prophetic Scriptures come to fulfilment. Peter the apostle writes in II Peter chapter 1 from verse 16 about the Return of Christ. And he says: “We did not follow cunningly devised fables when we preached to you the power and the coming of the LORD Jesus Christ.”


Beloved, and then we find the statement that “no Bible prophecy is of any private interpretation”, holy men of God were inspired by the Holy Spirit and therefore the same inspiration of the same Holy Spirit must be upon us so that we understand how they understood and teach what they taught and practise what they did at the very beginning of the New Testament Church. Beloved, if we look into the beginning of the New Testament we have to make the statement that the New Testament begun with the ministry of a promised prophet. John the Baptist was not a man of the church of the temples of the synagogues; he was a man sent from God with the Word of God to the people of God to bridge the Old to the New Testament. Therefore Luke 16:16 says that: “The law and the prophets were unto John, from his time the kingdom is being preached.” In the same way, beloved there is the promise in God’s Word Malachi chapter 4:5 and 6: “Behold, I will send you the prophet Elijah before the great and dreadful day of the LORD comes.” In John chapter 1 from verse 19 the prophet at that time was asked: “Are you the Christ? He said: No, I’m not. Are you Elijah? He said: No, I’m not. Are you that Prophet promised in Deuteronomy chapter 18? And the man of God said: I’m not. And in verse 23 the man of God says: I am the voice of him that cries in the wilderness: “Prepare ye the way of the LORD. So we understand that only when the time of grace, when the day of salvation shall end then the terrible day of the LORD would be. The sun would shine no more, the moon would turn into blood, the stars would fall from heaven. But before that day that shall burn like an oven the day when all the elements of the earth shall melt in fervent heat, before that day would be the LORD God promised to send a prophet. Beloved, let’s face reality. We have so many scribes, so many pastors, so many evangelists, so many Bible schools, so many seminars – the whole world is full of it. Especially since 1989 when the change came about in Germany, in Europe and all over the world. Until 1989 we had the iron curtain, the world was split in two parts – East and West. But since the wall in Berlin fell, since Germany was united, now Europe is being united – the whole world is being united and we understand that all the iron curtains are no more – all the curtains that existed are no more. We can freely go to China, to Russia, we can go to all parts of the world to preach the Word of God and also in TV-ministries we can reach out to the Islamic countries. It is so important to love humanity with divine love. We can not condemn anybody. We just love everybody like God does. But humanity was mislead in religions, in politics, in every way humanity was mislead. I’m a missionary, maybe I should mention this. The LORD called me in 1962 with an audible voice and He told me: “My servant, your time for this city will soon be over. I will send you to other cities to preach my Word.” And I look back to over 40 years in the international ministry, having personally visited over 130 countries ministering in many of these countries many times. Beloved, I’m not a newcomer in the kingdom of God. Actually in 1949 I was born again and filled with the Holy Spirit. In 1955 a man of God from the USA came to Europe, to Switzerland and Germany. His name was William Branham. And then for the first time in my life, I saw Bible days with my own eyes. I saw Jesus Christ the same yesterday today and forever. I saw the resurrection power of the Almighty in operation. I saw the Word of God confirmed with signs following. I saw people born blind receive their sight. I saw cripples healed in one moment. I saw cancer cases made whole in just a second. Beloved, I saw Bible days with my own eyes. Later on, after 1955 it was in 1958 at a Dallas Texas convention in the USA where all the great evangelists which came to be known all over the world. There Brother Branham again was the main speaker. And I came to know in 1958 that this man had a special commission. He was supernaturally called to the ministry. He was told from a supernatural light that came down like a star and he was told: “As John the Baptist was to forerun the first coming of Christ, the message given to you will forerun the second of Christ.” Then I came to know the difference between all the great evangelists. I don’t want to go into details because I’m not criticising. I’m just stating that the Return of Christ is imminent. And in connection with the end time message there is the calling out of the true body of Christ, of the true believers who come back to the Word and line up with the Holy Scriptures, who do not walk on in their own ways believing what they wish to believe. But as our LORD said: “If you believe in me as the Scripture says.” Beloved, it really burdens me, it hurts me if we look back into church history. Many know that there was a Marin Luther, a John Wesley, a John Smith, a Menosimos, a Zwingli, a Calvin, a Knox, many many Wycliffe, and many others Erasmus in Amsterdam. Beloved, everybody knows what God did in the past. And we recognise all the ministries, special ministries in the past. Then we have those who do report about what happened 100 years ago when the mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit took place. Everybody knows about Azusa Street. Everybody knows the names of those who were present when God was supernaturally working. But only a handful seems to know what God actually did after World War II when on May 7th 1946 this man of God William Branham was divinely called and commissioned to go to the nations with the message that would forerun His second coming - I mean the second coming of Christ.   


