
Dear Friends, this is Brother Frank greeting you from the Mission Center in Krefeld, Germany. It’s always a privilege to speak to you, starting actually with the sunrise of every day in New Zealand and Australia, covering all the continents, the African, the Asian, right to the North American continent, just sharing God’s holy Word with God’s children wherever they are ready to listen to His voice, which is His Word. I’d like to read Mark, chapter 13, verse 23, „But take heed; behold, I have foretold you all things.“ Beloved, we are living in the last days and we might say at the end of the endtime and the return of our blessed Lord and Saviour is very, very near. And if we go to Matthew 24, as we do in Mark 13 and also Luke 21, our Lord foretold things which would come to pass. He spoke about wars: we have them in plenty; we had World War I, World War II, and around the earth there are about 50 wars going on all the time. We do have the earthquakes, we have all the things predicted by our Lord and he said, „When you see all these things take place, look up, for your redemption is drawing near.“ Then we do have the message to be preached to the nations of the earth according to Matthew 24:14, „This Gospel of the Kingdom must be preached to all nations as a witness and then the end would be.“ Beloved, because the time is so precious, we need to take care of the promises which God gave to His own for this day and time. There must be a calling out of all confusion, a restoration of all things, a return to the very beginning and we must know what the message of the hour is, we must know the promised Word for today. And Beloved, just as a personal testimony: I am in the Kingdom of God since 1949. The Lord saved my soul, forgave all my sins, I was a new creature, born again by the power of God and filled with the Holy Spirit. I had the chance, and I would say the grace, to preach the true Word of God in over 130 countries personally within the last 40 years. Beloved Friends, you might believe it or not, but I was personally acquainted with the ministry of William Branham, a man sent from God, used after World War II in a very special way to bring about the last mighty healing, salvation revival which had never been on earth in such a way since the days of our Lord and the apostles. God used this humble man to start a revival, and, Beloved, there must be a purpose to everything that God does. We might do things without a purpose, but whatever God does is connected to the divine purpose, to the Plan of Salvation. And Brother William Branham was told, „As John the Baptist forerun the first coming of Christ …“ – the message of God’s promised Word for this day was given to him to forerun the second coming of Christ. Beloved, this man of God taught the Holy Scriptures the way they are. He did not interpret, he did not explain, but he showed unto us the ways of God, even how God revealed Himself as Father in heaven, in the only begotten Son on earth and moving unto this day, working in a supernatural way in all of his children by the Holy Spirit: God above us, God with us and God in us – always the same God. Not three eternal persons, not three almighty ones, but the only true God who is Spirit and manifested Himself from the very beginning of time in a visible form of appearance, walking in the garden of Eden, creating Adam in His own image. He is the same God who manifested Himself throughout the Old Testament in a bodily form; but in the New Testament He took on a body of flesh and blood, because the original sin in the garden of Eden took place in the body of flesh and blood. Even we are born in the original sin by natural begetting. So the Son of God had to come into a body of flesh and blood to take all the sins of the earth upon Him and to pay the price on the cross of Calvary to save us. But now the message must be addressed to those who are saved. And our Lord, making all the statements about the endtime, said, „I told you – I foretold you all these things.“ If we go to the rest of the Scriptures, to the Old Testament prophets, they foretold and foretold, even the Apostle John foretold about the coming of the antichrist and the Apostle Paul spoke about the man of sin, the son of perdition and the Book of Revelation speaks about the Great Babylon. Beloved, we have to know the promised Word for today. It starts with the basic promise: „I will send you Elijah, the prophet, before the great and terrible Day of the Lord will be.“ As soon as the Day of Salvation ends, as soon as the time of grace will be no more, and the Church from all the Gentile nations has come to its fullness, then the moment will be when the Day of the Lord shall break forth. But before that day comes, there has to be a message to call out God’s people from all confusion. 

Beloved, I might say this also as a very brief testimony: I was born as a German citizen into what Martin Luther believed, into the Lutheran church, I continued in the Baptist church, I continued in the Pentecostal church. By the grace of God these were just stations, but I didn’t remain in these stations. The Holy Spirit opened my heart and my understanding to know the time we are living in, to know the message, not only the messenger, but the Word of God revealed. Now, if the Apostle Paul writes to the Galatians, especially in chapter 1, from verse 6 to 12 about another gospel which is being preached, and then he makes the statement that there is in reality no other gospel; any other gospel is no more the original, it is a falsification. Beloved Friends, we must make sure that we do believe as the Scripture says. Today repentance is being preached, but nobody repents; salvation is being preached, but nobody seems to experience salvation; the new birth is being preached, but nobody seems to experience the new birth. Even the Baptism of the Holy Spirit is being preached, and many, many people speak many things; they learn them how to speak and then they claim to be filled with the Holy Spirit. But if you are truly filled with the Holy Spirit, baptised with the Holy Spirit then the true anointing is upon you and the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth and will guide you and take you into all the truths of God’s holy Word. In John, chapter 14 our Lord speaks about the return, He speaks about His coming. He said, „I go to prepare the place; then I will return and will take you to be where I am.“ But now, before He returns, according to Acts, chapter 3, from verse 17 to 21, there must be a time of restoration, of restitution of all things which God has promised from the time. 

