Szabad Népmisszió

Jézus Krisztus tegnap és ma és mindörökké ugyanaz (Zsid.13:8)

nyelv :

Presentation of the mission work Free people's mission Inc. Krefeld / Ewald Frank

2. Basis of belief

The Holy Scripture is the only source, perfect foundation and only measuring road for the faith, the doctrine and life. God through His prophets in the Old and through the apostles in the New Testament has said all we need to know. The Bible is therefore the complete testimony of God to which like unto a testament nothing can be added.

The »Free people’s mission work« is different to all the revival movements which the Church of Christ experienced since the Reformation. All have organised their own churches in the respective denominations they established. We have the task to proclaim the revealed Word, the message of the hour and preach the whole counsel of God which must be made known to those who need to experience the completion. It is our aim to serve all of God’s children who are still scattered in the different churches. From this final proclamation not a new denomination will come into being, but the result will be the prepared Bride Church of Jesus Christ who is being called out from everywhere.

We certainly do not claim to be the only saving church, but see ourselves as part of the »Ecclesia« together with all who are called out by God’s Word. The elect constitute the living Church of the living God. We do not point to a man as the founder, but in reality are a continuation of the last revival. The goal is that the Lord Himself can built and complete His Own Church.

The teaching of God’s Word and the proclamation of the everlasting Gospel of Jesus Christ has always a two-fold effect. Man is shown to be lost because of all the transgressions, and therefore under judgement. Secondly, those who believe the preaching of the Word experience the faith that comes into their heart as the power of God unto salvation of the soul and the full justification before God.

Justification of the sinner does not mean justifying sin. Only those who avail themselves of God’s offer of grace and receive the same personally experience the salvation and recognise that they are called and chosen. If someone rejects God’s offer the same will be rejected. Only those who accept Him will then be accepted by Him.

The Holy Scripture is definite in all it testifies. Only what man say about it is ambiguous. Therefore we reject every interpretation as we do have the love for the Truth of the revealed Word.

Only what apostles left to us in their writings is indeed apostles’ doctrine. Only what the Bible truly testifies is biblical. Only what originates from Christ is indeed Christian. Decisions made in different councils in the course of church history are rejected as by them the adding to and falsifying of the original Word is obvious.

We believe in the one true God besides Whom there is no other, Who manifested Himself as Creator, Sustainer, Saviour, King, Judge etc. This is our foundation of our true faith.

The Nicene-Chalcedonean creed is being rejected as unscriptural. Therein one finds written as follows, »Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God begotten of the Father, only-begotten, that is, from the substance of the Father; God from God, Light from Light, Very God from Very God, begotten not made, of one substance with the Father …« Nowhere does the Bible speak of a Son being begotten and born by the Father in heaven. There is not even a hint in the Holy Scripture for such an assertion. The Son was born here on earth as recorded in the Gospels. The true apostolic confession is found in the Bible only. In the history of the dogmas are found the confessions of the Church.

God is one . There are not three omnipresent, not three eternal, omniscient, not three who divide almightiness among them, not three who unite, but rather there is only one almighty eternal God Who since the beginning of time manifested Himself in manifold ways. In the New Testament, He manifest Himself for our salvation as Father in Heaven in the Son, Immanuel God with us, on earth and through the Holy Spirit. In all the Old Testament the Son was predicted. He was begotten by the Holy Ghost, born by Mary, the Redeemer coming into the flesh, the first-born among many brethren. Through His vicarious suffering and giving His life at the cross, all sons and daughters of God were reconciled with their Heavenly Father. Through the preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, man are brought to the salvation knowledge of God which they can personally experience. Thus man by a true conversion are changed in their thoughts, forsake the broad way and are renewed in their hearts and are born again by the Word and Spirit of God unto a living hope.

God created man in His Own image for fellowship with Himself. The relationship between the Creator and humanity was broken through the fall into sin.

The fall into sin brought forth the result of a seed. Therefore the Lord God had to put enmity between the two different seeds and told Eve that she would give birth to her children with pain.

In that connection the first promise for the coming of the Messiah was given Who would be the »Seed« of God coming through the woman to bruise the Serpent’s head which was cursed.

At the beginning of the natural creation, Satan through the Serpent deceived and beguiled Eve and she pulled Adam into the transgression and so the enemy had won the influence over the creation which now through disobedience and transgression was separated from God even unto death.

At the beginning of the supernatural creation, God snatched from Satan the fallen humanity through the second Adam. He overshadowed Mary and so the Son of God was begotten by the Holy Spirit and born into this world to mend the damage through redemption and reconciliation and to re-establish the fellowship with God.

The mystery of the redemption of lost humanity is found in the fact that the Redeemer Himself paid the price. The Word was made flesh, became totally human in order to suffer and die in the Body of flesh and to conquer death and hell proven through the glorious Resurrection. Because the fall into sin happened in flesh and blood, it became necessary that redemption of fallen humanity is done by the Redeemer in the Body of flesh. He shed His holy Blood in which divine Life pulsated on the cross of Calvary for our redemption.

Thus the irreversible counsel of God takes Its course in spite of the timely interruption and will be completed with those who believe God for all eternity. They are the ones who receive God’s offer of grace and are pardoned. They will be taken into the eternal Glory and bliss for ever. After God’s plan of salvation is complete time merges into eternity.

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