Beloved, we have to go back to the beginning. It’s not enough to know about Israel or to perhaps read Zechariah 12 verse 3 that Jerusalem will be a burden stone for all nations. It’s not enough to know about the peace process. It’s not enough to know about the World Government. It’s not enough to know about the uniting of all the religions and all the churches. It’s not enough to know this political and religious progress. God’s children have a right to know God’s Word for this hour. God’s children have a right to know the message God has sent to bring us out of spiritual captivity, of confusion to bring us back to God and His Word. Beloved, I didn’t sleep throughout the 50 past years. I read the Bible daily. And I read church history, in fact I studied church history and I must tell you today the time has come when we have to realise we can not go back to what Atanasius said, to what Tertullian said, to what Hieronymus said. We can not go back to what Leo the Great said in the year 440 and 41. We can not go back to Nicea in 325. We can not go back to Ephesus in 431. We can not go back to Chalcedon in 381. I’m not interested at all what all these church men said according to this book. They had their own philosophies but not the Bible teachings. And can you imagine how they misunderstood and misinterpreted every Word of God beginning with Matthew 28:19 continuing with John 20 verse 23. In Matthew 28:19 our LORD so directly and specifically says that we should baptize those who believe into the Name – Singular! Into the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Before I can baptize I must know the Name – the New Testament Covenant Name! God manifested Himself as our Father in heaven. That’s why we pray: “Our Father who art in heaven hallowed be thy Name.” But nobody continues to say: Our Son who art in heaven hallowed be thy Name and nobody continues to say: Our Holy Ghost who art in heaven hallowed be thy Name. No, there is One Name! Three different manifestations but One Name above every Name. And all our salvation, all the Power of God, all the blessings of God are in that Name. And so that you beloved friends, brothers and sisters, ministers! That you would know once and for all that on the day of Pentecost when the New Testament Church was born and filled with the Holy Spirit the first sermon was preached. And the apostle Peter under the unction, under the anointing of the Holy Spirit spoke to the multitude: “Repent every one of you and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ.” He knew the Name! It was the first sermon at the day when the New Testament Church was established. And the last sermon before the Church is taken to glory must be the same as the first sermon was. The last baptism must be the same as the first baptism was. So the apostle Peter understood the importance of the Name in which God manifested Himself as Father, Son and Holy Ghost. God above us, with us, in us! O, blessed be His Holy Name! It was William Branham whom God used in a special way. He had to say it, that the trinity teaching is not in the Holy Scriptures. He had to say it, that the Jesus-Only teaching is not in the Holy Scriptures! Beloved, we must forget all these terms which came about by philosophies. We have to come back to the Word of God and only say what the Word says and not go by teachings which were actually coming into existence 300, 400 years after the apostles. And therefore now before the Return of Christ the true gospel of Jesus Christ, the true baptism in water in the Name of the LORD Jesus Christ - baptising them into the Name of Father, Son and Holy Ghost which is the LORD Jesus Christ. And therefore don’t tell me that the Scripture contradicts itself. Don’t tell me that the Words of Jesus are more important than what the apostle Peter and the apostle Paul were teaching and doing. 


Beloved, there is no misunderstanding in the Word of God; the misunderstanding was with the church fathers, years and years after the time of the apostles. But God brings us now back to the true teachings and we understand that the end must be as the beginning was. A full restoration, a coming back, lining up with the Word of God. Beloved, if you wish to have your own ways, please you will have to bear the consequences. If I were you, I would search the Scriptures. I would say: LORD speak to me. Don’t listen to what a man says, come back and take what God says in every aspect, in every teaching, in every practise. And by the way, in Bible days people were immersed to represent and signify that they’re buried with Christ and then to live with Him in a new life. May God bless you and be with you beloved. Understand the Return of Christ is near. The last message is going forth to reach the end of the earth. Today the LORD has spoken to you. And we love to hear from you. There is literature that we have free of charge for you to be sent out to all upon request. May God Almighty bless you in the precious Name of Jesus Christ our LORD is my prayer. Amen.