Beloved Brothers and Sisters, I’d like to share just a few of God’s Words from the Old and the New Testament. In Revelation the 6th chapter we read about the seals, and it says here about the time which will come (Revelation, chapter 6, verse 12 and 13), „And I beheld, when He had opened the sixth seal and, lo, there was a great earthquake, and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became like blood“ and if you continue to read you will quickly understand that this happens already when the time of grace is over, when the Lord has taken His people into Glory, when the Bridegroom has come to take the Bride to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. And then it says in verse 17, „For the great day of His wrath is come, and who shall be able to stand?“ But then we have to go to 2 Thessalonians, chapter 2, to understand the urgency of the message of the hour. 2 Thessalonians, chapter 2, verse 2 and 3, „That ye be not easily shaken in your mind, or troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the Day of the Lord is present. Let no man deceive you by any means; for that day shall not come, except there come the falling away first, and the man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition …“ You can continue to read, the description is so perfect that you cannot miss it, if you do have the divine revelation. And, Friends, beloved Brothers and Sisters, everything that comes from God to you will have to come by divine revelation. The Holy Spirit must quicken the Word, must bring the Word to life and make it known unto us in its direct significance. And Friends, if you go to Revelation 14, there we are told about the message of the hour, about what the everlasting Word of God, the Gospel of Jesus Christ all includes. It is not just simply saying, The Lord came to save us, that remains the main point, that Christ, our Lord and Saviour, came to save us. But if you read Revelation, chapter 14 and also other scriptures, we do have warnings, and warning always comes before judgment. In the days of Noah the preaching came first, the judgment was announced, but the possibility to be saved was given. So is it now: before the judgments will come upon the earth the message of grace is given to God’s people, to everyone who wishes to hear what the Spirit has to say unto the churches. Revelation, chapter 14, verse 6, „And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having an everlasting gospel“ to every nation, every kindred, every tribe, from one end of the earth to the other. All Africa is included, all Asia is included, all Europe is included, all the North American continent is included, everybody is included in the last message given to the peoples of the earth. But then it says here in verse 8 in Revelation 14, „And there followed another angel, saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.“ Beloved, we do live in a time that – I just have to say it: when everybody is invited to join the world community. Everything is now on globalisation, a world government, everything is just including the whole earth. And, Beloved, this message about all being included, all religions, all politicians, all countries, does not come from Germany or the United States, it comes from Rome! All are invited to come to Rome, because the Roman Empire is coming up before our very eyes. The last empire of the four that the Prophet Daniel saw in chapter 2 and in chapter 7, and the last one should subdue and rule the whole earth and tread every nation under foot. Beloved things are moving into this direction in a very, very mighty speed. But to take you also to the Old Testament, so that you will have a chance to read for yourself and ask the Lord, I just like to refer to Jeremiah, chapter 50, so that you will have the key scriptures to unlock the mystery about the Great Babylon, the great confusion where all religions find their place. But God’s people are being called out in the last minute, not last minute, last second. God’s people are being called out. In Jeremiah, chapter 50, we read in verse 9, „For, lo, I will raise and cause to come up against Babylon an assembly of great nations from the north country …“ In verse 15 we read, „Shout against her round about; she hath given her hand; her foundations are fallen, her walls are thrown down; for it is the vengeance of the Lord. Take vengeance upon her …“ Just quickly, because our time is almost over, chapter 51 in Jeremiah, „Flee out of the midst of Babylon, and deliver everyone his own soul …“ You can continue to read in Jeremiah, chapter 51:6,7,8,9 and you continue with verse 13, with verse 45, with verse 49, „Babylon hath caused the slain of Israel to fall, so at Babylon shall fall the slain of all the earth.“ But now we have to quickly go to 2 Corinthians, chapter 6, from verse 14 and then in verse 17, „Ye My people come out from among them…“ We have to quickly go to Revelation, chapter 17, to let you know what is meant with the urgent call to come out. Revelation 17, it says in verse 5, „And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.“ And in Revelation, chapter 18, the call is given, first in verse 3, „For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication …“ and in verse 4, „Come out of her, my people …“ Beloved, this is the message of the hour! I wished I could share it with you for hours and hours to let you know this is God’s time for God’s people to forsake all things which are not according to the Word! There are two main voices in the endtime: one of the antichrist that all should be united under one. But I wish to hear the voice of the Lord Jesus Christ, that we should be one with Him, as He was with the Father – one in Word, life and Spirit; in all the practices of the New Testament to believe as our brethren believed at the very beginning. Beloved Friends, Brothers and Sisters, return to God and His Word! Take this call seriously! It’s God’s message for you. May He bless you with divine understanding and revelation of His Word and the message of the hour. God bless you and be with you. In Jesus’ Holy Name. Amen.