
Ladies and Gentlemen, Brothers and Sisters, dear Friends, 

This is Brother Frank speaking to you from the International Mission Center in Krefeld, Germany. It’s my privilege to share with you the precious Word of God. We have this ministry for the past 50 years, and, God willing, we shall stay in contact also in the future. Even if we cannot continue these programs, you can still join us every Sunday morning at the first weekend of every month. You can join us per Internet, online, and you can hear and see what is being said before hundreds and thousands of people.

This is a very, very special time in which we are living. The main subject remains the promised Return of our Lord Jesus Christ, our preparation to be ready when He returns. And therefore, we shall read a number of scriptures which do speak about His Return. First of all we must refer to the promise He made in John, chapter 14:1-3, “I go to prepare the place … then I shall return and take you to be where I am.” Our Lord also said in Matthew 24, verse 14, “This gospel of the kingdom will be preached to all nations … and then the end will be.” He spoke about the endtime, especially in Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21, and all the three Gospels report what He said, namely, “When you see all these things come to pass, then ye know the time is at hand – the time is near, it’s at the door.” 

So, beloved Friends, we are not only in the endtime, we are at the end of the endtime, and the Coming, the promised Return of our Lord must be imminent according to the signs of the time. To the fulfilment of Bible prophecies in our day it is so important that we don’t use our own explanations but watch God’s Word, especially the prophetic Word, as it is being fulfilled in our time. We see this with the children of Israel in a very, very special way, how the Lord promised throughout the Old Testament that at the end of time He would bring them back into their promised land. And since 1948 we have a state called “Israel”. And they are waiting for the coming of the Messiah and for the rebuilding of the temple. 

Then according to Romans, chapter 11, the Apostle Paul by the wisdom of God said what would take place: that God first would take a people from the nations for His Name and then He will turn again to Israel. So this is God’s plan of salvation. He started with Israel; He will finish with Israel. In between is the New Testament Church, as God promised to Abraham, “In thee all the nations will be blessed.” And with this we go to Galatians, chapter 3, where the Holy Scripture says that in Christ all the nations are blessed. So we understand, that the plan of salvation is now coming to an end with those who are called out from all the Gentile nations. 

There has never been a time like this on the face of the earth where the Gospel can be preached by radio, by TV, by crusades, in every way all over the earth. And if I look back to the past 50 years and the privilege and grace God has bestowed upon me: I am the least of God’s servants, not worthy to be called a man of God. But, Beloved, whether you can believe it or not: I received a direct calling from the Lord to go from city to city, from country to country to preach His Word. This was on April 2nd, 1962. And now I look back to these many years, and God gave me the privilege to share the precious and holy Word of God, the message of salvation and all the Bible teachings and also the prophetic part with God’s people all over the earth. My feet have stepped on the soil of 155 countries, just preaching and teaching the Word of God, sharing the whole counsel of God, as the Apostle Paul was writing, “I preach to you the whole counsel of God.” 

And especially, beloved Friends, through the ministry of William Branham God even opened the seven seals, and the 22 chapters of Revelation became a reality. We could look into the history of the church and see what has happened. And we can look at the present time to see what is going on, and also into the future, which things will take place. 

Beloved, let me come back to our subject about the Return of Christ, which is also spoken of as the “appearing”, the appearing of our Lord and Saviour. In Colossians, chapter 3, verse 4, we read, “When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with Him in glory.” This is wonderful. It’s a promise: When Christ shall appear, we shall be with Him, we shall appear with Him in Glory. We shall be taken out of this body and corruption will change into incorruption, and we shall be with our Lord for ever and ever.

Beloved Brothers and Sisters, our life has been in vain, even if we claim to be Christians or claim to believe or be children of God. If we don’t make it for the Second Coming of Christ, if we are not ready to meet our Lord, Beloved, then our life was in vain. The main purpose of this ministry is to line us up with the Will of God, with the Word of God, to bring us back to the original teachings, so that we believe as the Scripture says. And almost in every sermon I make the statement, “The first and the last sermon must be the same. The first and the last baptism must be the same.” Everything now before the Return of Christ must be restored to where it has been 2,000 years ago right at the very, very beginning of the New Testament Church, when the first redeemed assembled in the Upper Room, waiting for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. 

