
Beloved Brothers and Sisters in Christ, dear Friends, Ladies and Gentlemen, 

This is Brother Frank speaking to you from the Mission Center in Krefeld, Germany. 

By the grace of God I had the privilege to serving the Lord for the past 50 years. For me this year is like an anniversary. It was on April 2nd, 1962, just at sunrise – the sun was not yet up – just at the dawning of a new day, when the Lord called me with an audible voice, saying, “My servant, your time for this city will soon be over. I will send you to other cities to preach My Word.” By the grace of God I was obedient to the direct heavenly calling and commission. So I look back to these many, many years in obeying and doing what I was actually called to do, preaching the Word of God as the only authority, the only absolute that I do have. 

So, by the grace of God, I don’t want to spend much time on it, but I look back to these past 50 years, having travelled to 155 countries. Just through all these years always every month two weeks at home, two weeks gone, just sharing, proclaiming the everlasting Gospel. And, Friends, this I do in the Name of the Lord. And, as I said in previous sermons, the ministry God gave to Brother Branham was a very special blessing to me. I came to know all the world-renowned evangelists, right from the fifties and through the sixties and on. But there was one with an outstanding ministry, with a direct call and commission, who was told already in June 1933 that the message given to him would forerun the Second Coming of Christ. 

So we do believe, beloved Brothers and Sisters, that before the Return of Christ, which is promised in John, chapter 14, before this takes place, our Lord must call out a Church. There must be a time of preparation, a time of calling out, a time where Matthew 25 will be very loud proclaimed, “Behold, the Bridegroom cometh. Go ye out to meet Him!” Only those – and please be not offended –, but only those who are part of the Bride Church will hear what the Bridegroom has to say. All the rest will continue in their own ways. 

In the spiritual it is similar to what it is in the natural. When, for instance, a marriage is announced in a community, then all the ladies keep on doing as usual. But there is one person, and that is the bride: She has a promise, she has a bridegroom, she prepares for that great day of marriage. So it is in the spiritual: Only those who are part of the Bride Church will prepare, will come out from all that is not in accordance with the Word of God. They will line up with the Scripture, and with them the Word of God will be fulfilled. Revelation, chapter 19, verse 7: “And His Bride has prepared herself.” – not the others. 

So, there are many churches, many denominations, but there is a Bride of Christ, preparing for the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. And that’s why our Lord said in Matthew 25, in verse 10, “… they that were ready went in to the marriage; and the door was closed.” Beloved, after the Lord had called me I just knew: I have to go from city to city, from continent to continent, and I just wept and prayed, and said, “Dear Lord, let me have this great privilege that all who hear your Words from my lips and believe them, that I will see them again in Glory.” I am not sharing the Word of God that you might go and say, “There was a man who spoke to us in the program.” I want you to say, “God spoke by His Word to us.” It’s not a man, it’s the Word of God which remains for ever and ever. 

And just like the Apostle Paul in Acts, chapter 20, could say, “For I have not shunned to declare the whole counsel of God unto you.” The whole counsel of God includes every Word, every aspect, every promise God made for Israel and to Israel, every promise God made to us, every promise God made to the nations who would believe like Abraham believed. And here is the direct point, beloved Brothers and Sisters: True faith anchors into the promises of God. If you don’t have a promise, you have religious imagination, but not faith. If you go back to Abraham, what does the Scripture say already in Genesis? “Abraham believed God …” When did he believe? When the Lord made the promise, “In a year from now I will return, and your wife will have a son.” Abraham laughed, Abraham fell down on his face, but Abraham believed! Abraham believed the promise God made unto him. And then he didn’t look upon his frail body; he didn’t look that Sara was past the age to have children. He believed God. He did not look upon circumstances, he looked upon the Invisible as though he would see Him. Where was the secret? It was in the promise God made to him. So, please never forget this, beloved Brothers and Sisters. Even before our Lord left the earth, He said, “Wait in Jerusalem until you receive the promise of the Father.” 

Everything that God did in the New Testament was promised in the Old Testament – already from the first promise in Genesis, chapter 3, verse 15, where our Lord God said that the seed of God would come through the woman to bruise the serpent’s head and give us deliverance and salvation. The serpent had beguiled Eve in the Garden of Eden, and here is the first lesson that we have to learn: Satan took what God said and changed it, put a question mark, another question mark, “You will surely not die, did God say.” Satan involves you into arguments. But God puts His Word, His promised Word into your heart. 

And then with this you can even go right to Ephesians, chapter 1, verse 13, “… after having heard the Word of Truth … and believed it, God sealed us by His Holy Spirit.” It is so important not to debate, not to discuss a single scripture, but to believe every Word of God the way it is written and have it revealed by the Holy Spirit and going from one scripture to the other which all the Word of God is in harmony. 

At the First Coming of Christ over 100 promises of the Old Testament were fulfilled. John the Baptist was a promised prophet. In that one generation at the First Coming of Christ everything that God promised had been fulfilled. And even if you go to Matthew, chapter 1, it says, “… that it might be fulfilled … When the time came it was fulfilled.” Our Lord read in Luke, chapter 4, “This day this scripture is fulfilled.” Every scripture was fulfilled pertaining to the birth of the Saviour, to His ministry, to His sufferings, to His death, His going down to hell, His resurrection on the third day: Psalms 16, “I will not leave His soul in hell, nor His body to see corruption.” Everything was written in the Word of God, right up to Psalms 47, that He will go up with a shout and with a trumpet. 

