Ewald Frank
Sermon for the Youth, Krefeld 1970
In this place, as we have said often enough, nothing else is proclaimed but God's Word. And everyone has the right to examine everything by the Word of God. Not on the basis of what a religious denomination has established, but on the basis of the Holy Scriptures. If we want to stand before God, then we must allow ourselves to line up with the Word of God. And especially in the times in which we now live, it is important that we remain in God and that happens when we remain in the Word of God. Whoever goes out of the Word of God is no longer in God. We have heard often enough that God's Word is the absolute truth, and as long as we agree with the Word of God, we agree with God. A person who does not agree with the Word of God does not agree with God. This is a fact that no one can overturn.
Tonight we intend to speak to our youth in a special way. There are things that are doctrinally established and that we all believe and that we receive. And we are convinced that young people in particular must not be neglected, but that they must be given help in the crucial issues of life. And we believe that this help comes from God, if they allow themselves to be lined up with the Word of God. Here is a word in Psalm 119. We begin with the 7th verse. Psalm 119 from verse 7:
“I will praise thee with uprightness of heart, when I shall have learned thy righteous judgments. I will keep thy statutes: O forsake me not utterly. Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? by taking heed thereto according to thy Word. With my whole heart have I sought thee: O let me not wander from thy commandments. Thy Word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee. Blessed art thou, O Lord: teach me thy statutes. With my lips have I declared all the judgments of thy mouth. I have rejoiced in the way of thy testimonies, as much as in all riches. I will meditate in thy precepts, and have respect unto thy ways. I will delight myself in thy statutes: I will not forget thy Word.”
Especially the 9th verse: “Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way?” For the answer is: “by taking heed thereto according to thy Word”. It is on my heart, because of the questions that have been discussed here among the brothers in the past few days, to talk about what is proper for a believer and how we can find out how we must or should evaluate and handle these things. You know my heart is pounding, it is not so easy to talk about it, especially when there are many other people sitting here who are perhaps better able to judge than I am. But to the best of our knowledge and belief, let us consider some of the Holy Scriptures. Not to assess, not to judge, but to help, so that we can learn from it. And I believe that all of us who are married know that there are practically only two decisions of importance in our lives: One decision is our decision for Jesus Christ. A decision that binds us to him, not just for time, but for eternity. A second decision, one that joins two people together for as long as they live, is the decision for one another.
To avoid heartache, it must be pointed out that every person who makes this second decision must make it in prayer, after careful consideration, in complete certainty and without the slightest doubt. A person who commits to marriage in doubt has made the biggest mistake of his life. A person who makes his decision and then looks left and right, to put it more clearly, who still looks here and there with his eyes in order to draw comparisons, in order to possibly reconsider; such a person is not yet mature enough to be married. Only when we have absolute and complete certainty, not according to what we see on the outside, which is secondary, but on the basis of the certainty that God alone can put into the heart, only then will we be able to withstand the difficulties that life brings with it and, as they say in the vernacular, “go through thick and thin”.
These days we are focused on ensuring that everything that can be biblically aligned and restored, that it should then be biblically ordered. The question for our youth is really how these things are to be handled in the kingdom of God. And I want to be understood that I rebuke no one when I express here that a servant of God or a preacher of a congregation is not only there to pronounce the blessing, but that they are also there, as are the elders, to be available to advise the two people when they find themselves in those decisive hours. In the long run, it is simply impossible to keep pushing these things aside just to function in some way that does not lead one to that complete certainty before God, whether what is said here at the front may be said before God at all. If one says here in this place or elsewhere, “what God has joined together, let no man put asunder”, then the prerequisite for this is actually the conviction of the one who utters it that it is a divine joining together. And if there is even the slightest doubt, whether one likes it or not, because it is supposed to be said. But it will not always have to be so.
We are no longer willing to sacrifice our own conscience in order to say something in this place. Instead, we want to be able to say what we say here before God, in the certainty that this is the case. I am not saying this because we want something from someone or because we are questioning something. But it is simply on my heart not to touch on the past, but on the future, to make clear once and for all what is appropriate for God's children in this way.
