
Beloved Friends, Brothers and Sisters in Christ, 

May the blessings of God Almighty rest upon you. This is Brother Frank speaking to you from the International Mission Center in Krefeld, Germany. I just love to share God’s Word with you. For me this is a divine commission to go from city to city, from country to country, from continent to continent to share the Word of God, which I received from the Lord.

Dear Ones, it is very hard to believe that in our time the Lord would speak like in Bible days. But, Friends, we are still in Bible days. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. It was only yesterday that a dear brother called me and said, “Not only John the apostle could write, ‘What our eyes have seen and our ears have heard from the Word of life, but there was also a divine call upon the Apostle Paul and he could share the things which God had shown unto him.’” We just need to read Acts, chapter 9, Acts 22, Acts 26 to see how the Lord called this man and sent him to the nations. 

Yes, I, Brother Frank, received such a call on April 2nd, 1962. Now I look back to over 47 years, going from city to city and from continent to continent. I just returned from a Far East trip, visiting Phnom Penh, Cambodia for the first time. And, Friends, my heart was touched. We all have heard about Pol Pot, about the 1½ millions that were slaughtered. They took me out to the place, which was to be a memorial for those who were killed. And, Friends, I thought about the times of Stalin, about Hitler, about those murderers who killed millions. And, Friends, then I looked into the Word of God to recognize we are in the last days: Wars, rumours of wars, all these things, including earthquakes have to take place. And our Lord said repeatedly, “When you see all these things come to pass, look up, for your redemption is drawing near.” 

In Matthew 13, verse 16, our Lord said, “Blessed are your eyes, for they see, and your ears, for they hear.” And if we may add: “… and your hearts, for they understand. They’ve received divine revelation.” Paul writes to the Corinthians in 1 Corinthians 2, “The natural man does not perceive the things of the Spirit, because spiritual things must be spiritually understood.” And, Friends, also in Mark, chapter 4:23+24, our Lord spoke about those who gave ear, who were ready to believe. And those who believed to them whatever the Lord said was revealed. It applies today. Let me take an example: If you believe the commission of Matthew 28:19, then you must go to Acts, chapter 2, to Acts, chapter 8, to Acts, chapter 10, to Acts, chapter 19 to see how the commission was carried out. Anybody can repeat the commission, but who can fulfill the commission to the letter? And, Friends, this is it. 

The Apostle Peter was present, when the Lord gave the Great Commission, when the Lord said, “To Me all power in heaven and earth is given. Go ye into all the world, teach all nations, baptizing them into the name (singular) – into the name of Father, Son and Holy Ghost.” Before I can baptize, I must know the name into which I must baptize. And, Friends, but today you go to all the churches: They repeat the commission and don’t have the revelation about the name of God. Our God revealed Himself as Father, Son and Holy Ghost. But “Father” is not a name, “Son” is not a name. God is Father, the Son is the revelation of God Himself: “Immanuel – God with us”. And the Holy Ghost is not a name, it’s the spirit of God, the Holy Spirit. So, not only to read, but to understand, to have eyes to see, to have ears to hear, to have the divine understanding. 

And, Friends, if you try to tell me that Peter was wrong, that Philip was wrong, that Paul was wrong when they baptized in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, then I must tell you that you don’t have the divine revelation and you don’t have the divine respect towards the Word of God. You must go from scripture to scripture and, by the way, not to fuss and not to fight, but all of Christianity is under the teaching of the trinity doctrine.

Now, to be honest the word “trinity”, the word “triune God”, the word “three persons”, the word “God the Son”, the word “God the Holy Ghost” is not once found in the Holy Scriptures. Not a single time! But, I brought it with me from the Encyclopædia, 6,356 times in the Hebrew Bible God is mentioned in the singular: Elohim-Yahweh, the Lord God. 6,356 times! And then I brought with me the main, the main picture of what all churches believe in that God exists as three divine persons. And they tell me that the Father is eternal, the Son eternal, the Holy Ghost eternal; he is almighty, he and he. Such a God does not exist. 

There is only one God: the eternal One! And throughout the Old Testament He manifested Himself in marvellous ways as the Angel of the Covenant, even when He appeared to Moses. You go back to Exodus, chapters 2, 3 up to 6, and see how the Lord God could manifest Himself. Then you go right back to Abraham: the Lord and two angels visited Abraham. I was once translating an American evangelist in a city in Germany, and a few thousands were gathered. And suddenly this man said, “In Genesis 18 we see the holy trinity visiting Abraham.” I as the interpreter had to just shout into the microphone: “I don’t believe this.” But, Friends, the whole of Christianity, right to every evangelist, to every charismatic personality, everybody is in this original Roman teaching which never existed with the Jews, was never spoken of in the Bible – not by a prophet, not by God, not by Jesus Christ, not by the apostles. 

And today they condemn me, because I don’t believe in a trinity, I don’t believe that a God in heaven as a Father has begotten a son. No, I don’t believe it. Why should I? Because the Word of God speaks precisely about the birth of the Son of God. The Son of God was born on earth in Bethlehem. Mary had received the promise and she believed the promised Word of God, “And that which is born of you will be called the Son of God.” This is God’s revelation as Father in the Son. And therefore, God was in Christ, reconciling the world with Himself and at the same time placing us back as sons and daughters of God into our original position. 

