
Ladies and Gentlemen, beloved Friends, dear Brothers and Sisters is Christ,

This is Brother Frank from the International Mission Center in Krefeld, Germany. We look back to the many years of God’s blessings. I personally look back to 50 years in the international ministry after the Lord called me on April 2nd, 1962.

Our main subject remains the Return of Jesus Christ promised by our Lord Himself in John, chapter 14. But our main message is Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today and forever. Our preaching includes the whole counsel of God: Redemption, forgiveness, reconciliation, the new life in Christ, the whole Plan of Salvation is being preached and we do have the experiences that we preach: salvation, healing, forgiveness, the new life in Christ. We must know that every Word of promise becomes a reality: The promised redemption like in Isaiah 53, where our Lord and Saviour is shown on the cross of Calvary, dying for our sins, being bruised for our iniquities and by His stripes we were healed, by His blood we were saved and reconciled with God. When Isaiah by the Holy Spirit gave this promise, it was still maybe 720 years before it happened. But whatever God says, and whenever He says it makes no difference – it must come to pass. The time comes for every promise of God to be fulfilled. Even as our Lord was reading from Isaiah 61 in Luke, chapter 4, and then making the statement, “This day this scriptures is fulfilled before you.” 

So in our day Scripture is being fulfilled. If we read Matthew, chapter 24 especially, so many things are foretold: not only wars, rumors of wars, earthquakes and all these catastrophies that would come upon the earth, nation against nation. And we have experienced these things, especially in World War I, World War II. And even now, if we look into the nations: uprise here, demonstrations there, governments exist no more – everything is in a turmoil, everything is the way it was never before. And there is no solution for these problems. But they are definite signs of the near Return of our Lord and Saviour. 

But then also in Matthew 24 our Lord speaks about false Christs, false prophets who will deceive many. Now, what is the difference? Who is right? Who is false? We have to know. And to know it, we have to go back to the Word of God. You know, we just have to preach the Truth without compromise. And I am glad: I don’t need anybody’s favor, I don’t need anybody’s money. All I need is God to be with me and to confirm His Word with all who believe the message of the hour, addressed to the true children of God. 

So this is God’s time of restoration of all things. Just as the Jews according to the promised Word returned to their homeland, so the New Testament believers return to the Word of God as it was preached at the very beginning. The Jews have to fight for every inch and all the earth is against the Jews. Beloved, we have to understand: Also the New Testament Church does not fit into the Council of Churches, the New Testament Church does not fit into this religious world, as Israel does not fit into all the nations. Why? Because God has a purpose with Israel, and God has a purpose with His New Testament Church. And therefore we must make our decision to have the same experiences our brothers and sisters had at the very beginning. 

Now, looking into what Paul, the Apostle, was writing to the Colossians. It is just so wonderful to be part of the Word of God, to have experienced the grace of God, the salvation of the soul. And Friends, I am not only preaching, but by experience I know my Lord as my personal Saviour. Here in Colossians, chapter 1, in verse 14, the apostle writes about Jesus Christ, “In whom we have redemption through His blood, even the forgiveness of our sins.” And in the next verse he tells us who Christ is: “Who is the image of the invisible God, the first begotten of the creation of God.” There are two creations: one is the natural creation. And if you go to Revelation, chapter 3:14, there Jesus Christ speaks as the One who brought the new creation into existence. And Paul writes to the Corinthians: “If someone is in Christ he is a new creation; the old things have passed away.” So, as there is the first creation which has come to an end, we do have the new creation in Christ: We are born again, we became new creatures in Jesus Christ. We have received the life of God.

All who were foreordained from the beginning, even before the foundation of the world was laid, they will receive Christ, and they will differentiate between religion and between reality. God did not bring us a Christian religion – He gave us Christ, the Saviour. And we must emphasize: There is no other name given under heaven by whom we can be saved. There is only one Saviour and one salvation: and that is in Jesus Christ. And as we read here that God ordained us to eternal life and that Jesus Christ is the very visible image of the invisible God. And that brings us back to the very beginning of the natural creation, it brings us back to Paradise, to the Garden of Eden. When at the beginning of time, not in eternity – in eternity God the Spirit dwelt in His fullness of light and spirit throughout all eternity –, but at the beginning of time He stepped out of eternity into time, manifesting Himself in a visible form of appearance, walking in the Garden of Eden, creating Adam in His own image. 