We know what it is like in the world. But we are not of this world, as we read in John 17:16. The Lord Jesus says: “They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.” And when we come to this topic, you know that there are scriptures that speak of this, and it has been the case since the beginning of the world that God has joined people together who were meant for each other. And we know just as well that there is also a lot of heartache and misery among people in this area. And by making the wrong choice, you can actually cause yourself so much pain that no one can make better. One word I would like to read about this is in 1 Thessalonians, chapter 4, verse 1. 1 Thessalonians, chapter 4, verse 1:
“Furthermore then we beseech you, brethren, and exhort you by the Lord Jesus, that as ye have received of us how ye ought to walk and to please God, so ye would abound more and more. For ye know what commandments we gave you by the Lord Jesus. For this is the will of God, even your sanctification, that ye should abstain from fornication: That every one of you should know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honour; Not in the lust of concupiscence, even as the Gentiles which know not God: That no man go beyond and defraud his brother in any matter: because that the Lord is the avenger of all such, as we also have forewarned you and testified. For God hath not called us unto uncleanness, but unto holiness. He therefore that despiseth, despiseth not man, but God, who hath also given unto us his holy Spirit.”
As we have already said, we all want to please God in all things as best we know how and are able. And I would like to say once again that we cannot undo the past. But we can help each other and hand the future over to God in faith in such a way that a young man, before he even utters a word that can be regarded as binding, has prayed so much before he says anything that when he speaks the person concerned is not unclear, but knows that this is no joke but serious. I do not believe that a believing young man can afford to knock on many doors, but he should know before he knocks somewhere that it will be opened for him. That simply belongs to it and God must give it by grace.
The first thing I did, it may sound ridiculous now, but I spoke with my own dad when the time came; I spoke with him and I asked him. You will say “Yes, brother Frank, was that necessary?” For me, yes, and I believe for all of us who have so much respect for our parents. And the Bible gives this as a sign of the times that children will disobey their parents. So if we have believing children, then we can expect of them, and God can also expect it, that they are obedient in all things. And parents mean well for their children. So when the time comes that a young man has the necessary maturity, not at 15 or 16, but later, so that he is actually aware now and has the certainty that he does not want to go through life alone - and I would also like to say quite clearly here that for us who are believers, hope deferred maketh the heart sick, as it is already written in Proverbs 13:12a - a young man should fill the years of his youth with other things, rather than with such thoughts. Unless the time has come when it can be achieved and the matter put into practice, otherwise he will bring himself into difficulties day and night and will toil and struggle and not know how to master the thing, and he (the thought) will actually be grafted in because he feeds his conscious and subconscious mind with such thoughts. So only when the time is right should one deal with such thoughts. This, of course, only applies to the brothers, not the sisters. For the sisters do not have to deal with such thoughts at all, but wait until someone comes and asks for their hand in marriage. And then there is still time to let the heart beat. Why should one take these things as an opportunity in life to get oneself into trouble, under a load, under a burden that one cannot get out and always have to ask oneself the question “How is it possible?”. But if you are the one who caused it, then you must, of course, be prepared to face the consequences.
The brethren were present during the conversation, when the American brethren and some here mentioned what Brother Branham said about this matter. And he said - I mean, I cannot say everything that needs to be said, because I have to say this to our youth one time alone, but - even a promise that a believing man makes is not a thing that you can make today and take back tomorrow. Our “yes” should be in every situation a “yes”. And before you can say such a “yes”, you have to be certain. And you cannot do that until you have the conversation with your father and mother first… Before you speak to the congregational elders, there must already be certainty in your hearts. But then - that can only be after you have both prayed so diligently and it has become a need and a concern for both of you, and you both know the time has come, and when both of you have met the one with whom you know assuredly, I will be married to this one - then it is settled for both of you – settled for you and also for the other person. It is not a trying, not a touching, not a feeling, but a joining together by God. And then you can say with all certainty “What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.”. Yes, anyone who would try could not do it, if God has joined them together. So, to resolve difficulties, we also want to behave in this way. Precisely because it is a decision that you cannot make today and take back tomorrow, but a covenant, as I have already said.
There are only two decisions of particular importance: one is the decision for Jesus Christ, because we want to spend eternity with him. But the second decision, which is just as important, to be married, is also the decision, the choice, you make for the person you want to go through life with. And there is no other thing in life that you have to bring so earnestly before the face of God, with so much prayer, with so much supplication, as these two decisions. You can undo everything else. If I decide to buy a car today, I can decide to buy another car tomorrow. You can either change or reverse any decision you have made, with or without cost, but you can do it. But the decision for Jesus Christ is made before God, with God, and it remains forever. For it is written: “And I will betroth thee unto me for ever; yea, I will betroth thee unto me in righteousness, and in judgment, and in lovingkindness, and in mercies.” (Hosea 2:19). God has said this to His own.