Beloved, we must understand: First God makes promises, and when the time comes He fulfills what He promised. But to see the promises of God fulfilled with you and I, you and I, we must believe. If we don’t believe, how can God fulfill His Word with us? To Mary when the announcement was made by Gabriel about the birth of the Saviour, the Holy Scripture says, that she believed. She believed. And the moment she believed that promise the Holy Spirit came upon her, and then the Son of God was born, the Word was made flesh. I must take you to 2 Corinthians, chapter 1, verse 20, “All the promises of God are yea and Amen by Him through us.”

So, coming back to our main subject of today: the promised Return of our Lord, John 14, “I go to prepare the place. Then I will return, and I will take you to be where I am.” Beloved, the time is very near. It’s the endtime according to the Word of God. And if you read Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21, three times our Lord made the statement, “When you see all these things come to pass, then look up, for your redemption is drawing near.” Nobody knows the day or the hour, but our Lord said, “When you see all these things come to pass, then it’s near, even at the door.” And our Lord after this made the statement, “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but My Words shall never pass away.” He made the statement, “This generation shall not pass till all these things be fulfilled.” 

Beloved, we are living in a very special generation. A prophetic time has come upon us and Bible prophecies are being fulfilled, mainly with the children of Israel. Every true child of God from the Gentile nations will love Israel, will bless Israel. But no child of God will hate any other person in any other religion. No, we love everybody. And even John 3:16 says, “For God so loved the world …” – the whole world, the whole world. When God gave us redemption, it was not just for one nation. It was for all the nations through Jesus Christ, our Lord. He chose Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, He chose Israel to give His promises, to foretell what would take place. But when Christ died, He died for all who would accept Him as personal Saviour. 

And, Beloved, let us also realize and recognize: Only if we have eternal life we shall live eternally. And there is only one form of eternal life, and that is with the eternal God. And the eternal God was manifested in Jesus Christ, our Lord. It’s the only, it’s the only revelation and manifestation of the invisible God in human form, and that is in Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour. He was the only One who could say, “If ye have seen Me, ye have seen the Father.” 

Beloved, please hear this. We are living in a very special time. We call it, or even the Bible calls it “the last days”. And the last call is going forth into all the earth. Why did God give the possibility that we now can reach all nations, all nations, and even the meetings that we do have here on every first Sunday and the Saturday connected to it, every month even these meetings are spread all over the earth. Online people hear us now in 88 different nations in 13 different languages on earth. They participate in our meetings, joining us by internet, listening to the wonderful Word of God. This has never been before. This could not be 100 years ago or 50 years ago but now, that the Word of God, the true Gospel of Jesus Christ could be preached as a witness to all nations. 

At the same time the everlasting Gospel is being preached as a witness, the calling out of the elect from all nations takes place. And, as I usually say in the symbol of bride and bridegroom: All the others move on in their own ways, but the Bride Church of Christ hears the Words of the Bridegroom, lines up with the Word of God, believing in the only one true God, not in two, three, four different persons sharing the power with one another, saying, “The Father is God, the Son is God, the Holy Spirit is God. The Father is eternal, the Son is eternal, the Holy Spirit is eternal.” Such things are not found in the Word of God! Not one time is it mentioned in the Holy Bible, like “God, the Son”, not one time! Only: “the Son of God”! Not one time is it mentioned “God, the Holy Spirit”, not one time! “God, the Holy Spirit” – oh, it is the Spirit of God or the Holy Spirit! 

Beloved, the time has come. We cannot go into these teachings. But, Beloved, I say again: if you are interested to know the true Bible teachings we are here to serve you. And our literature goes into all the world free of charge in all the different languages. This is God’s time for God’s people! This is the last call. The decision you make now you will take with you into eternity. So, please, be sure that you believe the Word of God the way it is written. One Lord, one faith, one baptism. So we understand. 

And let me say this finally: The time has come, the time is fulfilled, the last message is going forth, and we have to line up with it. We must read the Book of Acts, we must see how the first sermon was preached: that’s how the last sermon must be preached also. As the first baptism was, the last baptism must be. And we do have all the witnesses: we have Peter in Jerusalem, we have Philip in Samaria (Acts, chapter 8). We again have all these men of God thorughout the time of the apostles. Back to God, back to His Word to believe as our Lord said, “If you believe in Me, as the Scripture says …” This is the point. Not to believe as denominations or churches or anyone says, but to believe as the Scripture says. 

May we all find grace in the sight of God. May we all realize, “This is our time, calling-out time, preparation time, restoring time.” This is God’s time for you. Avail yourself of this great opportunity to line up with God and with His precious Word. To be in the Will of God you must be in the Word of God, and only if you are in the Word of God, you are in the Will of God and you are sanctified in the Truth.

The Lord God bless you and be with you, in Jesus’ holy Name. Amen.