
Beloved Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Ladies and Gentlemen,

God bless you.

This is Brother Frank speaking to you from the International Mission Center in Krefeld, Germany. It’s always a privilege to share God’s Word with God’s people in many, many different countries. Beloved, we always have the same subject: the Return of Christ, our preparation to be ready, when He will come, and then, of course, not to be disappointed, but belong to that privileged group of the elect who are willing to go all the way with the Lord without compromising on any single issue or doctrinal point, but just taking our stand upon God’s Word which remains for ever – the only truth existing on the face of the earth. Many, many scriptures speak about the different comings of the Lord, but we are mainly interested in His return for those who wait for Him to be taken up into Glory for the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.

In 1 Thessalonians, chapter 3, the last verse, we read, “… and to the end he may establish your hearts unblamable in holiness before God, even our Father, at the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ with all His saints.” This is a promise and the Apostle Paul was speaking about this subject in many different places while writing to the local churches. 

Then, of course, in chapter 4 in 1 Thessalonians we have the description of what will take place at the direct coming of the Lord, which will be personal. It will not be a process that goes on for days and weeks and months, but it will happen, it will be an event – like the first coming of Christ, His birth, was not over ages. It was announced, but when the time was fulfilled, it was on one day, in one place, where Christ, the Saviour, was born. In the same way His going up to heaven was in one day, in one moment. And His return will be in one day, in one moment, and the dead in Christ will rise first, and we who are alive shall be changed, and together we shall be taken up. 

Now many who believe in Brother Branham’s ministry have the idea that the message is the shout of 1 Thessalonians, chapter 4, and believe that now Christ is already descending, because the message is going forth. But that’s simply not true. Our Lord remains in heaven until the time comes (Acts, chapter 3, from verse 17-21). Christ remains in heaven until all things are restored, and the message is the message of restoration of all things. And the restoration must take place in the Bride Church all over the earth at this time. It’s the last message in the time of grace and the most important one of all ages. And then, of course, the Scripture says here in 1 Thessalonians, chapter 4, verse 16, “For the Lord Himself shall descend …” – not a teaching, not a message, but He Himself. And I beg you, beloved Brothers and Sisters, to believe as the Scripture says and what the Scripture says. Please stop putting your own interpretations into the Word of God. 

Then, in 1 Thessalonians, the 5th chapter, we are told about the Day of the Lord that will come as a thief in the night (verse 2). And then it goes on to say in verse 3, “… when they shall say, Peace and safety, then sudden destruction will come upon them, like travail comes upon a woman with child …” Now we are in this process of peace. There have never been as many wars on earth as right now. Everywhere and every day we just hear about wars and rumours of war. But at the same time the urgency of the peace process is on the agenda. And we have to understand the importance of the peace process which is going on in our time. 

Then in verse 4 we read, “But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.”  And here we come to a very, very special point: “Ye, brethren, who live now at the end of the time of grace, ye, brethren, who see and hear all these Bible prophecies and predictions fulfilled, you, who live in this generation where Bible prophecies become a living reality before us, ye, Brethren, who know the prophetic scripture, ye, brethren, who know the message of the hour, ye, brethren, who know the promised Word for this day, ye are not in darkness that this day should overtake you as a thief. For ye are all the sons of light …““It shall be light at the evening time.” And our Lord says, “He that follows Me will not remain in darkness but have the light of life.” 

Then the Apostle Peter in 2 Peter, chapter 1, is also speaking about the return of Christ and also introducing us to the most important thing which is and are the promises God made, by which we partake of the divine nature. Only if something is of divine nature and we partake thereof, then we will receive the divine nature into our soul, like with the new birth. First we receive the Word of God which is the seed. We are not born again, because a charismatic personality appears on the stage, no, we are born again, if we receive the seed of the Word of God and if the Holy Spirit can come upon us to create the new life in us. So we have to understand and experience those things promised to us in God’s holy Word. 

Now, in 2 Peter, chapter 1, in verse 16, we read, “For we have not followed cunningly devised fables when we made known unto you the power and coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of His majesty.” What a statement! “We have not followed cunningly devised fables …” Now I have to tell you about the Bible endtime message – not only the term “endtime message”, but the endtime message based on the Bible! Just what the Scripture says we say, what the Scripture teaches we teach, and where the Scripture is silent we are silent. For instance, if we read in Revelation, chapter 10, about the voices of the seven thunders, which John heard the voice from heaven, “Don’t write what the seven thunders uttered.” So, it’s not written. God kept it silent and secret. And we leave it silent and secret with God. And therefore we read in Revelation, chapter 1, verse 3, that we should only keep those things which are written – which are written in this book of prophecy! Those things which are not written we must leave with God. Please don’t try to interpret! Leave it with God. If you do interpret, all you have is cunningly devised fables. And there are many, many such fables in existence and in circulation in the so-called ‘endtime message’ ranks. And therefore, I, Brother Frank have the divine commission to go from city to city, from country to country to preach the Word of God only. Just those things which I can preach from God’s holy Word, I will preach. Nothing else will ever come across my lips. 