The other thing is this: What is proper for young people when they come under God's Word and when they leave the service? We are not only surrounded from above, but also from left and right and from everywhere. And in the days when the brothers were here, I actually had to put up with the accusation that 19 young people in our midst, although not from here, behaved inappropriately, even in this place. It is not easy for us, understand us dear youth. You are the generation that God has called and loved as much as us or the next. But in the house of God there has to be reverence, respect for God, for His Word and everything that goes with it; it must simply be there. You cannot go out on the street after a church service to exchange ridiculous words with each other or to behave in such a manner. That is not appropriate. When you see people leaving the service, no matter where they are from, they leave almost silently because they have received the Word and are now stirred within themselves and are contemplating it. It is irresponsible and impossible for us to allow things that are simply not appropriate to tear this place down. Not for believers, let alone for people who want to be taken up [raptured] and claim to serve the LORD and stand on His side. For everything there is a space and time and place. But this place is only here to hear God's Word - and to come without laughter and to leave without laughter. If there are things that young people have to say to each other, there is enough time to do or say them in private, if you must. But ask yourselves the question: if people see you going out - and the street becomes a storytelling space - what will they think? Do you think they will come into this room to hear God's Word? No, we simply have to judge ourselves and implore God with all our hearts to help us in this way.
You know very well that we are the last people who want to burden anyone with baggage that we ourselves would not bear or that we would not put ourselves under. But I believe the time has really come - whether young or old - we simply have to make sure that we are not an offense or a nuisance to anyone, but that we become a blessing through the grace of God. And that is why we do not want you to understand or construe what is being said here as a reproach, but simply accept it as coming from the Lord, because He loves us and wants to set us right.
We have plenty of opportunities, whether by singing or playing, where the young people can use their talents, where what God has given them can be done in purity and holiness before God. And as I said before, when the time comes, you will not come up short. But it is really nonsense for a boy who is 16, 17, 18 to even concern himself with these thoughts because the practical follow-through is not guaranteed. And one brings oneself into trouble, real trouble. And who is going to help you out? That is why we want to fill our time thoughtfully and energetically while the other things are not even on the table yet. And then we still have enough time to deal with what lies ahead of us.
Perhaps you will say: “Is that how it should be?” I am the last, as we have already said, to make a rule here, to set ages, but I cannot do otherwise. Why should we bring ourselves into trouble when it is not necessary? And what the heart is full of, what the thoughts are nourished with – that is the direction which our body aligns to. And that is where all the trouble comes from; only because of that. Not when someone properly utilizes his thoughts and his resources, but only when he nourishes himself with things that cannot be put into practice. Only that gets him into trouble. Here the Holy Scripture says: “For this is the will of God, even your sanctification, that ye should abstain from fornication: That every one of you should know how to possess his vessel [wife] in sanctification and honour; Not in the lust of concupiscence, even as the Gentiles which know not God:” (1 Thess. 4:3-5)
That is God's word and we all must bow down and submit to it. One cannot just nourish these things so that passion develops and that it overcomes us. Rather, as it is written here, “in sanctification and honour” before the face of Almighty God. Then the blessing will rest upon it and then God can be pleased with that person.
It states further “That no man go beyond” (verse 6), for God is an avenger of all such things. No one should be guilty of anything like this. And, whether you want to believe me or not - but that is the original sin. And Satan will call us to pass by all things, but he wants to rush us into that one. Because that is precisely how sin and the wrath of God came upon mankind. Directly there is where the temptation lies and that is why Paul, through the Holy Spirit, has given exhortations here for it. First, he places the Word: “For this is the will of God, even your sanctification, that ye should abstain from fornication:” (verse 3) Paul emphasizes this through the Spirit. And he literally says here: “For ye know what commandments we gave you by the Lord Jesus.” (verse 2) So, it is actually in the Holy Scriptures. And for those who serve God and belong to Him, there is instruction for everything in the Holy Scriptures. And if, as we have read, we keep the word of God, then everything will go well in our lives.
We will not take decisions because others have taken them for us, but here two will decide and know: This is God's way for me. And then no one can stop us. But in order to be certain, it is never wrong for children to have so much trust in their parents. And if we talk to our parents about all sorts of things, should we not also talk to our parents about the most important decision in this life? And shouldn't we entrust ourselves to those whom the LORD God has appointed to proclaim the Word of the LORD? If we want to both be and to become a congregation upon which the blessing of God rests in full measure and extent, then these things must also be ordered and placed properly, so that no one stumbles over anything, but that there is such a harmony in our midst. And, of course, it is necessary that we all exemplify them, that we exemplify them to our children, and God will give abundant grace for this.