Friends, the blood of the new covenant was shed, the blood of the Son of God for all the sons and daughters of God, that the same eternal life that was in Christ would also be in us. And, Friends, this must be emphasized: the new birth is an experience. And if our Lord said in John, chapter 3, “Ye must be born again, because that which is born of flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit”, then, Friends, before a birth we need a uniting, we need a seed. There cannot be a birth without a seed. First we hear the Word of God and we receive it, as Mary received the Word of God as a promise and then the Holy Spirit came upon her. That is the way we are born again. And the moment we are born again the life of Christ enters our soul. We have received forgiveness of all our sins, we are reconciled with God, our past is over and we have received the new covenant and we are children of God waiting for the transformation of our bodies. Our heart is changed, our life is changed, because Christ is the life of God in us. 

And, Friends, coming to the next point, as we are drawing very close to the Return of Christ. I don’t only say this – it is a divine must. And I can take you to Isaiah 42, I can take you to Isaiah 48, I can take you to the scriptures of the Old and the New Testament, that before the Return of Christ there must be a time of restoration of all things in the New Testament Church, in all the true believers. I am not speaking about a collective denomination, I am speaking to the individuals in all the churches and denominations. God does not call a whole denomination, He speaks to the individual, and He calls the individual. And they who hear His voice and believe in Him they are saved. 

And then, when the Holy Spirit truly comes upon us, the Scripture is being fulfilled (Romans 8:14). My beloved Brothers and Sisters, your heart just opens up, justified by believing in Jesus Christ, justified by the blood that was shed on the cross of Calvary, justified by the blood of the new covenant with which Christ went into Glory and placed it on the mercy seat. Friends, redemption is reality. The new heart, the new life, the experience of salvation is reality, the new birth is reality. Everything that comes from God is a reality. Like it was with our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ: His birth, His life, His ministry – all was reality. His resurrection, His going to heaven, everything was a reality. His return will be a reality. 

And this is our time, the most precious time that ever has been on the face of the earth. And, Friends, this is the last call, the last call: “Ye, my people, come out from among them and be separate, saith the Lord, and then I will receive you.” I know, it’s not easy to swim against the tide, but Friends, we have to do it. We cannot join all those denominations, which are now together in the World Council of Churches, looking towards Rome. We have to be led by the Holy Spirit into the Word of God, and then we are not under any antichrist system, not under any antichrist influence. 

I want you to be under God’s influence through Jesus Christ, my Lord and Saviour. And I want you to respect the Word of God. Only once again I mention it: if our Lord gave a commission in Matthew 28, He also gave the same commission in Mark 16, He gave the same commission in Luke 24, He gave the same commission in John, chapter 20. And then the Apostle Peter brought things together by divine revelation, knowing the name in which God revealed Himself as Father, Son and Holy Ghost is the New Testament covenant name: the Lord Jesus Christ. And everything that was done in Bible days happened in the Name of Jesus Christ. 

If you can show me from this Bibel from Genesis to Revelation, if you can show me that one single time one single person ever used the formula “in the Name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Ghost”, if you can show me, I will close this book and I will apologize. But it’s not there. It is not there. It’s a church doctrine. And what does our Lord say in Mark 7, verse 7? “In vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.” 

You may say, “But, Brother Frank, then you are against all the churches, all the evangelists, all the charismatic personalities, because they all believe it.” I am not interested in what anybody believes. I am not interested in what Athanasius, Irenæus, Hieronymus, Augustine believed. I am not interested. I am a man of God, and if I am a man of God, what I preach must be 100 % according to the Bible. Everything, whether it’s baptism in water or baptism by the Holy Spirit, whatever it is, if it’s not according to the teachings of the apostles and prophets, not in agreement with the New Testament doctrines: forget it. Forget it! It’s misleading. 

These are misinterpretations, things were added to the Scriptures. And the holy Word of God says that God’s prophetic Scripture is of no privat interpretations. And now, I have been to many churches and sometimes I was asked, “Do you believe the Nicean Creed?” Friends, I was in different and difficult situations, because in many countries, especially in the 14 Islamic countries that I was privileged to share the Word of God in Christian churches, there were many in the denominations which open their doors. I had to use wisdom from God to even be allowed to preach. And, Friends, the time has come, the time has come to clearly say: This is the Word of God. This is the Truth, and heaven and earth will pass away, but the Word of God will remain forever. 

Let us summarize what we need to share with you. The second coming of Christ, the Return of Christ promised to us is imminent. The signs of the time tell us about it, because our Lord said repeatedly, “When you see all these things …” – when you live, when you live to see, to be there, to be on earth, to be in that generation the Lord spoke about, “This generation shall not pass till all things be fulfilled.” “When you live to see that time, then you know the redemption is drawing near.” And, Friends, what have we got since World War I, World War II? War, rumours of war, earthquake, everything, everything, everything is happening on earth. Every country can report of things, which have never been before as they are today. And many are waiting for the earthquake on the West Coast of the USA around Los Angeles. And, Friends, it will be very soon. All these things will happen.

 I just in closing would like to say this: Prepare, prepare! Don’t look on circumstances, don’t look at people, don’t look at religion, don’t look at churches – look upon Jesus Christ! Come back to His holy Word. Respect His fulfilment of promises in our day. And usually I refer to Brother Branham whom God used in our time in a very, very special way. Please be not offended. If God sends someone and we receive him, we shall receive the reward of a prophet. 

May this ministry, may this short speech go to your heart, enter your soul and may you prepare for the soon Return of Christ. Check everything with the Scripture and you will have joy in your soul, because you are brought back to God and to His Word. 

May the blessings of the Almighty rest upon you and may we hear from you. We have got brochures with the different topics in brief form, so you can read and take your Bible and be informed about God’s plan of salvation in our time. God bless you and be with you in Jesus’ holy Name. Amen.