
Ladies and Gentlemen, Brothers and Sisters in Christ, dear Friends,

 This is Brother Frank speaking to you from the International Mission Center in Krefeld, Germany. I wish you God’s richest blessings, the understanding of the Holy Spirit upon the Holy Scriptures. We all know that we are living very close to the Second Coming of Christ, and all Bible prophecies are being fulfilled, whether it pertains Israel or the New Testament Church or in general. 

Even if we look to the latest develpments on earth, especially in Jerusalem – I have a few notes here of what is actually going on in the Middle East. I will not take much of your time to go into detail. But, Friends, here it says in the Palestinian Media Watch, “Jesus was a Palestinian.” If you read all these things that you can take from your e-mail, the whole earth is being misled, misinformed, and, Friends, especially when it comes to religion, then, then everything is just the way it should not be. Then here Mr. Berlusconi says, Israel must join the European Union. Then you have the Pope visiting the synagogue of the Jews in Rome and just having a wonderful speech. And then you take the next one, and you can see in this picture the “Upper Room” on Mount Zion in Jerusalem, where our Lord had the Last Supper with His disciples and where the outpouring of the Holy Spirit took place on the day of Pentecost. The headline says, “Vatican must own this place of the Last Supper.”

Friends, I am just telling you, we are living very, very close to the Second Coming of Christ. I cannot go into all these details, but I am very sure, I am very sure that for the last time the message of God, the true Gospel of Jesus Christ, the originial teachings of the apostles are shared with the whole earth. Then I must tell you that in our time God used Brother Branham. Many heard about Billy Graham, about Oral Roberts, about others, and in later times they heard about all these great evangelists. And, Friends, let me tell you the truth: There is a big difference between a man who can present himself to the people and a man called by God, sent by God with a true message of salvation, giving us true information and orientation about God, about the Plan of Salvation, about the true apostolic teachings, and between those who build their own kingdom within the Kingdom of God, preaching a prosperity gospel, preaching whatever they wish. And, Friends, let me tell you: the true Gospel of Jesus Christ must be preached to all nations, and then the end will be. And especially in Matthew 24, where this verse is also found, that the Gospel must be preached first to all nations and then the end will be, we have all the other details. Our Lord spoke about false prophets, false Christs, about signs and wonders and made the urgent statement, “See that you are not being deceived.” 

And, Friends, it is always the same from the very first time: deception took place; it was in connection with what God had said. What God had said in Genesis, chapter 2, the enemy took in chapter 3 and drew the attention of Eve first to what God had said, then making a question mark. And if you go into the matter, you will find that every time Satan uses a scripture, turns it around and gives his own explanation and interpretation. 

Friends, Brothers and Sisters, dear Friends, I am not a newcomer in the Kingdom of God. I said it many times: By God’s grace I am in His Kingdom since 1949. I look back to many, many years and to many, many experiences I had by God’s grace. And, Friends, I also look back to the past 47 years, having shared the true Word of God, the message of the hour with God’s people in now over 150 countries. God has given me a special privilege to go into all nations and to share His Word with His people.

Today I have the privilege to speak to you, and these sermons, this apostolic-prophetic ministry is being shared in many, many countries around the earth. And, Friends, today in view of Matthew 24, there shall be earthquakes and all these different things. I remember preaching in Haiti, in Port au Prince, and the hotel I stayed in is in ruins now. And then I remember what our Lord said, that when we see all these things come to pass, we should know that our redemption is drawing near. 

But today I like to take three places which speak about an earthquake, but in a quite different way: not about destruction, but about something connected to a tremendous blessing that God has given to humanity. In Matthew, chapter 27, when our Lord died at the cross of Calvary, an earthquake happened. I read Matthew 27, verse 54, “Now, when the centurion, and they that were with him watching Jesus, saw the earthquake, and those things that were done, they feared greatly, saying, Truly, this was the Son of God.” Something happened, when our Lord and Saviour died, when He cried out, “It is finished.” When He shed His blood, gave His life to redeem us, even nature had to testify that something extraordinary had taken place. 

And then we also read in this connection that many of the bodies of the saints that slept were raised (verse 52). And then, in verse 53, “… and came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many.” Here we have a combination of the things which happened at the moment of the crucifixion and then also at the moment, when Christ, our Lord and Saviour, rose from the dead. Matthew 28, verse 2, “And, behold, there was a great earthquake; for an angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat upon it.” And then we have the complete description of what has taken place. 