It then continues: “For God hath not called us unto uncleanness, but unto holiness.” (verse 7) And then he writes further: “He therefore that despiseth, despiseth not man, but God, who hath also given unto us his holy Spirit.” Paul then writes a few more words about this in 1 Corinthians 7. You all know this chapter. In 1 Corinthians 7, in verse 37, it says, and I do not want to go on too long: “Nevertheless he that standeth stedfast in his heart, having no necessity, but hath power over his own will, and hath so decreed in his heart that he will keep his virgin, doeth well.” Whoever reads this, you will clearly see that it is between parents and especially concerning daughters, it is actually still up to the parents whether they give their daughter to someone or not. It is not as it is thought today that daughters can simply decide what they want and how they want, but they have to submit to God and His words and also respect the decision.
Written here, perhaps I should read it again first, verse 36: “But if any man think that he behaveth himself uncomely toward his virgin, if she pass the flower of her age, and need so require, let him do what he will, he sinneth not: let them marry. Nevertheless he that standeth stedfast in his heart, having no necessity, but hath power over his own will, and hath so decreed in his heart that he will keep his virgin, doeth well.” Yes, what would our daughters say today if we were to propose to them: “Our decision is that you remain unmarried.” The next day they would have jumped off the roof. But what does God's Word say here? And we see how far we can stray from God's Word. Today, young people think “We are smarter than the old folks, we will do it all.” And what happens next? Then it rains down on us and all of this no longer has to happen, rather we simply have to get to the point where we allow the Word of the LORD to apply in all things. We should not just say: “Yes, I believe God's Word and what it says about the taking up [rapture].” That is wonderful, but when we have been brought back to the Word of God, as we have heard often enough, we have to believe every Word of God as it is written. And only then will the full blessing of God be able to rest on us.
So no jumping back and forth amongst our youth, but wait until the time comes, so that no one can say anything against you. And I am saying this here today perhaps not just because I say it - I would have had enough respect for myself - I would absolutely not have taken anyone who had already come close to someone else in any, even the slightest, way. A girl who intends to have a happy marriage should keep away from any young brother until she knows that her hour and time have come. When I say here in front of you all today - I almost wanted to say, we are all people who are in the midst of life - if I had not been the first to kiss my wife, I would not have taken her. I would not have taken her. Now you will say, "Yes, can you establish that standard?" Well, I do not know if I can establish it. But this much I know, that a man has no respect for a woman who has been here and there…", "here and there…" - no respect. Every young girl who wants a man who respects her and who values her, should keep her distance and avoid every appearance of evil and do not get involved in anything until she knows that her hour has come, “before God and before the people"; until she knows: "In a few days I will be standing in front of the wedding altar!". Otherwise, the man's respect for you will soon disappear. Many women wonder why their men do not respect them. But for a woman, for a girl, who is "here once and there once" and "once over there" - and then I am the last one to say anything, the last one to say anything.
No, a man who has respect for himself and for God will first think clearly, he will not let his eyes wander around to make measurements and assessments, but will first use the spiritual measuring rod in order to know how these beloved ones stand in the LORD. That was my standard - that was my standard - nothing else. Training and education and skills and what not, that is a secondary matter. What God has done is decisive and that is what we have to look at.
Sisters, young sisters, do not even bother looking for a man. That is the most ridiculous and degrading thing a girl can ever do. But then, when your time has come, the right person will knock on the door and your heart will also start knocking. But then it has to knock for one and not for two or three, but you must know what is God's way for your life. All of this the young people have in their hands, in order to make a happy marriage blessed by God. But I say again: it is up to each young person what the marriage will look like. Believe me and take it as a word of admonition, as a word that is only well-intentioned. Let me say it again, do not get involved in anything unless you know: This is the one God has chosen for me.
And then it is still a long way from doing things that are commonplace at this time. We would have been ashamed to death, even in our day. Although times have changed, yet God's Word remains the same. You may say: "Brother Frank, that was for grandpa and grandma." That which God intended for grandpa and grandma, he intended for children and grandchildren. And we have to align with that. You will be grateful to me, for you will have happiness in your ways and the blessing of God will rest thereon. And we will not have to ask, "Why is this so or that is so?" Rather you will know, here rests the blessings of Almighty God. And then the way is as we have read it: “Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? by taking heed thereto according to thy word." (Psalm 119:9) And here the Bible says, we have read it: "Let each man seek his wife or acquire his wife” not in any desire or passion, but in sanctification and honour. That is what God's Word says about this topic. Nowhere is it written: "Let a sister seek for herself a husband in sanctification and honour." No, she is sought, she is picked up and waits at home until the day and hour has arrived for her.