And here the Apostle Peter says that we were eyewitnesses of His majesty, refering to the Mount of Transfiguration, when they heard the voice of God Almighty speaking. I read verse 17, “For he received from God, the Father, honor and glory, when there came such a voice to him from the excellent glory, This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” And then this superb statement – I just love it – verse 18, “And this voice which came from heaven we heard – we, the apostles who were there with Christ, when Moses and Elijah appeared – when we were there on the holy mountain.” “We saw, we heard that voice, we saw the glory!” And Friends, that is what counts! We must be present, when God does something on earth! A true witness is only a true witness, if he saw something. If he saw, let’s say an accident or whatever happened – a witness must be there when something happens. And therefore our Lord called the twelve, “Ye are my witnesses.” And when He called the Apostle Paul, “You are to be a witness.” A witness must have seen, must have heard something. 

And, beloved Friends, I am the least of all the servants of God: I am an eyewitness, I am an earwitness of what God has done in our time. And, Beloved, if I only knew what God has done, let’s say within the past 2,000 years, or what happened in church history, or what took place since the reformation in the last 500 years – if I only knew what happened in the past, I would be a miserable person, if I did not know the promised Word for today, if I could not say, “I have seen, I have heard, I was there when the supernatural ministry happened in our time. 

Yes, I knew the Lord before I knew Brother Branham and the purpose of his divine call and ministry. But, Beloved, I will be for ever grateful to Almighty God that since 1955 right to 1965 I was acquainted directly with the ministry of Brother Branham. And you know very well, I preach Jesus Christ, I preach salvation. But I also have to share the true teachings of the Word of God and I have to tell this generation that the same God who made the promise about John the Baptist, who would come to prepare the way of the Lord at the first coming of Christ, the same God said in the Prophet Malachi, chapter 4, “I will send you Elijah, the prophet, before the great and dreadful day of the Lord comes. And he will turn, he will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children”, and now the second phase, “he will turn the hearts of the children back to the fathers at the beginning.” A complete restoration to where the Church was at the very beginning – not fifty years later or 300 years later, but what and how she was at the very beginning. Brother Branham had a restored evangelistic ministry, a restored teaching ministry, a restored prophetic ministry. I saw it, I heard it, I was in his meetings in Europe, I was in his meetings in the USA. So I am well acquainted with the message of the hour. 

And, Friends, let me say this over and again: I believe that God is in control of all things. And I believe, that God has the only say-so in His Kingdom. I do not believe that any man of any church, of any denomination, of any religion has anything to say in the Kingdom of God. I simply don’t believe it. I believe that every man in every church may say whatever he wishes and do whatever his denomination or church believes in. But we are not talking about churches and not talking about denominations, we are not talking about religion – we are talking about Jesus Christ and God’s plan of salvation. We are talking about the promises God gave to the Church and also to Israel, before the return of Christ takes place. And therefore, our interest is only to know the Thus saith the Lord, the true promises of God’s holy Word. 

And when I for the first time heard the testimony of Brother Branham, what he was told and commissioned on June 11th, 1933, when he was told, “As John the Baptist was sent to forerun the first coming of Christ, you are sent with a message that will forerun the second coming of Christ.” And, dear Friends, I sometimes get angry in the spirit. It happened to me now on my last trip to four countries in West Africa, coming into Pentecostal churches that know nothing about what God has done in our time; knowing their own programmes, their own personalities, but not knowing a single bit of what God has promised for our time. Friends, I wept in the presence of that great congregation. I couldn’t help it. There were such charismatic meetings, so much music, everything was just in place – but no Word of God! No promises of God were shared, just “big” things. And, Friends, I say this again, we do not follow cunningly devised fables. We must teach and preach to you the things God promised for our day. We must bring you up to date in the Kingdom of God. And we see, the Jews returned to the promised land, because after the fulness of the Gentiles has come in from all the nations, then God will turn to Israel, and first the 144,000 and then of course all Israel shall be saved. 

Beloved Brothers and Sisters, we are at the end of the endtime. Please, believe as the Scripture says; please, have part in what God promised for this day. Please, don’t bypass the day of God’s visitation. I like to spend eternity with you in Glory, and therefore, I must be true to the commission given to me by the Lord of Glory Himself to go from city to city, from country to country and even now, we have the Word of God on many stations, preaching and teaching what the apostles were preaching and teaching. Beloved, may God be with you, may He open your hearts and understanding, may divine revelation and orientation be your part. In Jesus’ holy Name. Amen.