My beloved Brothers and Sisters, I want you to know that God has done all He could do: He saved us, for the Scripture says that God was in Christ, reconciling the world with Himself. If you are lost, it’s your own decision to be lost. You don’t have to be lost: Christ wants to be your Saviour. And therefore the preaching of the true Word of God is to share what happened for our salvation in Jesus Christ, our Lord. Full redemption, reconciliation with God, total forgiveness, new life, new heart, new spirit: God made a new covenant in Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Friends, take it seriously! And I must emphasize: Although I have to be truthful and right in doctrine, I don’t believe that any wrong doctrine can stand the Word test. For me the Word of God is the Word of God. I cannot and will not tolerate any teaching, any interpretation – I will only believe the original Word of God. But at the same time we need to emphasize that we are not taught into the Kingdom of God, but we are born, we are born into the Kingdom of God. And therefore, our Lord said in John, chapter 3, “Ye must be born again. Otherwise ye cannot see the Kingdom of God.” And you can go through all the Scriptures: the seed for the new birth is the Word of God. Through the blood our sins were forgiven and we were reconciled with God. But then into the heart that we have given to our Lord His Word as a seed must fall into a good ground. And then the Holy Spirit comes upon us creating a new life in us. And thereby we become sons and daughters of God. And then the Scripture says, all those who are led by the Holy Ghost, they are the children of God. 

Why do I share the Word of God with you in such a way? Because I wish for you, as I do for myself, that we shall make it to Glory, that we shall not be disappointed at the end of our ways. And, Friends, let me emphasize this, that we need to find our way back to God. We need to put God’s Word first and then line ourselves and all the teachings with this Word of God. Therefore, be not angry, if we have to emphasize over and again, that only those teachings, which are in the Bibel, I and we should believe. I don’t believe a single dogma, I don’t believe any creed, I just believe the Word of God.

My Friends, and here we are again at a very critical point. Why should I have to tell you that there is only one God? And especially if you read such statements, as I referred to in the beginning, one group says, “Jesus Christ is the first Palestinian”, and if you read all these statements. Friends, and then we have the other side, which says, “God exists in three individual persons from all eternity.” Then you have all these different ideas and teachings and convictions. It behoves us to go back to the Word of God to acknowledge that there is only one God. 

And this one God, who is Spirit and invisible, manifested Himself at the very beginning in a visible form, walking in the Garden of Eden. That was the Lord God, manifested in a form, in a body. Throughout the Old Testament the same God spoke to the prophets, and the same God revealed Himself for the salvation of our soul in Jesus Christ, our Lord, the visible manifestation of the invisible God. 

And, Friends, I always like to emphasize this: The same blood that was in the Saviour was shed for our redemption, and the same life that was in that blood is in all the redeemed. In all sons and daughters of God is the same eternal life. And therefore, we can pray, “Our Father, who art in heaven …” Therefore we acknowledge what our Lord said, “I go to My Father and to your Father.” We are in Christ who is the Firstborn among many brethren. We are also born again, and in the resurrection, in the completion we shall be like He is. We shall see Him and we shall be changed. Our mortal bodies will be changed into immortality. Here is the secret of the Plan of Redemption: The Lord of Glory Himself took a body of flesh and blood, came to us, lived on earth in this body of flesh, so that He could understand everybody living on earth in every situation. And then shed His blood, giving His life to redeem us, to bring us back into our relationship with God.

So we understand: there are not three individual personalities. We cannot say, “God the Father is eternal, and God the Son is eternal, and God the Holy Spirit is eternal”, because there is only one Eternal, not two and not three. But this one God revealed Himself as our Father in Heaven, in His only begotten Son on earth and in us. In all His sons and daughters He reveals Himself and we can pray with honesty of heart, “Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name …”

Friends, let us conclude what we try to say today: Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today and forever. The same teachings, everything as it was in the days of the apostles must be restored to the New Testament Church. And all who have an ear to hear what the Spirit says unto the churches, they will take heed and they will understand by divine revelation that this is a calling-out time. Please tell me: We now have 350 Protestant denominations joined in the World Council of Churches – are they all the Church of Jesus Christ? Are they the Bride of Christ? No. God calls the individuals from all nations, from all churches, from all denominations to make up His own Church, His own Bride. And therefore it is not a denomination, but the Body of Christ, and by one Holy Spirit we are baptized into that one body. And then no Pope, no cardinal, no bishop is the head, but Jesus Christ is the head of the body, and we are all members and we all submit under Christ, and we all believe as the Scripture says. 

I wish to see you in Glory. If not on earth, but in heaven I wish to meet you, to see you. May God have His way. And, Friends, we do have brochures with all the Bible topics. They are being sent out free of charge in many, many different languages and all over the earth. God is calling out His Own. May God bless you and be with you. I would like to hear from you. Be blessed in Jesus’ holy Name. Amen.