And only then, if we observe all these things, only then will a marriage be blessed and good. There is no need to tinker with it, but God has blessed it and it remains blessed. But there are conditions and they must definitely be met. And whoever aligns themselves with the Word of God will reap the blessing, a very rich blessing. If someone thinks to themselves: "Oh well, I can handle it."
But then who will be able to cope with the heartache? Why is there so much hardship, sometimes even in believing marriages? Because the care and respect for each other has faded and because of worries, to still remain together, the care for one another has disappeared because of some trivial things. But God's Word provides insight, shows the way and also does so even in these matters. And God will help us all, especially the youth. We have spoken about almost every topic in the Bible in this place. Why should we not have spoken about this topic as freely and openly as we did this evening?
Once again, dear young brothers: believe me, our hearts are devoted to you. We do not want suffering to come to you, but rather joy and blessings from Almighty God. But I recommend it to you again: Before you start knocking on any door, first take plenty of time to pray. And you do not need to pray at all until you are old enough for this matter. Not at 16 or 17. At 19 or 20 you still have time to do it, so you know that the thing is within reach. Do not make stories that get you into trouble. And then when you pray, pray earnestly before Almighty God; and He will certainly answer. And He will most assuredly put into your hearts what you and the other interested person should do.
I have never heard of a person, a young man, who had the certainty from God that the girl was meant for him, that he told her and she then said "no." But that certainty simply has to be there. And only God can put that into the heart. It does not come through dreams or other things. Dreams have other meanings. This is not about dreams, this is about reality and therefore God must help us by grace.
But as I said: First, wait for the right time so as not to get yourself into trouble. And then, before you take a step, first pray and have certainty before the face of God. For it is not fitting for a young believing man to make promises to a girl and then leave her hanging. That is not appropriate. Rather what we say must be said before God. And to be able to say that, one must have the necessary maturity to not say something in blindness. But: You must be of an age where you can handle all these things responsibly, and then it will be right. Because no one can do that: If you give a girl a promise and perhaps keep her waiting for a long time and then do not take her, what would that be? This is absolutely unbecoming for believers. Therefore remain calm and continue on, waiting until the time comes. You can still talk, but when you talk, let your “yes” be a “yes” that one can rely on. And then the path will be paved for you to have a happy married life.
I hope that all of us who are here today, whether old or young, have somehow found it helpful and beneficial - and even those who are not married at all should have found it helpful too. Because God's Word always has something to say to us. And so, if we submit ourselves to it, we are already blessed with the blessing of Almighty God. May the LORD help us and grant us grace so that in the future - especially regarding this decision - we can indeed wait for the time and go into prayer before the LORD. And that the action we take is truly not a back-and-forth, not a deferral. But that the matter is firmly decided in our hearts, and that we mean what we say, and that the person concerned can rely on it and is not forsaken - but can rely on it. We say these things with certainty. No one should let themselves be guilty of such things, because God is the avenger of all such things. You can go back and forth with other things, but not with this thing. Nobody is allowed to go back and forth, but through prayer, God must place the decision in our hearts. Then we act accordingly and you will see that God will be able to give His blessing out of grace. The LORD be with us all and especially with our youth. And what would be more beautiful today than for our young people to pray fervently, if everyone prayed fervently - and thanked the LORD for his precious and Holy Word - let us stand up for that.
Heavenly Father, we sense your presence and blessing, O God. I ask you, faithful LORD, that you do not let this word return void. May it accomplish what you sent it for, O LORD. And may wounds be healed, O God, that your peace may be in all our hearts, and can reign over us by grace. May this peace of God be found in marriages and families and in every heart, O God. Faithful LORD, we ask once again that you would grant everyone the grace to heed this admonition of your Word, so that we may be protected from suffering, distress and misery. Oh God, let no one think that they can master their fate. My God, our lives are in your hands, everything depends on your blessing. LORD, and your Word has told us how your blessing can come upon us, namely if we hold fast to your Word. O God, may this be the day of decision for all our young brothers and all our young sisters. LORD, may it speak to their hearts that they do not want to go their own way, but only in your way. We thank you for this and adore you, in Jesus name. Amen.