
Beloved Friends, Brothers and Sisters in Christ, 

This is Brother Frank speaking to you from the International Mission Center in Krefeld, Germany. It’s a great privilege for me to share God’s precious Word with as many as possible in the different countries. I would like to also thank all of you who appreciate these sermons, this ministry we do call „apostolic, prophetic ministry“. With this we wish to emphasize that in every way, teaching and practice, we go back to the Word of God. We don’t explain anything, we don’t interpret anything, we don’t change anything. We just take the original Word of God, as it was preached in the days of the apostles. Our main subject is the Return of Christ, the calling out of God’s elect to be prepared for that great day, when the trumpet of God shall sound and the Lord shall descend and those who died in Christ shall rise first and we who live in Christ shall be changed, and together we shall be taken up to Glory.

And, Friends, this is so serious, because there is no other possibility, no second chance that we could decide after we leave the earth. Therefore we have to be serious with the message of the hour, with the preaching and teaching of God’s holy Word. As we all know, in different Bible schools and seminars and churches and denominations we have all the different explanations and so on. But, as I said, it is our duty to go back to the Word of God. 

Recently I heard a sermon preached by William Branham, God’s servant and prophet, whom I knew quite well from personal experiences, having been acquainted with him and his ministry since 1955 to 1965. And I came to know about his divine call, about his commission, about the message given to him from the Word of God. Then, of course, when I heard this sermon, he was using Deuteronomy, chapter 16, preaching about the subject where God places His name, the place God chooses, the place where the name of the Lord is put by God Himself. And he made a few statements, saying that many people placed the name of the Lord wherever they wish. But this is not right. We must find the place, the person where God put His name, where God revealed Himself personally. And that is in Jesus Christ, our Lord, who could say, “I came in the name of My Father, and ye receive Me not. But if someone comes in his own name, him will you receive.” 

And then, of course, I thought about Mark, chapter 7, which was also mentioned by Brother Branham, “In vain do they worship Me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.” (verse 7). And, Friends, to be honest, it just goes through my heart, it goes through everything that I am: to think that all the worship on the face of the earth, in all religions, in all Christianity, in all churches, in all denominations right to the smallest assembly, to the last home – all worship is in vain, if the doctrines are not in agreement with the Word of God. If we are found in church doctrines, in traditions all our worship is in vain, even if we think we worship God. It’s impossible, because the Holy Scripture says, and this Word comes from the lips of our Lord, in John, chapter 4, where He makes the statement, “Woman, the time will come when they will not worship God in this holy mountain or in any city, but they that worship God must, must worship Him in spirit and in truth.” (verses 23-24). And, Friends, we have to be honest: if you are in the Word of God you are in the Truth. But if you are in explanations, interpretations, traditions, you are not in the Word of God and you are not in the will of God. To be in the will of God, you must be in the Word of God. 

Then another thought struck me, where our Lord says in John, chapter 8, that we shall die in our sins, if we don’t believe that Jesus Christ is the one who came to save us. Let me read John, chapter 8, verse 24, “I said, therefore, unto you, that ye shall die in your sins; for if ye believe not that I am he, ye shall die in your sins.” It’s absolutely necessary to believe in Jesus Christ according to the Word of God. He says, “If ye believe in Me as the Scripture says …” – not as any church, any evangelist or anyone says, but “as the Scripture says”. 

And, Friends, to also be honest in this point: The Holy Scripture and the will of God must be revealed to us by the Holy Spirit. And our Lord said, “If I go away, I send you the comforter. I send you the Holy Spirit, and He will guide you into all the truth.” – and especially now, as the Return of Christ is so imminent. And this we also have to emphasize: It’s not going to be hundred years. I don’t know how many weeks, months, or even years it might be until our Lord returns. But, Friends, if we look at the signs of time, our Lord repeatedly said, “When you see all these things come to pass, ye know the time is at hand. Lift up your heads, for your redemption is drawing near.” 

Then we also read in Matthew 24 about false Christs, false anointed ones. They are not called false “Jesuses”, no, they are called false Christs. And today we have so many who believe that they are anointed. Anointed! But what for? What for? To present themselves, their own teachings, their own programs! 

What we need today is the message of God’s holy Word to bring us back to all the promises God made in His Word for this day. And how many times did I emphasize, the New Testament began with the fulfilment of all the promises and prophecies from the Old Testament! The New Testament ends with the fulfilment of all the promises and prophecies given to the Church, to Israel and in general. And we are living in that prophetic age right now, and we have to go even to 2 Peter, chapter 1, that no Bible prophecy is of any private interpretation, but holy men of God spoke, moved as led by the Holy Spirit. And the same applies today. We must be under the same anointing of the Holy Spirit. We must see what the prophets and the apostles saw. We must teach what they taught. We must practise what they practised. 

Before the Return of Christ all things must be restored in the New Testament Church. There has to be a calling out, a preparation time. That’s why the Scripture says that those who were ready went in to the Marriage Supper and the door was closed. At the same time the Bible speaks about the great falling away and the man of sin being revealed. And, Friends, my ministry is to show you the way back to the original message and teachings given by our Lord, practised by the apostles. And, Friends, with this we don’t go to Rome, we don’t go to Rome, no, we go back to Jerusalem, because the Word of God came forth from Jerusalem. Alle the prophets were Hebrew prophets, and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit was not in Rome, it was in Jerusalem on the day of Pentecost, when the Holy Ghost fell and the New Testament Church was born and filled with the Holy Spirit to continue the ministry. And, Friends, Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today and forever. And therefore we have to find our way back to God, back to the Word, back to the true teachings in our day. And, Friends, again we have to emphasize: not to Rome, but back to Jerusalem!