Beloved, we are waiting now for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. But we must be ready, we must recognize that we are purchased by the blood of Christ, that we don’t belong to ourselves, we don’t belong to a church-denomination – we belong to Jesus Christ, and by one Spirit we must be baptised into the Body of Christ. There are so many church-denominations who believe whatever they have set forth as their rules and regulations of faith. But true believers go back to the Word of God. They believe Ephesians, chapter 4, “One faith, one Lord, one baptism.” They go back to the original beginning on the day of Pentecost, when the Gospel was being preached and the Word accomplished what it was sent for, and the first 3,000 were ready to be baptised. And the Apostle Peter made the statement to those who received his message, who believed what he preached, “Repent, everyone of you, and be baptised in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. For this promise is unto you, to your children and to as many as the Lord, our God, shall call.” And then in verse 41 we are told that 3,000 were baptised.

Beloved, this cannot be changed! It must remain for ever and ever. No man on earth or in heaven has the authority to change a single Word of God! And the Apostle Paul spoke it very strongly in Galatians, chapter 1, and said, “Even if we, or an angel would come from heaven, proclaiming another gospel … the curse is upon him.” So we must make sure that we are not changing, but that we are changed, that our inside is changed, that we don’t try to pull God our way, but that we understand we must come God’s way.

Back to Colossians, chapter 3, verse 4, “When Christ, who is our life …” Is He your life? Can you say, as the Apostle Paul in Galatians 2, “Now I live no more, I am crucified with Christ, now Christ lives His life through me.”? Read it again, “When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with Him in Glory.”

This is a promise, and, Beloved, I am looking forward to that moment of the Return of Christ, when He shall appear, and when He shall call those who fell asleep in Christ according to 1 Thessalonians 4, “The dead in Christ will rise first, and then those who live in Christ shall be changed, and together we shall be taken up to Glory.” What a moment that will be! 

I say it again: By the grace of God I was privileged to preach the only true Gospel of Jesus Christ, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world with Himself; sharing that precious truth that there is no other name given unto humanity except the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we must be saved; showing to humanity that God’s way to us is our way to God; not playing politics in religion, but sharing the original message of God’s salvation with the people. 

So we understand by the grace of God that the Return of our Lord is imminent, and this is the last call. And, Beloved, I say this again, even if you cannot fully believe it. But, please, pray about it. I mentioned Brother William Branham, who was a man sent from God with a message of God, the original message of God preached by the apostles to bring us back to the beginning to where it all started. And, Friends, if I don’t share this with you, there would be some blood on my hands. I have to say this: This man of God, William Branham, had a call like Moses, like the Apostle Paul, a direct divine call and commission. And on June 11th, 1933 at about 2.00 p.m. while standing in the Ohio River, baptising about 300 people after his first crusade, and when he was about to baptise the seventeenth person he prayed, and then he heard the voice, “Look up!”, and the second time, “Look up!” And when he looked up, there was that supernatural light. And from that pillar of light, the voice of the Lord said these words, “As John the Baptist forerun the first coming of Christ, the message given to you will forerun the second coming of Christ.” 

I know the Lord since 1948. I knew William Branham for ten years: from 1955 right to 1965, and I take the message, the original Word of God to the people of God in every nation under heaven. Where we cannot go directly in person, we try to reach by television; in every way we are trying to reach all nations. So, Beloved, I do have a responsibility before God to share with you the true apostolic teachings, every promise made in God’s Word. 

Please, let us read one more scripture, from 1 Timothy, chapter 6, verse 14, “… that thou keep this commandment without spot, unrebukable, until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Here the Apostle Paul was writing to Timothy that he would take his commission seriously, that he would be unrebukable right until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ. I take this scripture as also addressed to me. I wish to appear before the Lord, but with all of you, with all the true believers, with all the Bride of Christ, with all those who are washed in the blood of the Lamb, with all those who are anointed and led and sealed by the Holy Spirit unto the day of our redemption, bodily redemption. 

So, in closing let me say this: Even if we cannot be heard too long by television, you can switch in and be joined with the Lord and with us in the message of the hour. May the blessings of Almighty God rest upon you. I mean it. I mean it with all my heart. I wish to greet you on that blessed morning, when our Lord shall return, when He shall appear and we shall appear with Him in Glory. What a day of rejoicing that will be! Please, prepare! Be ready for that very, very special and most important day in your life! God bless you and be with you in Jesus’ holy name. Amen.