And the Same One who walked in the Garden of Eden, the Same One came to be with us. And the Word that was at the beginning, speaking all things into existence, as John, chapter 1, and also Galatians and Colossians do speak and testify, our Lord is the Same. So we do believe that God was manifested in Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour. In the Old Testament He was the Lord God throughout the 4,000-year- period. In the Old Testament no one, not Abraham, not Isaac, not Jacob, nor Moses, nor any of the prophets spoke about a Father in heaven. No one ever spoke about a Son in heaven. What do they say? Over 6,300 in the Hebrew Testament the word “Elohim-Yahweh” is mentioned. “Elohim-Yahweh” – the Lord God, the Lord God throughout all the Old Testament. In the New Testament God revealed Himself as Lord in Jesus Christ. And His manifestation in heaven is called “Father”. His manifestation on earth is called “Son”. His manifestation in us is called “the Holy Spirit” – God dwelling in us by the Holy Spirit. So we see the manifestation of the same God that walked in the Garden of Eden, that met Abraham, giving the promise about the birth of Isaac, the same One who spoke to all the prophets, the same One who spoke to Moses, who spoke to Jacob, and Jacob wrestled with him and said, “I don’t leave you unless you have blessed me.” The Same revealed Himself for our salvation as our Father in heaven, because in Christ, the Son, we were adopted as sons and daughters of God and we were placed back again into our original position. We are just waiting for the changing of our bodies at the Return of Jesus Christ, our Lord, when this corruptible will take on incorruption, and then we shall be with the Lord for ever. 

So, the promised Return of our Lord must be our main subject and our preparation to be ready for His Return must be number one purpose in our lives, because the Scripture says, our Lord speaking in Matthew 25, verse 10, “They that were ready went in to the Marriage, and the door was closed.” So the ministry which is now going forth worldwide is the last message, the message of calling out, like it says in Matthew 25: “Behold, the Bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet Him.” “Go ye out to meet Him!” We must come out from all denominations, we must come out from all inherited teachings and line up with the Word and Will of God. We all need an absolute and no church has the absolute. Only God, His Word alone is our absolute.

I give you an example, hopefully you will understand it right: Some years ago I had a baptismal service in the north part of Germany. Among those who were baptised was a lawyer, and he was also a mayor. And when the Lutheran Church heard about that this mayor was baptised by immersion, the whole council of the area came together, and he sat there as someone of being accused of having broken the Scriptures. Because they read Ephesians, chapter 4, verse 3 up to 5, where it says, “One faith, one Lord, one baptism.” And they said, “Now you have accepted another baptism, and the curse is upon you, because the Scripture says, »One faith, one Lord, one baptism.«” So, if you look at the first moment, these people were right – but only right in their own eyes. If they would go back to church history, they found out that the first baptism by sprinkling on the forehead happened with Constantine in the year 337. 337! When Constantine lay on his deathbed the bishop was called and then he dipped his hand into the water “in the name of Father”, dipped his hand “in the name of Son”, dipped his hand “in the name of the Holy Ghost.” But this is a totally wrong baptism. Baptising means “immersing”. You could go to the Hebrew word “baptiso” which means “immersing”, immersing. 

When John the Baptist was baptising, he was in the River Jordan and our Lord went into the river. And when He was taken out of the water, the heavens opened and the Holy Spirit came down in the form of a dove. So, the church baptism, the sprinkling, is not biblical. It must be said, even if you switch off. But I want you to know the Truth. This is God’s time for God’s Word to be respected. If the Bible says, “One faith, one Lord, one baptism” it should be that biblical baptism. The Apostle Peter in Acts, chapter 2, then Philip, the evangelist, in chapter 8, then again in the house of Cornelius the Apostle Peter in chapter 10, verse 48, said, commanded that they all should be baptised in the Name of Jesus Christ. And then, when the Apostle Paul came to Ephesus, he found twelve men who were baptised by John. And the question was, “Did you receive the Holy Spirit?” and they said, “We don’t even know, if the Holy Spirit has already come.” And then he commanded that they were baptised in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. That is where the Holy Scripture applies, “One faith, one Lord, one baptism.” One baptism! Not a Catholic baptism, not a Protestant baptism, not an Anglican baptism – no, no, no! Just one baptism: the true baptism talked in the Holy Scriptures. And you will see, if the Holy Spirit is upon you, you will understand Matthew 28:19 correctly. It was “the name” into which we are to baptise. And the name in which God revealed Himself in the New Testament as Father, Son and Holy Ghost is the New Testament covenant name: the Lord Jesus Christ. And here in Colossians you can read, all we do and all we say, we must do it in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. 

So, beloved Friends, coming to a close: The purpose of this apostolic-prophetic teaching ministry is not to represent a church or a denomination, but to share the true Word of God as the absolute. And I will never believe and never practise anything unless it’s in the Word of God. And therefore, now before the Return of Christ, which is so near, many false prophets who claim healings and miracles they are on the scene. But the Lord will have to say, “I never knew you. Depart from Me, you workers of iniquity.” Not signs are the confirmations that a man is right. A man of God is right, if the Word of God is in him and if he preaches the same Gospel that Paul preached. Because Paul said, “If anyone preaches another gospel, he is under a curse.” We must take these things seriously. I have a commission from the Lord: I must be honest; I must tell you the Truth. And only the Truth of the Word of God will set you free. 

May the blessings of our Lord Jesus Christ rest upon you. May you be led by the Holy Spirit into the full revelation of Jesus Christ. May the full understanding be granted to you to know the Scripture, to know the Lord by divine revelation. God bless you and be with you in Jesus’ holy Name. Amen.