But then we also do see that all denominations, and, if the report has counted right, 350 Christian denominations are joined in the World Council of Churches. And everyone believes what they wish, teach what they like and do what they think is right. And no one cares to know God, to know His Word, to come back to the Truth. Looking to Rome, I emphasize again: We must go back to the first sermon preached on the day of Pentecost in Jerusalem, “Repent, everyone, and be baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins, and you shall be saved, and then ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Because this promise is unto you, and to your children, and to as many as the Lord, our God, shall call.” (verses 38-39). And then on the same day, in verse 41, we read, “All who received his word were baptized; and three thousand people were added to the church.” 

Beloved Friends, let me say this again: There was a special ministry in our day, and if I would only know about the special calls in the past, if I would only know what God did in the days of Moses or Elijah, or even through the ministry of John the Baptist, or even in the days of our beloved Lord and Saviour, if I would know what God did through the ministry of the Apostle Paul and even going right to John, the apostle who received the final revelation on the Isle of Patmos, if I would know what happened in the course of church history, if I would know what God did in the days of Luther, Wesley and all these other great men, it would not be enough, or if I would only know about the Pentecostal revival over hundred years ago. 

I have to know and I have to tell you that after World War II the Lord gave a special commission to William Branham. And I am not ashamed, no – this may be the first time I can smile during this sermon. It’s a heavy burden upon me, but here I can smile, because God granted me the favour not to bypass His promised Word fulfilled in our day. Because the Lord God Himself said, “I will send you Elijah, the prophet, before the great and dreadful day of the Lord comes.” If this would only be found in Malachi, chapter 4, then I would say, “Beloved Friends, it’s written in the Old Testament.” and then, “What is the day of the Lord?” But then we go to the New Testament. After the ministry of John the Baptist was long finished our Lord said in Matthew 17:11, “Elijah truly shall first come and restore all things.” We have to respect that. 

And let me say this, Beloved: If you don’t respect the Word of God, please, you should close this book, you should stop praying now. God will only speak to us if we respect His Word. And then again He will say, “If you don’t believe me, if you don’t believe that I am He, ye will die in your sins.” What is it? Unbelief and disobedience go together from the Garden of Eden. First Eve had to disbelieve what God said to open up for what the enemy had to say. And, Friends, it’s the same up to this day. First, we must close our eyes, our ears, to what God said, and then we open up to what the enemy will have to say. And then he comes up with all the interpretations. So, this is very, very serious, even to remind you on Mark 7:7, “In vain …” The Lord says this, not I, not a preacher, the Lord says, “In vain do they worship Me …” 

They were Jews, they were having their services, they were singing the Psalms, they were bringing the sacrifices, they were waiting for the Messiah to come. It was their main subject. And then He came to His own, and His own received Him not. Even today, people speak about the second coming of Christ, they speak about the gathering of Israel, they speak about many of the prophecies, but don’t consider the promised Word given to the Church of Jesus Christ in our day. And therefore, I have to emphasize this: that God in this prophetic age had to send a prophetic ministry to take us back to the Word, to restore all the Bible teachings. 

We have shared with you many times, dear Friends, that there is one God who revealed Himself for our salvation as Father in heaven, in His only begotten Son on earth, in the Church by the Holy Spirit. But then, if you go to all the churches, and please do not object, do not condemn me, and don’t say, “He shouldn’t do this.” But all the Christian world believes in three individual gods, saying, “From all eternity there are three divine, three eternal, three Almighty.” Have you ever found in the Holy Scriptures the word “triune God”? Did you ever find the term “trinity”? Did you ever find the term “eternal son”? Did you ever find the term “God the Son”? Why not? Because it doesn’t exist. 

And, dear Friends, my heart is bleeding, because all of Christianity is misled. And therefore, the true Word of God, the apostolic teachings have to be brought to your attention and you will have to decide. Not “Jesus Only”, no, beloved Friends, not “Jesus Only”, no, but one God, our heavenly Father, manifesting Himself personally in Jesus Christ. And Jesus Christ, the Son of God, could say, “If you have seen Me, you have seen the Father.” So, three manifestations of the same God to accomplish His great plan of salvation, to bring us back into our sonship and relationship with Himself. 

My beloved Friends, I just love to share the truths of God’s Word with you. The second coming of the Lord draws very, very near. This is the calling out time, the preparation time to be ready for the Return. But please, don’t be found in your own ways, in your own will, in your own doctrines. Be found in the Word of God, in the love of God, in the grace of God, in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour. And, please, don’t take it lightly, but search the Scriptures and you will find every answer in God’s holy Word.

May the blessings of Almighty God rest upon you and may this sermon, may this preaching not return void, but may the Word of God accomplish with each one of you what it was sent for, in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord.

We would appreciate hearing from you. God bless you and be with you in Jesus’ holy name. Amen.